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Mooi geschreven van deze anon/Leo Tolstoy:

>The hard part for us is having to wait for the 'public' to 'know' what we've known for a very long time.
>There is no bigger threat to 'them' than the public being awake and thinking for themselves.
>Why are we here?

To paraphrase the words of Leo Tolstoy, [Q’s words above remind us] "of that unconquerable force which constitutes real genuine public opinion - that spirit of Truth while itself advancing moves all humanity.

The State knows this, and trembles before this force, and strives through its envy in every way it can to counteract or become possessed of it. They know that strength is not in force, but in the action of the mind, and in its clear expression, and, therefore, they are more afraid of the expression of independent thought than of armies; hence they institute censorships, bribe the media, and monopolize the control of religion, science, and education.

But this spiritual force which moves the world eludes them; it is neither in books nor in papers; it cannot be trapped, and is always free; it is in the depths of consciousness of each individual. The most powerful force of freedom which cannot be imprisoned is that which asserts itself in the soul of an individual when s/he is alone, in silence, and then naturally communicates his/her thoughts to a spouse, sibling, or friend; those from whom s/he would regard it as dishonest to conceal the Truth."

Hell yeah!!! Ze gaan nu echt volop de aanval in, zowel Q als The Donald! De 'birther movement', waar Trump aan ten grondslag stond, is terug van weggeweest en Corsi wordt VERMORZELD! AJ moet zich NU van hem ontdoen, anders is hij uitgespeeld!

Een Nederlandse site in opbouw met betrekking tot het Q fenomeen:

Now comes the pain:

HUGE: Deep State leak to NY Times is admission that Obama regime spied on Trump campaign without evidence of any crime


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