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Die info van Bill Smith verklaart een hoop! Vergeet WikiLeaks, Assange is WikiLeaks. James Munder heeft er ook een video over gemaakt:

Die 11e juni komt ook overeen met -23. Dat is dus: nog 23 dagen te gaan. En dan kom je uit op 11 juni. Exciting!

Future proves past.

20 april:

Answer Q re: SR.
SR June JA.

Why did the D’s push legal rep on family?
June ETA.

Op 11 juni zal Julian Assange de waarheid over de dood van Seth Rich onthullen! Geen wonder dat WikiLeaks druk doende is om QAnon af te schrijven...

11 juni 2018, een dag voor de top in Noord-Korea:

You knew when you set that trip, that the PAIN would be delivered "—-23!!!"
More evidence of foreknowledge.

I'd watch the news that day.


Nieuwe update van mij naar Dan (The Iconoclast):

Thank you for your lightning-fast and very accurate response to Tommy Robinson's arrest last Friday! Remember when you offered me 15 quid for my article and I declined saying you might need the $$ for legal representation one day? I'd seriously consider seeking legal help, if you're not already doing so. After "disappearing" TR the authorities issued a so-called "D notice", meaning you or anyone else can't report about the TR arrest, for fear of being picked up yourself.

But all is not lost. May has definitely jumped the shark on this one and the country that brought forth the Magna Carta is now experiencing its own 1776 moment. Despite the news blackout, we know THOUSANDS have amassed at Downing Street 10 to protest and some of them even tried to climb the fence. Their numbers will only grow and England is on the cusp of a revolution. All it takes is one shot being fired at one of the protesters and all hell will break loose. There are also demonstrations taking place or about to take place in other countries, including Australia and my own country of Holland. May is about to find out hat this 1984-style Ingsoc politics won't wash in 2018!

Shortly after Davos, when Trump spoke behind the scenes with Merkel, Macron and May, QAnon posted that May was 'neutralized'. Turns out she was comped again by the globalists, so she is a real liability. I would not be at all surprised if "suddenly" certain damaging info will come out about May and her aides. Maybe Trump will even intervene publicly and speak out about the unlawful arrest of TR. It ain't over till it's over, Dan, so don't despair! The only thing that actually worries me at this point is that Tommy may have to take it for the team and get killed by muslim gangs.

Wanna know why I'm so optimistic despite all this? In the QAnon posts we have seen the numbers [30] and [23] come up, within 7 days of each other. As usual, we've been puzzling hard and several theories were formulated, but we now know that the reference was to first 30 DAYS and then 23. This means there's a countdown going on toward June 11. Further confirmation has come from a now defunct Twitter channel called Backchannel17 - in other words, BackchannelQ. This channel spoke in similar code language as QAnon and followed only one other account, that of Julian Assange. This channel also mentioned June 11 and suggested JA is already out of the Ecuadorian embassy (who knows for how long?) and that he will publicly speak out on the murder of Seth Rich, the murdered DNC IT staffer who leaked the Podesta emails to WikiLeaks and who exposed primary-election vote rigging in favor of Hillary, at Bernie Sanders' expense.

A brand new Twitter account to keep track of is EyetheSpye:

This channel does Q&A and, based on the answers given we can definitely conclude that we're dealing with an insider - in other words, a member of the Q-team. Once again, the date June 11 pops up and to the question of whether Backchannel17 was in fact JA the answer is confirmative. This means JA is already somewhere in the US under military protection. In one of the earlier drafts of the Salvage article I actually hinted at this and now I'm kicking myself for not keeping it in there!

Then there are the following announcements in the Q-posts, which are very telling, knowing what we know now:

Answer Q re: SR.
SR June JA.

Why did the D’s push legal rep on family?
June ETA.

These are from April 20! And this is from May 19, in response to an Anon:

You knew when you set that trip, that the PAIN would be delivered “—-23!!!”
More evidence of foreknowledge.

I’d watch the news that day.

Hang in there, Dan, things will change in a very short time, and the world will be SHOCKED. Good thing you're getting a heads-up from me, because otherwise things would seem a lot more dismal.

As for the June 12 Korea summit, Trump's National Security Advisor John Bolton tried to sabotage it by stating that they wanted to use the 'Libya model' for North Korea, which angered them a great deal. Trump's VP Mike Pence also stated that NK 'will end like Libya'. Both Bolton and Pence are swamp rats and Trump has known this from the beginning. This is all part of Trumps 5D chess moves, as he prefers to keep his enemies close so he can study their every move. When asked about Pence being a black hat, EyetheSpy answers they have 'leverage' over him to keep him in line. I have a feeling Theresa May will experience some of that "leverage" very soon as well! What you need to know is that most likely the nuclear negotiations with Kim Jung-Un have already been completed behind the scenes, which explains why the 3 American prisoners were released and why NK destroyed one of their nuclear test sites (either that or the US did it for them, probably from space). So there WILL be a summit (which is just for show) and there WILL be major, and I mean MAJOR revelations, by JA regarding Seth Rich a day before that. As I wrote in my article, grab your beer and popcorn because this is promising to be a good one!

Zoals je enkele posts terug kunt zien zijn de video's van Bill Smith, waarin hij ons wijst op de Twitter-accounts Backchannel17 en EyeTheSpye, alweer verwijderd door YT. Als deze accounts nep zijn, waarom dan deze actie? Nu Q officieel 'stil ligt' op 8chan zien we dat ze wel degelijk via andere platforms met ons blijven communiceren. Nog twee weekjes geduld en dan komt THE FLOOD!

SpaceShot76 legt in deze lange video uitgebreid uit waarom hij wel vertrouwt op het plan en waarom we te maken hebben met sukkels als Isaac Green, UNIRock, Lift the Veil, Corsi e.a., die over twee weken allemaal hun woorden zullen moeten opeten:

Ik ben de video van SpaceShot76 nu aan het bekijken en dat kan godzijdank omdat ik hem al open heb staan, maar ik zie in bovenstaande post dat-ie alweer van YT af is. Ik heb deze ochtend ook al twee pogingen gezien van Justinformed Talk om een video te plaatsen. De censuur is werkelijk stuitend! SpaceShot noemt de Twitter-account EyeTheSpy en JIT vraagt zich in zijn gecensureerde video af of Assange QAnon is. Je mag deze Twitter-accounts dus niet noemen of Assange i.v.m. QAnon brengen. Ongelooflijk.

Nu dan toch de inmiddels beruchte video van JIT:

Je computer niet afsluiten totdat je hem gezien hebt! Als je je laptop dichtklapt en op standby laat staan, blijft-ie zichtbaar als je hem eenmaal hebt gestart.


Zoon Robert Kennedy houdt rekening met tweede schutter
'Sirhan Sirhan kan niet de moordenaar zijn'

Alles, maar dan ook ALLES, gaat uitkomen!

Dit is de verwijderde video van Spaceshot76 hierboven:

En een nieuwe korte video van Spaceshot76:


Heel apart, maar de "verwijderde" video kan je gewoon bekijken.

Wederom een duidelijke update van X22Report:


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