
Het Duitse persbureau DPA schrijft dat Melnyk vorige week veel kritiek uitlokte met uitlatingen over de Oekraïense nationalist Stepan Bandera (1909-1959).
Bandera was tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog de leider van een organisatie die met de moord op Joden en Polen in verband wordt gebracht. Melnyk bestreed dat Bandera een massamoordenaar was. Volgens hem was hij een vrijheidsstrijder die door de Sovjet-Unie is gedemoniseerd.
De Israëlische ambassade in Duitsland verweet Melnyk dat hij de feiten verdraait, dat hij de Holocaust bagatelliseert en dat hij de slachtoffers van Bandera beledigt. Volgens de Süddeutsche Zeitung waren de uitlatingen van Melnyk ook voor Polen onacceptabel.

Wel, wel, wel...

Laatst bewerkt:
Nou ja zeg, net een gesprekje met onbekende op straat. Die kreeg door de propaganda van de Oekraine door dat er vanalles niet klopte. Hij was wakker geworden zei hij. :sleep: Heb hem maar even naar wat sites doorverwezen voor zijn verdere ontwaking, was nog flink zoekende.
Nou ja zeg, net een gesprekje met onbekende op straat. Die kreeg door de propaganda van de Oekraine door dat er vanalles niet klopte. Hij was wakker geworden zei hij. :sleep: Heb hem maar even naar wat sites doorverwezen voor zijn verdere ontwaking, was nog flink zoekende.

Heb je hem naar dit forum doorverwezen? 😁
  • Haha
Waarderingen: Luz
Hier begint de ontwaking pas echt. 😂
Als je denkt dat je wakker blijk je hier nog te slapen. 😂
Eens, gezien zijn opmerkingen gok ik dat hij bij de eerste de beste post als trol afgevoerd zou worden. Die ontmoediging gunde ik deze meneer op leeftijd niet.

🇷🇺 The stele at the entrance to the liberated Severodonetsk is now painted in the correct colors of the Russian flag

The activists also installed the Red Banner next to them as a symbol of the Victory.

The neo-fascist “Azov” unit was far from the only one in Ukraine that killed and tortured people. The same was the national unit "Aidar".

A forensic expert from Starobelsk, Dmitry Romanchuk, told us about the bodies of civilians killed by them being brought to him in Ukraine:

— ...the citizens Plotnikov A.A., Bakulin S.G. and Ustinov R.N. were found in the basement of the garage... with an open craniocerebral injury, another with multiple stab wounds of the chest area... they were all kept in the basement by the battalion "Aidar".

...the citizens Kurys A.M., Ivanov Y.V.... were delivered with gunshot wounds... the investigation revealed that they all had been shot dead by the “Aidar” battalion.

⚖️ The LPR is preparing to hold military tribunals for the crimes of Ukrainian troops

One of the parts of the investigation will be the death of about 50 people who burned to death in a boarding school for the disabled in Kremennaya captured by Ukrainian militants, Anna Soroka, assistant to the head of the LPR, said.


⚠️ This is why AZOV neo-Nazis are going to trial. People demand justice.
The footage is from Konstantin Nikitenko's (call sign 'Fox') armoured personnel carrier in the streets of Mariupol. They have no heart. They have no soul. Only ugly merciless hatred.

🇺🇦 Ukrainian neo-Nazies.

Ukraine wants to mobilize their citizens who fled to the EU.

The Embassy of Ukraine sent a request to the Italian Ministry of Internal Affairs to provide lists of all men aged 18-60 who left Ukraine.

"The Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of Ukraine informs you that according to the Law of Ukraine "On Military Duty and Military Service", conscripts cannot leave the country in times of war. People subjected to military obligations or reservists may not leave their place of residence without the authorization of the head of the corresponding territorial center for recruitment and social support. In this regard, in order to monitor Ukrainian citizens present in the territory of the Italian Republic, we ask you to prepare the lists of all men aged between 18 and 60, who have no medical disability or temporary inability to military service due to health conditions. Please prepare these lists as soon as possible."

Meer vrouwen aan de top! Behalve dan in Oekraine...

There is a scandal in Ukraine over the appointment of a 25-year-old girl with no work experience to the post of deputy minister.

Anna Sergeeva, who had never worked in the public sector before, became the new deputy head of the Ministry of Social Policy. She will be responsible for the European integration of the department.

Her salary will now be 2.5 times higher than that of President Zelensky, according to local media.

The appointment caused outrage among journalists, deputies and the public, who consider it a consequence of corruption in the Kiev regime.

🇺🇦 Ukrainian neo-Nazies.

This is what a day in the life of Russian-Ukrainians looks like in a country where neo-Nazies are in power.

"That's what you get you Putins bitch!"

Says a tough guy after spilling a bucket of paint on a Russian grandma.

⚡️ Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled almost all districts of Donetsk again

Today, around 4 o'clock in the morning, Voroshilovsky, Leninsky, Kalininsky, Kievsky, Proletarsky districts were under fire from Ukrainian Nazis. Later, at 8 o'clock, the Kuibyshevsky, Budenovsky and Kirovsky districts of the city came under fire.

Data on casualties and destruction are being specified.

In the Kalininsky district, a fire broke out in the administrative building after the shelling.

The fire was carried out with shells of 155-mm caliber.



Voor wie niet goed door heeft wat deze beelden eigenlijk laren zien:

◾Footage recovered from Mariupol shows Ukrainian troops firing at a group of civilians trying to evacuate the city.


Hier wat meer details over wat deze oudere vrouw is overkomen en waarom:

◾Kiev. Elderly woman attacked in the street.

◾First, the woman was beaten, her groceries were scattered on the ground, and then sprayed with paint to the approving exclamations of passers-by. According to eyewitnesses, the woman shouted slogans in support of Russia and tried to prevent the fundraising for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


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