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Fakebook, ik heb het altijd al gezegd:

America’s major media outlets are now making up EVERYTHING they report… four huge media hoaxes blow up in their faces

Roger Stone gearresteerd!

En CNN verschijnt op magische wijze om het te filmen:

In de Feminisme-topic heb ik er al over bericht: in de staat New York is nu gelegaliseerde kindermoord mogelijk gedurende de voltallige zwangerschap tot aan de geboortedag zelf!

Het monster laat nu zijn ware gezicht zien. Toen ze nog bezig waren de kikker langzaam gaar te koken schoven ze gewoon gaandeweg de maximale termijn voor abortus op, van 20 weken tot meer (terwijl het hartje al begint te kloppen vanaf 8 weken!). Ze maakten ons wijs dat het slechts 'vlokken' waren. Maar nu wordt het voor iedereen, voor- en tegenstanders, duidelijk dat we te maken hebben met satanische kinderoffers aan hun vruchtbaarheidsgod Baal!

Update van mij naar Dan (The Iconoclast):

WOW, incredibly fast developments with lots of unexpected twists and turns!

Only a day after Trump said he wouldn't cave on the issue of the wall, he caved. At least, those on the "alt right", i.e. fair-weather Trump supporters who don't follow Q, are saying he did. Or did he? I guess these hyper-emotional folks don't know how to Trust The Plan. Or as Q puts it: Emotion clouds judgment, think logically, expand your thinking.

What Trump has done is actually a stroke of genius! The Dems kept saying they wouldn't negotiate unless POTUS reopened the govt. They counted on Trump not budging, so they wouldn't have to either. They wanted a stalemate, so they could outtoughen and outsmart Trump. But guess who's the toughest and smartest now, eh? By temporarily ending the shutdown, Trump has forced his opponents' hands and now they have no choice but to work out a deal on behalf of their voter base or they will expose themselves as the obstructionists they really are.

Meanwhile, Trump can have his SOTU as planned next Tuesday and repeat his talking points about border security, as well as bring good tidings about the economy, something the Dems wanted to avoid at all cost. If by Feb. 15 there is still no deal, Trump will shut down the govt once more and the Dems will be worse off for it. How brilliant is that? Trust the plan!

Your video about the Covington kids highlighted just one of several fake MSM news stories that were exposed. There was the slandering of Sen. Lindsey Graham, who has flipped from a never-Trumper to one of Trump's closest allies. According to the MSM, that's because he's a closet homosexual and Trump is blackmailing him about this. No evidence necessary, of course. In reality, Graham's handler, John McCain, passed away (i.e. he was executed), thus freeing Graham. Another phony story was Trump instructing his former attorney Michael Cohen to lie about plans to build a Trump tower in Moscow while on the campaign trail (a deal that was eventually blown off). This was refuted by Robert Mueller's team, causing the MSM to go flat on their asses once again. All of this helps to destroy the credibility of the MSM, which is why Trump and the white hats are allowing this to happen. It's fun to see the radical left and their media cronies eat their own!

In a desperate effort to control the news cycle and distract the public from their MAGA = racism fiasco, their next story is the indictment and arrest of Roger Stone, another one of Trump's former confidantes. This will also prove to be a nothing burger. Did you see Stone's press conference a few hours later after posting bail? He was booed and there were chants of 'lock him up!'. Those were reporters doing that! But it's all good. Let the beast show its ugly face for all to see.

Just like New York State, which now has a Democratic majority, voted for FULL-TERM abortion, right up to the baby;'s birthday! No longer can they tell us it's just "flakes" and not a real fetus, this is open satanic child sacrifice and the fact that they're no longer hiding their true agenda tells me they're desperate and running out of time. It's also what will open the eyes of the masses. Remember, the white hats have it all and can drop the hammer at any time they want, it's all about optics and public acceptance.

Let's wait what POTUS has to say during his SOTU. Let's also await the results of the Mueller probe, which should be sometime next month. The white hats will allow the MSM to continue self-destructing and churn out one bogus narrative after another. Trump and the white hats have read Sun Tzu's Art of War: appear weak when you are strong, appear strong when you are weak. Meanwhile, I'm still trusting the plan...


Voor de ongeduldigen onder ons (waaronder moi ;-) )

En nu geduld...plantje is nog klein....bemoedigend toespreken dus

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