
13 Jul, 2022 11:37
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Donbass republic reveals execution method for foreign fighters​

Convicted mercenaries will be shot if their appeals are not granted, DPR head Denis Pushilin has said
Donbass republic reveals execution method for foreign fighters

British citizens Aiden Aslin and Shaun Pinner, and citizen of Morocco Saadun Brahim sit inside a defendants' cage as they attend a court hearing in Donetsk, Donetsk People's Republic. © Sputnik / Konstantin Mihalchevskiy

Three convicted foreign volunteers who fought for Ukraine and were captured in Donbass will be executed by firing squad if their appeals are not granted by the court, the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Denis Pushilin, said on Wednesday.
On June 9, the republic’s Supreme Court sentenced three foreign fighters – two Brits and one Moroccan – to death, finding them guilty of being mercenaries and taking part in “Ukraine’s armed aggression,” attempting to overthrow the government of the DPR. Aiden Aslin, Shaun Pinner, and Brahim Saaudun appealed the verdict.

All foreigners filed an appeal; we are waiting for the court hearing. If the court finds a measure of punishment appropriate, then the cases will be transferred to the executive service for the implementation of the sentence. It is carried out by firing squad,” Pushilin said.

Pushilin’s remarks were made on Soloviev.Live, a prominent journalist’s RuTube channel, the day after the moratorium on executions was officially lifted in the DPR.
DPR takes step towards executing British mercenariesREAD MORE: DPR takes step towards executing British mercenaries

Lawmakers explained their move to lift the moratorium, saying capital punishment serves “as a deterrent to the commission of especially heinous crimes, in particular crimes against the peace and security of mankind.”

The fighters surrendered to Russian and DPR forces in or near Mariupol, a port city that the DPR claims as part of its sovereign territory. The UK authorities have insisted its citizens be treated as prisoners of war under the Geneva Conventions. However, Britain is not formally at war with the DPR and does not recognize the republic as an independent state.

The lawyers of all three men have filed complaints, asking the court to reduce the punishment. The last appeal, by Aslin’s defense, was filed on July 4. The court confirmed the receipt of the complaints and said they would be considered within two months of the dates the documents were sent.

Officials in Donetsk consider the men to be mercenaries, who are not granted the same privileges as regular combatants under international law.
Oekraine-panel op het symposium van FvD met zeer interessante bijdrages van de Russische ambassadeur in NL (wat mij betreft de meest interessante spreker), Marcel de Graaff (FvD), Marie-Therese ter Haar en John Laughland. Ook uitgenodigd was Joost Niemoller, maar die heb ik niet in dit rijtje gezet. Niemoller kreeg het slotwoord maar voegde m.i. niets toe aan de andere sprekers met zijn nietszeggende bujdrage.

Hoe zijn wij ooit aan die beeldvorming gekomen dat politici niks kunnen, niks doen, niks weten, ... ?

Politici doen alles met goede bedoelingen. Het zijn gewoon mensen zoals jij en ik. Op mijn werk noemde ik Sophie in ‘t Veld een keer een gevaarlijke gek. Maar dat was echt niet waar hoor. Sophietje heeft de beste bedoelingen. Er zit geen kwaad in. Als er dingen fout gaan komt dat dus niet door opzet van politici. Iedereen maakt wel eens fouten. Als het geen opzet is, blijft incompetentie over.
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