Palestina - Israël

Is misschien al voorbij gekomen (?):

Khalid Mashal, de leider en oprichter van Hamas, hield vandaag een toespraak waarin hij moslims over de hele wereld vroeg om het volgende te doen:

1. Om woede te tonen, vooral aanstaande vrijdag, in moslimlanden en ook onder moslimdiaspora over de hele wereld; hij noemde het “de vrijdag van de Al-Aqsa-overstroming”, hij zei dat dit een boodschap van woede zal sturen naar de zionisten en naar Amerika

2. Hij vroeg om financiële hulp van alle moslims over de hele wereld; om met hun geld te helpen, noemde hij het “Financiële Jihad”. Hij vroeg moslims om geld te geven aan de strijders van Gaza om hen te compenseren voor de vernietiging

3. Hij vroeg politieke druk van moslimleiders en moslimlanden om de Israëlische militaire invasie van Gaza te stoppen

4. Het allerbelangrijkste: hij vroeg alle moslims over de hele wereld om de Jihad met hun ziel te dragen; om te vechten en martelaren te zijn voor Al-Aqsa.
Hij wil dat moslims tegen de joden strijden, te beginnen met moslims die in de landen rondom Israël wonen: Jordanië, Syrië, Libanon en Egypte (maar ook andere landen), naar de grenzen gaan en proberen binnen te komen, ieder met zijn eigen middelen. . Hij zei: Dit is het moment om Jihad in de praktijk toe te passen, en niet alleen in theorie. Hij vroeg de Mujahedeen om in lange karavanen te gaan om hun bloed over het land Palestina te vergieten.

Dit zijn zijn laatste woorden:

Fondsen zijn belangrijk, maar vandaag vragen we om uw bloed en zielen [op te offeren voor Palestina]
Roseanne is questioning everything:
"Why didn't all that infrastructure work (when Israel was attacked)?
Who benefits the most? We're done in congress talking about Joe Biden and the Ukraine. I think that's all been exposed. They were just starting to go what did Joe Biden and all the crime families do in DC? All the political prostitutes that say they are representatives and Senators. What deals did they make in China? Perhaps what happened there was part of the plan of the owners of the world to distract from that. I think that ultimately gain the most from it are China and the people in DC who are fighting and have been fighting since Trump was elected to keep their crimes out of the news. To keep the people unaware and uneducated and ill informed of the criminal enterprises they've run against the people and the people's money. They've taking public money and put it into private pockets that's what congress is and nothing more. Those are the two main beneficiaries of this. Iran.. It was a suicide mission.. I feel like Iran sacrificed Hamas. While the world is looking there, here comes Hezbollah."
There is more going on here than meets the eye and we need to carefully sift through available information to find it.

There are reports coming out now that Egypt actually warned Israel about an incoming attack multiple days before it happened. I don't know if this is true or not but the question remains:
Why did Israel's intelligence fail?
Hamas were planning this attack for months and you're telling me they didn't have any idea it was coming and their response was a complete failure despite the fact they have one of the most guarded places in the world.. Or is it even possible for them to not have known and all of these defenses fail? I suspect not but apparently I'm a conspiracy theorist for questioning these things..
Why do you think Israel Intelligence failed? Did they fail on purpose?
This is an important question. Because if they did, we are being manipulated once again on a global scale.

I’m not sure why being apprehensive and skeptical about exactly what is going on in the Middle East is being met with such hostility and vitriol.

The last time that we acted on impulse and emotion, while severely lacking details and facts - we got the Patriot Act, along with a bunch of other bullshit, and a jubilated military industrial complex got their forever war.

I have questions about Iraq and Afghanistan.

I have questions about Russia and Ukraine.

I have questions about Israel and Palestine, and Iran.

The entire mainstream media (whom everyone seems to agree pushes fake news, and is the enemy of the people, the enemy of truth) - is pushing for full scale war, and essentially kicking off WW3. I think it’s more than reasonable to assume there might be something going on here.

Emotions cloud judgement, try and look at everything going on objectively and with a healthy level of skepticism.

They lie to us and emotionally manipulate us constantly, keep that in mind.

Really shouldn’t confuse Israel the bloodline of Jacob/Israel with the country named “Israel” founded by Rothschilds that takes up the land God promised the Israelites.

There is a difference.

God’s Justice will prevail on all murderers, sinners, blasphemers, and deniers of His Son, for sure.

Just may not look like what you think it should or would.


Julians Rum pointed out a five year delta to me on the Q drops that show something very interesting...
The drop talks about Israeli Intelligence standing down..
Now that is very interesting considering what we know about "Israel's 9/11" and the intelligence failure that happened...
If it's true that Egypt told Israel about the incoming attack multiple days before and they stood down this would make it a near perfect delta...
Is this connected somehow?
Is this all some kind of plan to take down Hamas or someone else?
Who is pulling the strings?
The chess pieces are moving but who is winning and what will happen next?
I have so many questions.


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