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CNN komt met een halfbakken excuus voor hun foute reportage over Nick Sandmann, wiens 'misdaad' was dat hij een MAGA-pet droeg en dat hij een 'tribal elder' onheus zou hebben bejegend:

Update van mij naar Dan (The Iconoclast):

Seems like your call to sue the pants off the lying media re: the Covington high school kids has been answered:

More inconvenient truths have come to light. Turns out Nathan Philips, the "tribal elder" who confronted Nick Sandmann by banging a drum in his face is NOT a Vietnam veteran. Although he did serve in the army, he was a mechanic and went AWOL three times. What's more, he also appears in a 2012 music video:

Is he a paid actor? Sure looks like it. Isn't it impressive, though, how quickly anons on the web have deconstructed this false media narrative and are forcing them to retract? Sure, they're in damage control mode...

...but the damage has already been done. Enjoy the show!

As for the Jan. 29 SOTU address, Trump will hold it but perhaps not on Capitol Hill. According to the rules, POTUS needs to be invited into Congress by the House Speaker, i.e. Nancy Pelosi, who has actually disinvited him. That's not to say, however, that Trump can't hold his address on a different location and make Pelosi look even more stupid than she's already doing herself.

The white hats are letting all of this play out. Never interfere with an enemy while they're in the process of destroying themselves. Meanwhile, they're collecting new facts about new crimes. And this time it's not just treason and sedition, but also assassination conspiracies! This shows the extent of their desperation. The patriots have planned everything into the minutest of details, it's really quite impressive.

We have yet another ominous tweet from Donna Brazile:

10 dollar bill: Hamilton (murdered)
5 dollar bill: Lincoln (murdered)
Beneath that: (illegible) you on MLK Day (MLK murdered)

What were they planning? Here's a possible scenario:

The plot thickens... To be continued!

Is JFK Jr Alive? Melania Trump loves watching WHICH John Kennedy on Television? You Decide!
Afstand bediening van je hersenen en het immuunsysteem, feit of fictie? FEIT !

De VS en de Europese Unie investeren sinds het begin van het millennium miljarden dollars en euro’s in hersenonderzoek. Als resultaat van dit onderzoek werden perfecte kaarten van de hersenen ontwikkeld, inclusief de delen van de hersenen die de activiteit van verschillende lichaamsorganen of delen controleren waar hogere hersenactiviteiten, zoals spraak en gedachten, plaatsvinden. De hersenactiviteiten die corresponderen met verschillende acties in die gebieden werden ook ontcijferd.

Wanneer het systeem is voltooid, is het haalbaar voor hackers, overheidsinstanties en instanties van buitenlandse autoriteiten om gedachten en emoties in de hoofden en harten van mensen te implanteren, wanneer ze worden verbonden met internet- of gsm-systemen.

Mike: QAnon. Die heeft het ook gehad over mind control via mobiele telefoons. Bestaan zelfs patenten van!
Celebrated Democrat “Beto” O’Rourke outed wearing “Devil goat” costume; left-wing media tries to spin narrative away from Satanism


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