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De vertaling van Benjamin Fulford:
Ruth Bader Ginsburg “will retire from the U.S. Supreme Court in January, 2019” says same news source that accurately reported her cancer

Is Earth on the verge of undergoing a magnetic pole shift? Scientists say SOON

January 16.2019 Thread!!
#QAnon #DarkToLight #GreatAwakeningWorldwide #GodWins

Update van mij naar Dan (The Iconoclast):

Time for another update, since events are unfolding at breakneck speed. Let's start with your country of the UK. As expected, Theresa May lost the vote for her Chequers plan. What was unexpected, however, was the huge margin by which she lost - a majority of 230 votes against her globalist deal and even 118 of her own party being opposed to this! Any self-respecting PM and party leader would have resigned after such a humiliating and historic defeat, but not May - her bankster bosses won't let her.

So now she's facing the Herculean task of coming up with a viable Plan B, which will be debated in Westminster on Jan. 29. Meanwhile, the EU is refusing to budge even an inch, as it was a pretty sweet deal for them and not so much for Britain, as we all know. The only thing Brussels is willing to do is extend the deadline. May is only extending her eventual and inevitable demise and she can expect a coup by Boris Johnson who is no doubt already lobbying among other Tories to garner a majority to impeach her. Have you noticed how the complicit MSM are keeping this particular scenario silent? They're talking about a Plan B, a People's Vote (2nd referendum), an extension - anything but a change of Tory leadership resulting in a no-deal Brexit. It's what they're NOT reporting you should be paying attention to!

May is facing her May Day and it's fun to watch her political death throes. She has even had to cancel her trip to Davos. Another major globalist who's not attending the World Economic Forum is Emmanuel Macron, who's too busy trying to control the popular uprising known as the "yellow vests", who are now targeting the banking system in an effort to bring down Macron and his cronies. The only mistake they made was that they telegraphed their intention to cause a bank run last weekend, causing banks to either limit the amount people were able to withdraw from cash machines or go on holiday altogether due to "glitches". Watching Macron struggle for dear life is equally fun, globalism is dying and it's dying fast!

Another world leader who won't be attending the WEF in Davos is Donald J. Trump. Trump couldn't care less about Davos, he's too busy trolling Chuck and Nancy from the White House. After only 10 days into office with their new House majority they decided it was an opportune time to "vacation" in Puerto Rico with 26 other Dems, rather than sit down with Trump to negotiate a deal for the border wall, while 800,000 government officials are not getting paid because of the shutdown. What's more, Pelosi is blocking any and all efforts within her own party in favor of negotiations! It's pretty clear what her agenda is: her globalist overlords don't want the life blood choked out of the racketeering scheme they had going on at the southern border, complete with gun running ops, human trafficking and gang members and terrorists being able to enter unchecked (as is the case here in Europe and Britain).

There's more to this shutdown than meets the eye and Trump's got the upper hand in more ways than one. He's now educating the American public about what's been going on at the southern border and this is reflected in the growing support for The Wall. But it gets better - Trump has a unique opportunity for a massive draining of the swamp! He can get rid of up to 80-85% of Deep State bureaucrats who couldn't otherwise be fired, some of whom are even secretly working for the marxist Democratic Socialists of America and thus slow-walking or otherwise sabotaging Trump's policies from within. Here's how it works: after a 30-day shutdown, Trump has the authority to enforce so-called RIF (Reduction In Force) layoffs, thus drastically reducing the bloated size of the government and cause it to operate more effectively. Can you see how smart these white hats are and how well they've got this all figured out? This is what QAnon meant with 'Done in 30', it's all part of The Plan!

In a state of absolute panic, Pelosi is now saying the SOTU is canceled, citing "security concerns". The Secret Service has come out contradicting that statement, yet Pelosi insists on canceling anyway. She's of course in no position to do so and POTUS will address the nation on Jan. 29, whether she likes it or not. But wait, there's more: Trump sent Pelosi a letter, canceling her government-funded transport to Brussels and other destinations, urging her to renegotiate and end the shutdown instead. What's more, when Trump sent that letter he waited until Nancy and co. were on a bus on their way to the airport, which is now driving around aimlessly so they can avoid having to face reporters! The American people (and the world) are now realizing these Deep State actors don't care two shits for them and are not in the least serious about coming up with any real solutions. To quote a British term: snookered!

Total and utter humiliation is around the corner, Dan. Expect Mueller's report sometime in February. This will be hyped to no end by the Dems and their media ilk for weeks, suggesting that indictments and/or impeachment of Trump are imminent, only to find them having to face the music about the report being a complete dud with no real substance to it at all. We're looking at an interesting spring ahead, as Ruth Bader Ginsberg (who will likely be pronounced dead or too sick to continue as a SCOTUS Justice before month's end) gets replaced, Trump appoints a new World Bank chief and Bill Barr takes his seat as the new Attorney General. After the Mueller report spells the end of the fake Russian probe and all the right people have been put in position, with the left and their media puppets having spent all their ammunition, nothing will stand in the way anymore of Trump and the white hats releasing everything: the FISA abuse, the voter fraud, the pedophilia - it'll all come out at once, prompting sudden and swift mass arrests. There are also Audit The Fed and End The IRS bills waiting in the wings, which will spell a definite end to the global central banking system and cause a global economic reset with gold-backed, debt-free money. As Q writes, Enjoy the show!

My two 2018 articles in your magazine were one year too early, but at least I got it right on most points. The white hats set up the QAnon dissemination program to give us a peek behind the scenes about the Deep State and how they're planning to take them down. Although this gives Q researchers foreknowledge, they were careful enough not to mention when exactly each chess move would take place. They know that if we get the times and dates wrong, so will the enemy. Think about how much has been accomplished out of the public eye in just two years' time. 2019 will be the year of the Great Awakening of the masses worldwide. I assume you're planning a spring edition of your magazine - by then, we will have lots of explosive stuff to write about!

SpaceShot76 verwoordt wat ik ook al dacht - met een shutdown van 30 dagen kan hij SES-bureaucraten de laan uit sturen:

2 x T.R.U. Reporting:

Het artikel dat hij in het eerste filmpje behandelt:

Political strategist Roger Stone says that the deep state is planning to remove both President Trump and VP Mike Pence from office so that they can install Nancy Pelosi as President as part of a coup that will eventually see Hillary Clinton return as President.


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