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It’s time to call for the arrest and prosecution of top Democrat lawmakers for treason. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff and Mark Warner have all signed a letter demanding the FBI and DOJ defy the declassification orders of the U.S. President. They are demanding this in order to hide their own criminality, of course. It’s a desperate move for deep state Democrats to prevent the truth from coming out about their complicity in the illegal spying on Trump campaign officials throughout 2016, 2017 and even 2018.

Kijk uit voor FAKE MAGA's, vooral vrouwelijke! We zagen dat al eerder met Joy Villa en Red Pill Black (Candace Owens). Gelukkig hebben we Dustin Nemos die ze in de gaten houdt en ontmaskert:

Uitgebreide update van mij naar Dan (The Iconoclast):

How come POTUS announced the declas of the FISA warrant and Strzok/Page texts a week ago and they're still not out there for everyone to see? Several reasons, actually:

- POTUS has to abide by the law and go through several layers of red tape. He's already trying to speed things up as it is.
- POTUS leaves the swamp creatures dangling for just a bit longer.

Particularly the latter reason is interesting. Trump is now openly stating he has been contacted by certain unnamed foreign allies about the upcoming declas and that he's in communication with them. According to Q, these foreign allies are the UK and Australia, primarily. Which begs the question: if this is classified information, how do these parties know about what's in the warrant and text messages? The answer, of course, is that they know through the Five Eyes agreement, which allows them to ILLEGALLY spy on the U.S. And although Trump does not mention these countries by name, he is making it clear that these are "key allies":

The public is being prepped for the notion that foreign nations are involved in the spy campaign against Team Trump, so prepare for some fireworks in your country as well!

Me thinks this will have serious implications for the Brexit talks as well. No doubt this will bring down Theresa May and it's very likely that her replacement will be either Johnson or Rees-Mogg, both of whom support a hard Brexit. So on March 29 there will either be a deal that clearly favors Britain or no deal at all. This will depend on the EU's willingness to have 11th hour talks to force some sort of deal. By rejecting May's half-assed Chequers proposal they now think they have the upper hand and can make an example of Britain to show other EU member states they'd better not try to break away either. Once a more Trump-like line of negotiations is used, however, Britain may well be able to turn the tables in their favor. The EU does NOT want to see something as bold and daring as a hard Brexit, as it may set a bad precedent to have the UK make an example of them instead of vice versa.

All that's needed is for a couple of badasses to take their place at the negotiation table. As Trump has shown, we are dealing with beta males who are used to having the full bureaucratic weight of the EU behind them to blackmail the opposition into submission but who are no match for true alpha males who don't care two shits about all their petty rules and other obstructionist tactics. Remember also that Steve Bannon is Trump's guy in Europe and he may well step in behind the scenes to help things along, since we both know that Boris Johnson cannot be entirely trusted. Who knows what sort of last-minute role Farage may play as well. As I wrote before, Brexit was instrumental for the global populist movement and there's no way Trump will allow this watershed moment to be watered down in any way!

So when will the documents be released to the public? Will it still be a September Surprise or an (early) October Surprise after all? It's clear that Trump has got the upper hand and he can either deal with the slow Washington bureaucracy or decide at some point to pass on these docs directly to IG Horowitz, who will then have the legal obligation based on Trump's executive order to release this information unredacted. The one person in the way is still Obama appointee Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, the #2 at the DOJ. According to Q, Rosenstein tried twice to meet with POTUS but was turned down. This is what badass alphas do and no "strong and empowered" female could ever do! Are you listening, Theresa? So the Deep State needs a new playbook. Well, isn't that interesting when you compare this Q post:

And this Trump tweet:

Both were sent on the same day (Sept. 18)!

Clinton, Comey and other Deep State actors are up in arms on Twitter and are now talking about a "red line" Trump should not cross. Then there's a NYT article which details how early on in Trump's presidency Rosenstein joked about wearing a wire to record the "chaos in the White House". The new tactic is pure projection: they honestly think Trump's personality is highly volatile instead of the "stable genius" he called himself and that Trump will be so enraged upon learning this that he'll immediately fire Rosenstein. The news cycle will then be about Trump's hindering the phony Russia probe, him being unfit for office and possible grounds for impeachment. It will also deflect attention away from the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, since their last-ditch attempt at smearing Kavanaugh with bogus sexual harassment claims is rapidly falling apart. But the winner takes it all: Kavanaugh will be confirmed and the declas will happen, prompting Rosenstein to either step down himself or recuse himself from the Russia investigation. Once Rosenstein goes, so does Mueller and with them the Russian collusion delusion. In the words of Q: Goodbye Mr. Rosenstein.

Since the Kavanaugh confirmation has been postponed, I think we'll see the declas after Oct. 3rd. An October Surprise after all!

Update van X22 Report waarin Dave min of meer hetzelfde zegt als wat ik hierboven heb beschreven:

The Plan gaat echter niet alleen over (geo)politiek, het gaat ook over financien en economie. Volgens Dave van X22 Report is Jerome Powell "our guy" en is zijn rol als hoofd van de Federal Reserve om de rente alsmaar meer te verhogen en zo uiteindelijk het gecentraliseerde monetaire systeem ten val te brengen. Ondertussen pleegt Trump hetzelfde statistische bedrog met banencijfers, groei van BNP etc. als zijn voorgangers en blijft zijn economische beleid daardoor buiten schot van de Deep State en de media en kan de uiteindelijke geplande instorting van het geldsysteem worden toegeschreven aan de Fed en niet aan Trumps (fictieve) hallelujah-economie. Daarna kan een echte kapitaaleconomie op basis van een harde munt (dekking door edelmetalen) worden ingevoerd en de centrale bank worden afgeschaft en hebben we een economische reset. Trust the plan!


2 x Neon Revolt:

Godrules denkt te weten wat er precies is gebeurd rondom de Sunspot Observatory in New Mexico (en op verschillende andere plaatsen over de hele wereld), maar zoomt vooral in op diverse theorien en waarom ze niet kloppen. Desondanks een interessante video:

Amateurbeelden van sterren tegenover de CGI (Computer Generated Images) van NASA (Never A Straight Answer):


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