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Dit zijn geen natuurbranden, maar is een vorm van oorlogsvoering. Men spreekt over meer dan 1000 vermisten, maar degene die dicht op het vuur zaten denken dat dit een voorzichtige schatting is en het werkelijke dodenaantal veel hoger ligt. Daarbij is in de getroffen gebieden de aanval direct gericht op de bewoners zelf. Vooral huizen en voertuigen zijn vernietigd en het lijkt erop dat velen niet de tijd hebben gehad om te ontsnappen.
Ben zeer benieuwd naar deel 2. Jarenlang is Judy Wood belachelijk gemaakt, met name door de 911 'truther' community, vanwege haar theorie dat er Directed Energy Weapons zijn gebruikt op 9/11, maar zoveel jaar later zien we dit fenomeen terug in Californie. Eerder dit jaar in Griekenland zagen we dit ook al. Mensen due superdicht bij de zee woonden hadden desondanks geen enkele kans en verbrandden levend in hun auto's. Ik zou wel eens willen weten wat Judy Wood hierover vindt. Hier gaat ze in op DEWs in relatie tot 9/11:

Update van mij naar Dan (The Iconoclast):

Looks like everything's coming to a head in the month of December. Remember when in my article in the February issue of your mag I wrote that Trump wanted 2017 to go out with a bang? Well, the Big Bang will be exactly one year later!

So what can we expect? Hillary Clinton to testfy on the behest of Tom Fitton's Judicial Watch re: her illegal emails and email server. Former AG Loretta Lynch to testify before the House, as well as former FBI director James Comey. And then there's special investigator John Huber, who will bring Congress up to date about what he's been up to behind the scenes.

Q is playing with the Deep State with this statement on November 26:

WHITAKER (in conjunction w/ OIG) approved the release of CLAS docs 1-4 as requested by the House Committee and as ORDERED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
Will the release occur prior to scheduled testimony?
List advantages.
Will the release occur post scheduled testimony?
List advantages.
If those testifying 'know' select CLAS docs will become public [self-incrimination] how might that alter/change their testimony?

The white hats have two huge aces in the hole: clear evidence of voter fraud on the part of the Democrats, as well as the FISA declas. The report on voter fraud is also due to come out next month. All of this will bring the House down and expose the real criminals and collusion with foreign powers. The white hats need to do this in December before the new Congress will be in session in January. 2018 will be glorious!

You can see the Deep State's panic as they're pulling out all the stops: migrant caravans at the southern border, the Kashoggi "murder" (where's the body?) and now this spat between Ukraine and Russia. They're trying to incite a new world war, which is the only way they can stop what is coming. They will fail. Trump and Putin already have an understanding, but they're still performing their confrontational act in front of the world press. There will likely be more and bigger events, though, so stay alert.

As for Theresa May, her days are now truly numbered. She too will be forced out in December and there will be a hard Brexit. Any idea what her rotten "deal" with the EU actually entails? Me neither. Nothing has been worked out, particularly the UK fisheries, which was a major factor that started the whole Brexit movement in the first place. The Houses of Parliament will vote on this in the first half of December, which leads me to believe we will see the declas in that first half. This will expose the UK's role in the biggest spy scandal in history. If you want a good breakdown of what they did, watch this excellent presentation by Dan Bongino:

What happened in 2016 in the UK and in the US is inextricably connected. No Trump without Brexit, no Brexit without Trump. Brace yourself for an incredible ride!


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