️JUST IN: Al-Qassam; Part of the life of the fighters.
0:00- "Of course, in front of us are Jews, and behind us are Jews, and to our left are Jews, and to our right are Jews, and with us are people who humiliated the Jews."
0:10- "Under the rubble." "Under the rubble we are making dough." "This is, of course, after the blessed work." "He's sitting making coffee." "I'm stirring with the stick."
0:18 - "May Allah accept from us all the small and large deeds. May he use us and not replace us."
0:23 - "We are preparing ourselves, adorning ourselves, and putting on cologne before our meeting with the enemy, because we will meet Allah Almighty. By Allah's will, we are martyrs advancing and not retreating. And if Allah Almighty, decrees life for us, our life, Allah willing, will be in the path of Allah. We will show the enemy our might, Allah willing."