Palestina - Israël

"Those who are doing the mass murder is Israel, and this is not just the last 9 months. It's a history of 76 years, what is an international matter, a British matter, an American matter, is Israel, because Washington & London are backers of Israel."

Powerful and Truthful Words by Palestinian Ambassador to the UK @hzomlot on C4News

I don’t know if you noticed, but the Lancet study says the Gaza death toll may exceed 186,000.

It has received ZERO coverage in American mainstream news. None whatsoever.

The Death Toll could even reach 500,000 as deaths of people from sickness or those still under the rubble is NOT COUNTED in the daily figure.


The death toll in Gaza is at least 186,000.

This number has been calculated by The Lancet, one of the world's most esteemed, peer-reviewed medical journals.

A recent video circulated where a woman in Gaza was saying, "There are no men left.. they've killed or captured them all."

Meanwhile, the House of Representatives pushed a bill to make it illegal to share the fatality numbers in Palestine.

The US passed an amendment that the State Department in the US cannot disclose the death toll numbers from the Gaza Health Ministry.

Imagine how much control the Zionist regime has on American politicians when they fund candidates unlimitedly, provide blank checks to Israel (instead of Americans), and now pass laws to keep people from knowing the truth?

Israel owns many of our politicians. They force them to pass laws to keep the public blind. These laws include restricting what can be said in history books and journals for public schools and changing the definition of "Anti Semitism" so they can arrest anyone who defies them.

Zionism is like the plague. It's time to #DismantleZionism


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