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It was not supposed to be revealed POTUS is not under criminal investigation _ NOT YET.


Sequence: Normal, Thoughtful, Non-Offensive, Step-by-Step

Normies will be turned off by certain words and photos. Like "Zionism". Children being hurt. Funny scenes or fun being made of the images.

Truth in the Extreme will be rejected. Even with all the evidence over years about the Clintons; bad behavior, half the electorate was willing to make HER president. Incredible, but true.

The public can accept the possibility of monetary corruption, but not treason, much less child trafficking and murder.

Adrenochrome? You will lose the audience completey and it will be dismissed as conspericy theory nonsense.

Move step by step. First, introduce questions or concerns (like a shill!) about corruption in government.

Second, add republicans and democrats as possible thieves. Then name individuals and ask, don't make claims.

After all that, the next stage is introducing the idea of an interconnected web of corruption that became an international crime syndicate like the mafia, but run by politicians….

Make it understandible by referencing organized crime, not vampire elites bloodlines, aliens, fractional reserve banking or so on.

Keep it normal. Thoughtful. Non-offensive.

Step by step. And fast steps!

Ask, Don't Tell

When you tell something, you can get cognitive dissonance.

When you ask something, you can BYPASS cognitive dissonance.

Q gave us a method to BYPASS COGNITIVE DISSONANCE!!!

Coax, don't push

Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance. Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.

More Tactics

Focus on things that won't scare off normies. Do NOT bring up:

Aliens, "energy" fields, Hollow earth, Metaphysics, Religions pantheons, Moloch / Satan / Saturn, Chemtrails, Crop circles, Detoxing / Cleansing Pineal Gland, Chakras, Reptiloids. Normies will take one look at any of those and dismiss you as a nutcase.

What to focus on? What is easy to swallow? You have to oil up that red pill! A small red pill that's actually swallowed is way better than a big one that's spat up. You follow yet?

You don't need a normie to see the entire pictures. They just need to trust and/or prefer our side. That's our mission, right? To help mitigate a world-shaking shadow war, by spoon-feeding info to normies in amounts they can handle?

Memes should focus on:

1) Elites are corrupt, and force newly elevated elites to do perverse things in order to show their loyalty. If they have dirt on their new cronies, they can use that dirt to keep them loyal. The dirt can be sex, fraud, corruption, or any kind of perversion or depravity.

2) Powerful elites have access to the best medical technology, and they think that harvesting blood and other things from children can help extend their lifespans, or improve their health.

3) Elites have everything, and where do people who have everything get their thrills? Some of them delve into taboo and perverse activity. What do they do when they know they have huge power and influence, and think nobody can stop them?

4) The CIA is corrupt and has seriously overstepped its power. The CIA funds itself using criminal activity, such as the drug trade, and sex trafficking – yes, even of children!

So in these examples, you see we don't need to delve into Moloch worship or satanism, and I think the message has a higher chance of reaching more people without being dismissed outright.

We basically need sugar-coated pink pills suitable for mass production and distribution.

We can use persuasion — Words like "Dark", "perverse", "sick", "depraved"; we don't have to say that Hillary eats children and worships a bull-shaped demon creature.

In fact, I would suggest that we can use confirmation bias combined with vague phrasing to good effect.

Podesta art shock method

The basic pattern I used to redpill my mom found here. Is very simple, and VERY effective.

Essentially, explain the basic Q shit and the existence of a child-sacrifice/abuse/trafficking network, HRC, Pedostas, etc. Then, right as the person starts to get incredulous with disbelief, tell them to google "tony podesta art".

They will literally be left with their jaw on the floor, sick to their stomach, and will believe EVERY WORD YOU TELL THEM from then on about The Storm.

Start small, plant seeds

You aren't redpillng the correct way. You plant seeds and watch them grow…not push them off a cliff.

Just a seed… Tell them still that is backed by evidence… Say like, isnt it weird that…blah and let them mull it over… If you lose influence over someone, you lose credibility.

Weet iemand of David Icek zich ooit over Qanon heeft uitgelaten? Ik kan er niks over vinden.
Bij David Icke ben ik afgehaakt. Helaas zit Icke nog vast in het oude paradigma - je weet wel, waar ik eerst ook in vast zat: alles is de schuld van Israel en de zionisten en moslims zijn zielige slachtoffers.

Waar ik nooit in geloofde, maar Icke wel, is de overtuiging dat Poetin en Trump onderdeel uitmaken van het zionistische complot. Uit diezelfde koker komt jouw filmpje dat AJ en DI zelf op hun beurt weer de kluit belazeren en bij de foute club horen.

Trump heeft mij geleerd dat er een groot grijs gebied zit tussen zwart en wit. Niet alle elites deugen niet, niet alle joden deugen niet, niet alle moslims deugen niet. Dit is in essentie een strijd tussen globalisten en nationalisten. Als Trump en de 'white hats' niet hadden ingegrepen waren we nu in een derde wereldoorlog verwikkeld, of hard op weg in die richting. Zo bezien is het dus een strijd tussen donker en licht. Het is een spirituele strijd, een strijd om vrijheid van bewustzijn, de enige vrijheid die er toe doet.

Jammer dat DI en anderen die ik vroeger bewonderde en volgde, zoals Storm Clouds Gathering en James Corbett, niet mee willen in deze nieuwe realiteit en in het oude paradigma blijven hangen, maar dat is hun vrijheid en hun bewustzijn. DI en AJ hadden eerst geweldige interacties samen op de radio, maar sinds Trump is alles anders en zie je dat AJ wel verder is en DI helaas niet.


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