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Mike, duckduck eens op "jou ma se poes" i.p.v Joe Masepoes.
Kwam ik tegen in één van de video's over JFK jr, weet niet meer welke. Vind het zelf wat vergezocht, maar toch...
Oud nieuws. Ik schreef op 20 juli 2018 reeds het volgende:

Waarom veranderde Joe Masepoes, de maker van Q – The Plan To Save The World, zijn naam kort na het maken van dit fimpje in Joe M? Numerologisch telt dit op tot 16. JFK Jr. ‘overleed’ op 16 juli 1999. Toeval?

Sowieso een vreemde achternaam, Masepoes. Het blijkt een Zuid-Afrikaanse slang-term te zijn, zoiets als ‘motherfucker’:

Toeval? De voornaam Joe betekent zowel ‘motherfucker/badass’ als ‘lieve, zachtaardige man’:

Toeval? De naam ‘Joe’ is afkomstig van Joseph, een naam die in de Bijbel natuurlijk ook veelzeggend is en zoiets betekent als ‘vermeerderen’ – verwekken wellicht, aangezien de naam voorkomt in het boek Genesis en de vader van Jezus ook Jozef heette?

Financieel-economische update van X22 Report:

Voor wie dit telkens overslaat, er is een reden waarom dit hier gepost wordt. De ontmanteling van de Federal Reserve en het centrale bankenstelsel van de Rothschilds maakt onderdeel uit van The Plan!

Update van mij naar Dan (The Iconoclast):

A quick Q update. Yes, Q started posting again on Jan. 5th. Actually, it's not so much a Q update as it is an attampted timeline, at the risk of getting my predictions wrong yet again.

Shortly before Xmas, Trump shut down the government. This was a great tactic, as on Jan 3rd, the Dems took the House of Reps. Since the GOP took the Senate the Dems are lame ducks to begin with, but Trump decided he needed to one-up them anyway as a psychological advantage (the Art of War) by refusing to budge on the issue of The Wall, a major campaign issue. This not only boosts Trump's base, but more importantly it checkmates Schumer and Pelosi, because if they fold they will look pretty bad shortly after taking the House, particularly Nancy, being the Speaker and all.

So neither party's willing to give in. Trump's holding all the cards, though, since he can declare a national emergency at any given moment. Tonight at 9 EST (2 AM GMT, 3 AM CET), Trump will address the nation about this very issue. He may well annnounce a national emergency and it's his constitutional right to do so. Of course Trump's already got the funds to have the military construct the wall anyway, as he secured that in the 2018 Omnibus Bill.

What's more, a national emergency may well trigger mass arrests! When that will happen, though, is anybody's guess. Allow me to hazard a guess as to a possible timeline:

Takedown of the Fed starting prior to Davos World Economic Forum, Jan, 22-25, so Trump can show the banksters who's boss.

SOTU address by POTUS, Jan. 29, puts Deep State on further notice.

Mass arrests and unsealing of indictments will be swift and unexpected for the DS. My guess is this will happen after Mueller releases his report. This will prove to be another canard and it'll be the final bit of ammo the DS and media can use against Trump and the white hats. Soon after that, the hammer will fall.

Then there's the very sickly Ruth Bader Ginsberg. She's not showing up for the SC arguments, something she hasn't done in 25 years. For all we know, she may be dead already. Expect an official pronouncement of death anytime soon. This will give Trump the opportunity to nominate yet another SCOTUS Justice. Since the GOP controls the Senate, expect a swift confrimation and swearing in also. MAGA!

It's shaping up to be a very exciting first month of 2019, fasten your seat belts!

Sean van SGT Report over de gigantische spirituele ontwaking die momenteel plaatsvindt en waarom de 'elite' hier panisch voor is:


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