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They have all been secretly traveling a lot recently, not to that island that I can prove, but it seems they are looking for new places to hide. The bunkers all over the place are no longer a secret. They were planning to use these bunkers after president Hillary Clinton started her big war with Russia and dragged the rest of the world into it.War, and disease were how they planned to reduce the global population to the numbers on the Georgia Guidestones. Now that they are seeing that there is no war they don't need the bunkers anymore. Instead they are traveling around the world and discretely buying homes in foreign countries where they can slide into without anyone knowing. They can't look like they are afraid or as though they are on the run, but something is definitely going on behind the scenes.

The Queen and Teresa May seem to have overplayed their hand. Shit is gonna go down in the UK soon. Q laid out the drops about this a long time ago but we didn't make all the connections, and he hasn't gone back over the details. The one in particular about who the Queen really is, how long she has been in power, and her connection to Sadiq Khan. There were other drops about them…such as what Diana found out and why she was running. We kinda moved on to other issues…until last night. We're back to the Royals and the UK again. Obviously that Queen plays an important role in the cabal, and the connection to Khan is likely rooted in their plan to flood the UK and continental Europe with Muslims as part of the NWO agenda. This Queen is mixed up with the global child trafficking pedo network. There is a reason why Q posted that photo of her with Bin Talal. Her son Andrew is also closely linked with Epstein and has been on the island to fuck little kids too. Everything and everyone in this global devil worshiping pedo network is connected to everything and everyone else that's in it.

Harry and his mongrel bride take the oath next month. Expect a lot of activity involving these Royals to take place over the next several weeks leading up to the wedding. Q said that shit would be happening regarding the Pope next month. Whatever goes down the media will use the drama around this wedding to drown it out. How would they drown out news about the Pope though?


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