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Update van mij naar Dan (The Iconocast):

Well, it turns out that I and others were wrong about 11-11. This was not the final date for the Q operation and we've yet to uncover the true signifance of these numbers. Some anons think 11-11-18 is part of the IP address for the Dept. of Defense in Ohio, but no one truly knows for sure at this point.

We have another date to look forward to, December 5. We've seen multiple references to D5 in the Q posts. Some thought this was a chess move. Others thought it referred to POTUS45 (D = 4th letter of the alphabet). Yet others thought it referred to the highest category of avalanche. It may mean some or all of that, but it could also be as simple as December 5. On that day there will be a Senate hearing on the progress of John Huber, who was appointed by now former AG Jeff Sessions. (Huber is from Ohio, BTW.)

So who is this John Huber? And why did Sessions step down? Trump supporters have been increasingly frustrated with Sessions' "inertia", including POTUS himself if we are to believe his tweets. In his place is acting AG Matt Whitaker, who will be in office temporarily for a maximum of 210 days and who DID NOT recuse from the Mueller Russia probe, which is freaking out the Democrats to no end. Sessions did not sit on his ass all that time, he was busy preparing the scene for what's to come, including appointing someone outside of Washington to investigate the Clinton Foundation as well as other wrongdoers.

This now all seems to be coming to a head and the Dems know it, which is why you see the MSM going into overdrive about Ivanka Trump's private emails sent early on in Trump's presidency and equating it with the 33.000 DELETED Hillary emails from a PRIVATE SERVER inside her home containing STATE SECRETS. They're also pushing the Kashoggi murder big time. Trump is right in not taking the bait, as sanctioning Saudi Arabia at this point would bring the entire world economy to a grinding halt and Trump would be blamed for it. Remember, SA is the central hub for the oil trade. Do you know how many journalists are murdered in Mexico or Iran? That didn't deter Obama from canceling NAFTA or the disastrous and treasonous Iran nuclear deal, did it? What's more, it turns out Kashoggi wasn't even a US citizen, was married to an Egyptian woman (so much for his Turkish "fiancee") and had Muslim Brotherhood ties.

The Dems feel overly confident, since they now control the House and have subpoena power. The white hats are infinitely smarter, though, and allow them to be smug because they have several aces in the hole: the voter fraud report which is to appear shortly before Christmas as well as the FISA declas. This will bring the House down, after which special elections will be held, the results of which will most likely be favorable to the Republicans because a) elections will finally be fair and b) voters will be pissed off at what they have found out. The House will become Republican-controlled as well, so Trump and the white hats can finally do business, starting with voter ID laws to secure the 2020 election. Without the votes of illegal aliens, the Dems are toast. Only in a few coastal cities are people deluded enough to vote for these imposters, which is why Trump won big in non-metropolitan areas.

Look at the desperation and panic on display: weeks after the midterm elections they were literally creating new ballots to try and win the Senate! Remember also that part of the satanic religion these sickos adhere to is that they must telegraph their moves to fool the masses into becoming complicit in their despicable crimes. Think of ancient legends such as the vampire tapping at your window. Nothing happens unless YOU open that window and let them in! Or the legend of the crossroads where the devil entices you to go in the direction he wants by having you sell your soul. Nothing happens unless YOU sign your name with blood!

Those on the good side of history, however, can move in the background and don't have to telegraph their moves. The whole Q operation is about trolling the enemy and screwing with their heads by blending information with disinformation and hyping certain dates, so they will use up all their ammo thinking they should move fast to prevent or distract from what's about to drop. It's also about educating us about their psychology, making us learn to think like them. 'Symbolism will be their downfall,' writes Q. Since then I have learned to recognize pedo symbols everywhere. Check out the heart-within-a-heart logo of Well's icecream, for example (symbol for "girl lover"). There are many other examples, look for a pyramid within a pyramid as well ("boy lover"). Once you see it you can't UNSEE it.

This is spiritual warfare, they are bringing down a 6,000 year old death cult and freeing us from their mind control. The only true freedom is freedom of consciousness, never forget that!

Q Anons als een soort burger CIA in actie, de smerige waarheid komt steeds meer aan het licht, …

We schrijven en berichten er nu een jaar over, het fenomeen Q Anon en het spoorzoeken wat deze medeburgers van de wereld allemaal aan de opervlakte weten te toveren door tijd consumerend onderzoek. Gewone burgers als jij en ik met echter een verschil, dat ze belangeloos hun tijd opofferen met onderzoeken van misstanden en dit aan de wereld rapporteren. Chapeau, hoed af voor deze mensen wat ze allemaal aan misstanden aan beerputten openbaren.

X22 Report met nog een update, deze keer over de Federal Reserve. Want als je denkt dat The Storm enkel de gerechtelijke en bestuurlijke macht betreft heb je het verkeerd:


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