
Remember The Rothschild saying they can't lose Ukraine. Remember President Trump was telling us all along it was from bio labs in Ukraine he said Chy-na then he held up the q-tips like a trident and the Trident is in the coat of arms in Ukraine.

  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Surv
Er is inmiddels geen twijfel meer over mogelijk dat er Amerikaanse biolabs in Oekraïne zijn. Onderzoeksjournalist Ben Swann heeft nieuwe informatie gekregen waaruit blijkt dat ze mogelijk verantwoordelijk zijn geweest voor uitbraken van zeldzame ziektes in de buurt van de labs, waaronder cholera en varkensgriep.

Werden Amerikaanse biolabs in Oekraïne gebruikt voor biowapens?​

🇷🇺🇺🇦 As we expected, retribution was not long in coming. Our fighters in the combat zone work clearly, smoothly and efficiently. The experience accumulated over the years in the most complex special operations is evident. Well, as for the members of nationalist formations, everything is more than clear. If there are no civilians at hand, they act according to a proven scheme approved by the top military leadership of Ukraine - running without looking back. Luckily for us, this tactic has not been working as expected lately.

I want to appeal to all Nazis, Bandera and shaitans: you can bark from your hiding places as much as you like, you are neither physically nor morally capable of more. One by one, the areas are cleared, and soon it will reach you. Either you voluntarily lay down your arms and accept the punishment you deserve, or we will knock it out of your hands and take punitive measures ourselves.

Het Russische bombardement op het trainingskamp in de nabijheid van Liviv heeft voor vele doden en gewonden gezorgd onder BUITENLANDSE huurlingen en heeft een afschrikwekkend effect op andere buitenlandse ingehuurde krachten.

🇷🇺⚡ Whoever comes to us with a sword will die from Caliber

More and more details on the results of the strike on a military base near Lviv

According to radio interception, losses among foreign mercenaries and special forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as a result of a strike on a base near Lvov have already amounted to at least 267

According to 50-year-old Peter from Austria, who was a member of the "International Legion of Ukraine", on the basis of the Yavoriv training ground, at the time of the strike of the Russian Aerospace Forces there were from 800 to a thousand foreigners.

The wounded are still being taken out - about 450/300 have been evacuated to Poland.

Many have burns to their faces and bodies, and some have their limbs torn off.

The number of missing people, who are under the rubble of the corps, in which there were American, Romanian and Polish mercenaries, is not yet completely known.

Arms deliveries worth $400 million have been completely destroyed.

Among the dead are a large number of officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and former NATO officers.

The authorities of Ukraine and the United States carefully hide the real scale of the losses, secretly raking up the consequences of a successful attack by the Russian Armed Forces.

After the incident, the enthusiasm of mercenaries from all over the world noticeably faded.

An Austrian mercenary said this about the strike on the Yavorovsky training ground: “These people will all die, no one will get out of here alive!”

  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Surv
🇷🇺‼️ The second phase of the military operation has begun. Russia first used hypersonic missile "Daggers" and began to destroy entire brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, now the fighting will be tougher

At today's briefing of the Ministry of Defense, information was announced about the use of the Bastion and Dagger complexes as part of a special military operation. This is the first officially confirmed use of these types of weapons in a real conflict.

This fact, as well as the emerging information about the successful use of cruise missiles against the mercenary base near Lvov and the location of the 79th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Nikolaev, suggests that Russia, with a high degree of probability, has begun the second phase of the NMD. And now, unlike the first stage, the conduct of hostilities is built not on the classical concept of a large-scale offensive, but on the principles of “new generation” armed conflicts, when, instead of a ground offensive, priority is given to the use of long-range precision weapons and mobile special-purpose sabotage groups. Such an approach, although it will require more time for the complete demilitarization of Ukraine, will significantly reduce the possible losses of regular ground formations of the RF Armed Forces.

Thus, the military operation is increasingly beginning to look like a tough modern war by all the rules, which greatly frightens the Ukrainian leadership, which is increasingly turning to NATO with a request to create a no-fly zone. However, predictably, there is no talk of any no-fly zone.

  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Surv

Weer een reden om Rusland te bashen.
Nederlanders ontpoppen zich steeds meer als domme meelopers. Dat krijg je als je alleen maar MSM leugens tot je neemt. Die prikjes van Hugo tasten kennelijk ook het denkvermogen aan.
Weer een reden om Rusland te bashen.
Nederlanders ontpoppen zich steeds meer als domme meelopers. Dat krijg je als je alleen maar MSM leugens tot je neemt. Die prikjes van Hugo tasten kennelijk ook het denkvermogen aan.
Die prikjes hebben het denkvermogen alleen maar verslechterd, als ze een kritisch denkvermogen hadden gehad, hadden ze die prikjes niet genomen.
In a now deleted tweeted, Zelenskyy’s ex-spokeswoman posted a picture of three exhausted firefighters, praising the work of Ukraine’s fire service. The trouble is, the picture was that of Australian firefighters from 2019.

  • Haha
Waarderingen: Surv
🇷🇺🇺🇦 A resident of Mariupol told how Ukrainian nationalists hid between schools and kindergartens.

"They came like rats, shot back, and ran away."

Rusland is een nieuwe fase ingegaan, get gebruik van hypersonische raketten:

Dit zijn raketten waar traditioneel luchtafweergeschut nuet op toegerust is omdat deze raketten lager en sneller vliegen en omdat ze wendbaarder zijn. Hiermee heeft Ruslamd een wereldwijde prineur in ganden, nooit eerder tevoren zijn hypersonische raketten ingezet.

I stand with Ukraine! Zelensky, die mogelijk de Nobel Vredesprijs gaat winnen, schort oppositiepartijen op:


Do I believe that Ukrainian women and children are being removed form the city of Mariupol to be relocated to Russia?


Do I believe its happening the way the article is portraying?


My guess? The Russian Mil is allowing these civilians to escape and end their use as disposable human shields to the Neonazis.

Nothing is what it seems. Question everything. ESPECIALLY when coming from the MSM.

"Over the past week, several thousand Mariupol residents have been taken to Russian territory," the city council said in a statement, according to CNN. "The occupiers illegally took people from the Livoberezhny district and from the shelter in the sports club building, where more than a thousand people (mostly women and children) were hiding from the constant bombing."


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