
US outsourced dangerous infections studies to other countries – Lavrov to RT​

Pentagon-funded labs in nations bordering Russia and China need to be opened up for inspections, the Russian FM said
US outsourced dangerous infections studies to other countries – Lavrov to RT

FILE PHOTO. ©Maciej Frolow / Getty Images

Russia suspects Pentagon-funded bioresearch laboratories in foreign nations, including those in Ukraine, may pose a threat because of the secrecy surrounding their work, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told RT. Washington apparently didn’t want to risk exposing its own people to the pathogenic threat, he suggested.
“The Americans some years ago decided that it was too dangerous to do [such research] on their own soil. So, they moved all these threatening and dangerous activities to other countries,”Lavrov claimed.
“More and more they concentrate their research and experiments around the borders of the Russian Federation and China,” he remarked.
Lavrov was referring to biolabs funded by the Pentagon’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency, the existence of which was highlighted during Russia’s attack on Ukraine. The Russian military claims it has discovered evidence that the work in Ukrainian labs funded by the US Department of Defense had military applications.
Washington has denied the claims, which had reiterated Russia’s previous suspicions about research undertaken on foreign territory in return for American grants. The US government said the labs existed to study emerging infections throughout the world and served as an epidemic early warning system.
Beijing wants US to ‘open biolabs’ to international experts
Beijing wants US to ‘open biolabs’ to international experts

US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland last week testified under oath that there were “biological research facilities in Ukraine,” and that the US was assisting Kiev in destroying research materials so they would not get into Russia’s hands.
In his interview with RT, Lavrov said that, in his assessment, there were more than 300 biolabs worldwide involved in research for the Pentagon. Such facilities should be subject to international monitoring for compliance with the Biological Weapons Convention, which bans any work related to germ warfare. There is no verification mechanism for the treaty – a lapse Moscow wants addressed, Lavrov said.
The UN Security Council is to convene later on Friday at Russia’s request to discuss a legally binding protocol to the convention, “which would require obligatory transparency measures by any participating state,” the minister said. The US stonewalled attempts to implement such a protocol throughout the 1990s before blocking it in 2001, therefore “the Americans … will be against it,” Lavrov predicted, branding the obstruction “not defensible.”
Beijing has previously supported calls for greater transparency about American bioresearch, arguing that Washington would have nothing to hide if all work carried out in foreign labs was as benign as it claimed.
🇷🇺🇺🇦 Residents of Mariupol who leave the city through Russian checkpoints are being searched for tattoos with Nazi symbols.

I stand with Ukrainian nazi's!🐑

🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡ Our soldiers are liberating building after building in Mariupol. Yes, it's not happening as fast as everyone would like. But in every apartment and in every basement there can be civilians and children, so our fighters are in no hurry. The Azovites take advantage of this, occupy the upper floors of residential buildings in order to later accuse the Russian troops of shooting at civilians, merge with the locals, change into civilian clothes, and then shamefully escape.

These shots show the release of families with children from the danger zone, who spent several days in the basement. Their lives are no longer in danger.

Here and there you can find broken chevrons of Azov and other Natsiks lying on the ground. Do they think we'll be looking for them on military insignia? Naive! Your lists with names, photos and addresses have long been with us!
Run, Bandera! Sparkle your heels!

Russia presented more evidence at the UN Security Council today.
He says they were funding "components for biological weapons created in the territory of Ukraine."

Citing the P781 project studied they are alleging that they were experimenting with the "transmission to humans of diseases through bats...6 families of viruses were identified including Coronaviruses..."
Coronaviruses....nothing to see here.

US response:
This is malarkey, there are no biological weapons programs in Ukraine, this is a dark conspiracy theory.

So why did they try to hide the "research facilities from the public? Why did they fear Russians getting ahold of their "facilities" if there's nothing to hide?


H/T: https://gab.com/TheSharpEdge1/posts/107978465484950303

🇸🇪🇺🇦The Swede who survived after the destruction of the mercenary base near Lviv returned to his homeland. 31-year-old Markus Fredriksson said that early in the morning on March 13, the alarm system that had been working properly before did not work, and everyone at the facility woke up already from the sounds of the explosion. He is sure that one of the mercenaries passed information about their whereabouts to the Russian military.

As a result, Markus returned to Poland, and from there home to Sweden. After his experience, he doubts that the Swedish government can track how the money and weapons sent to Ukraine are used: "You need to better understand where and who gets information and equipment. Where does the money go? In this case, it seemed like it was just crap."

🇬🇧🇺🇦 British mercenary in Ukraine: Ben Spann, 36, spent five days in a safe house in western Ukraine with four former British military personnel. Fearing that he would be sent on a "suicidal mission", he remembered that he had not lived long and had a wife and children, so he returned to the UK.

Zelensky voor een green screen?


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