
The truth is painfully apparent. None of what the American media/politicians claim, makes any sense whatsoever. Unfortunately, many of the American people are so brainwashed by the propaganda being fed to them, they cannot see it. Many other see it, but simply refuse to acknowledge it, because to them, believing a comfortable lie, is much more convenient than confronting an uncomfortable truth.

Very few are willing to speak the truth. And in times of universal deceit, telling the Truth is a revolutionary act.

Start van digital wallet in de Oekraine sinds dec. 2021. Ong. 30 euro kado, als je je groene vinkjes hebt, kun je hem aanvragen. Salarissen liggen gemiddeld op 295 euro/maand. Zogenaamd om de volgende branches die hard getroffen zijn tijdens een of andere pandemie te helpen: Money can be spent on books, gyms, tickets to the cinema, theater, museums, concerts or transportation all over Ukraine. Na 4 maanden niet gebruikt? Geld weg! (je kan het wel cash opnemen voor die tijd, of overschrijven naar een andere rekening).
Alvast ff vertaald:

Voormalig Australisch Special Forces Commandant Riccardo Bosi over Oekraïne. 🔥

"Oekraïne is het centrum van de diepe staat. Het is de kop van de slang en Vlad trekt de kop eraf."

"Oekraïne is al tientallen jaren het centrum van de globalisten... De CIA werkt al 70 jaar in Oekraïne."

"Negeer al het geklets over een nucleaire oorlog en de pogingen van Rusland om de wereld over te nemen. Totaal het tegenovergestelde.
Doe je eigen onderzoek en stop met kijken naar de mainstream media."
Hij slaat de spijker op z'n kop.

Testimony from Ukraine citizens:
They were being forced to stay in their houses...were being used as human shields in Mariupol.
I looked up who controlled Mariupol and you guessed it:
It's none other than the Nazi Azov Battalion.
We have nazis using innocent civilians as human shields in Ukraine.


Westerse wapens die naar Oekraine gestuurd worden belanden veelvuldig in de handen van Russische strijdkrachten, die deze weer doorgeven aan soldaten van de DPR en LPR, de onafhankelijke republieken van Donetsk en Loehansk:

🇺🇦🇷🇺 So the Belarusian Nazis are calling to release the blockade of Mariupol, and save the perishing Nazi regiment "Azov".

But soon there will be nothing left of "Azov"

🇺🇦🇷🇺 "Azov, bitch! People were leaving - "Azov" shot, people! They shot columns of civilians who tried to go to Volodarsk - they shot buses!"

Civilians who escaped from Mariupol talk about the horrors they had to endure during the city battles.

According to them, there are many dead civilians in the city, who have no one to bury. Radicals from the Ukrainian "Azov Regiment" repeatedly disrupted the evacuation of civilians, shooting those who tried to leave the city.

🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡The Russian military, checking the building of the Kherson nightclub, discovered a cell of nationalists. The tattooed men and their assistants assured that they were volunteers helping the Red Cross. However, they do not have any documents. As arguments, they wanted to provide a bunch of diapers for the kids, but there wasn’t one either.

But the military found a machine gun, grenades, rubber batons, a baseball bat, helmets and Ukrainian flags in the club building. One of the "volunteers" explained the presence of weapons simply: "I found it."

🇷🇺🇺🇦Life in the trenches, fierce battles for the liberation of the territory of the LPR, occupied by military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and representatives of the national battalions.

There are no special forces here. These shots show ordinary men from the Donbass: miners, teachers, machine operators. It is they who give a worthy rebuff to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


Zelensky calls on Germany to ‘tear down the wall’ in Europe​

The day after the speech before US lawmakers, Ukraine's President addressed German Bundestag, continuing appeals for help against Russian attack
Zelensky calls on Germany to ‘tear down the wall’ in Europe

Members of parliament and of the German government listen as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky appears on two screens to address via videolink the German lower house of parliament Bundestag, on March 17, 2022 in Berlin. © AFP / Tobias SCHWARZ
Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky addressed German authorities at Bundestag on Thursday morning, calling on the Chancellor to help destroy a new “wall” Russia was building in Europe by its offensive on Ukraine.
The speech came the day after his speech before the US Congress on Wednesday night.
“It’s not a Berlin Wall — it is a wall in central Europe between freedom and bondage and this wall is growing bigger with every bomb dropped on Ukrainian territory,” Zelensky told the lawmakers in a video address.
“Dear Mr. Scholz, tear down this wall,” he asked the Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, referencing the 1987 appeal by then-US President Ronald Reagan to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in front of Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate.
Ukraine seeks nuclear allies
Ukraine seeks nuclear allies

The Ukrainian president claimed his cities have been hit by air strikes and that sanctions on Russia were “too few” to stop the offensive, asking Germany for more military support. He reiterated his request to establish a no-fly zone over Ukraine, repeatedly rejected by Western leaders due to fears of escalation of conflict with Russia.
Volodymyr Zelensky also made explicit reference to the Holocaust, evoking the famous slogan.
“Every year politicians say: ‘never again.’ Now I see that these words are worthless. A whole nation is being exterminated in Europe," he stated.
In his speech, Zelensky reproached Germany for putting its economy before other countries’ security prior to the Russian attack, criticizing the many ties German enterprises had with Russia, indirectly sponsoring the upcoming hostilities. He also accused the German government of supporting the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project, which was meant to transfer Russian natural gas to Europe, as Ukraine was among the countries opposing the project and insisting it could be a menace European security.
Moscow attacked its neighbor in late February, following a seven-year standoff over Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, and Russia’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics in Donetsk and Lugansk.
Russia has demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.

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