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Super blood wolf moon! Ik ben er speciaal vroeg voor opgestaan en kan hem vanuit mijn huis in deze heldere nacht perfect zien! De komende 18 jaar niet meer, dus wie meeleest...

Update van mij naar Dan (The Iconoclast):

Updates will be coming more frequently, as events progress at lightning speed!

Today Theresa May will be presenting her "Plan B" to Parliament. My apologies for getting the date wrong in my previous message, I had it confused with the SOTU, which will take place on Jan. 29 (more about that later). May's alternative plan will fail miserably, Corbyn has even refused to speak with her! So what's next for May? Please resign already! I'm sticking to the impeachment scenario, pay close attention to Boris Johnson.

Then there's the upcoming SOTU. I'll be up in the middle of the night watching this, because I believe we may be watching an historic event. Allow me to explain why:

POTUS did not ground Pelosi's plane just to troll her. In 2010, Judicial Watch uncovered that she has a history of using government-funded military transport for personal trips, complete with alcoholic beverages and who knows what else (children?). The decadence of these people on the taxpayer's dime truly knows no bounds. This time around, though, her motive to fly to foreign destinations may have been very sinister indeed.

The bus that was transporting her and her following to the airport contained no less than 93 people. Is this a reference to Flight 93 which was on its way to the White House on 9/11? This is the one target they missed to complete their coup and I'm convinced that it was the very same patriots that are now dismantling the Deep State that took down this plane.

So are they planning another coup, which involves taking out Trump and Pence? Look at this very telling tweet by high-ranking Democrat Donna Brazile:

Madam Speaker today. President Pelosi tomorrow. MLK weekend underway. WTF?! Pelosi is Speaker of the House today, but in the event of both Trump and Pence getting killed she is the designated survivor. How would you interpret the MLK reference other than political assassination? Is this why Pelosi wanted to postpone the SOTU due to "security concerns"? Is this also why she wanted to flee the country with high-ranking Deep State politicians and family members? Seems to me she doesn't want to be in the same room with POTUS and VPP during the SOTU. And look at the planned destinations of her 7-day trip: Brussels (EU HQ), Cairo (Muslim Brotherhood HQ) and Afghanistan (Heroin Central). Was this supposed to be a coordinated effort to hatch a plan for a "terrorist attack" during the SOTU with Pelosi and her cabinet safely abroad?

Trump and the white hats are making it very clear that 'Patriots are in control', as Q writes. The SOTU will take place next Tuesday and Pelosi and all the other vermin will be in the room with POTUS and his VP. This may well be Trump's safeguard against assassination! It'll be even more fun to watch Nancy's sour face while POTUS delivers his speech than last year!

I'm sure you're aware of the offer to the Democrats made by Trump on Friday. So not only do the Dems first take off to Puerto Rico, then plan to fly to 3 different destinations for another week, rather than negotiate with Trump about the shutdown crisis over the border wall, Pelosi also released a written statement 30 minutes prior to Trump's address to the nation that his offer has been rejected - she didn't even wait for POTUS to utter these words! The hubris of these people is truly sickening and I hope the American people will see this for what it is and support POTUS when he pronounces a national emergency during his SOTU (that's what I predict, anyway).

Then there's this bogus story published by Buzzfeed, the very same dregs who came out with the "Piss Gate" dossier, doctored up by British MI6 agent Christopher Steele and paid for by Team Hillary. This time around, Buzzfeed claimed to have a "scoop": Trump ordered his former lawyer Michael Cohen to lie about their plans about building a Trump Tower in Moscow during his campaign. Immediately, the MSM and the Dems pounced on this, calling it an impeachable offense, only to have their hopes crushed when none other than Robert Mueller's office communicated that this story is false. OOPS! Even CNN had to admit that this was 'a bad day for journalism'. It's fun to see the leftist media eat their own. And wouldn't you know it, Buzzfeed is sticking with the story, because if they retract they're finished.

I see a parallel here: May is sticking with her Brexit fail, Pelosi and Schumer are sticking with their shutdown fail and Buzzfeed is sticking with their propaganda fail. They can't back down and the only way is down. Looks to me the only ones that are stuck are these globalists! As Q writes: never interrupt an enemy while he's busy destroying himself.

So why did Mueller come out disputing the Buzzfeed story? Either Mueller has been a white hat from the get-go or the white hats have leverage on him and he's basically doing as he's told to save himself. Isn't it interesting that every time there's a "news" story connected with the Mueller probe that could potentially harm the President Mueller contradicts it? The Deep State is starting to catch on to this as well, as they see their big hero not quite living up to their expectations. They fear the Mueller report may not be all that it's cracked up to be and their new hope is Bill Barr, Trump's nominee for the position of AG, another very strategic move by the white hats. Barr will adhere to the rule of law, however, and not be a part of this political witch hunt. The Deep State is being played like a violin. In the words of Q: These people are stupid.

We are moving ever closer to complete disclosure: Benghazi, Haiti, Uranium One, FISA, voter fraud, Pedogate, the whole nine yards. The patriots are holding all of this back until the time is right, which I predict will be after the Mueller report. The patriots first need to have Barr as well as another SC judge put in place, so I think we're looking at March at the earliest. Another interesting fact is that Court TV will be up again in May, after a 10-year absence. Then there's the renovation of Gitmo, as well as the two huge prison barges which were spotted sailing to Cuba in December 2018. As I wrote before, we should have plenty to write about in the near future!

Fake news hits high schoolers, MSM pushes false narrative on viral video

This is Why the Mainstream Lied, and Why They Believed Them


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