"Een diepe kijk voorbij Lyme"

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Does Lyme Disease Originate in the Mouth?

Posted on August 14, 2013 by adminmouth

spirochaetes (140x105)This article accompanies a series of videos, mostly from the dentist and author Dr William Nordquist DMD DDS which demonstrate spirochaete infections in the plaque of a wide variety of people with chronic inflammatory diseases.

The links between oral health and a range of other diseases including heart disease, strokes, diabetes and preeclampsia have been recognised for several decades now. The demographic of people suffering with conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease also typically means that these people have some form of gum (periodontal) disease and multiple missing teeth and more commonly now, implants.

Various possibilities have been proposed to explain the link between oral and systemic illness including:

The fact that the mouth may be harbouring organisms that are able to invade the body from their oral base or the so-called focus of infection theory.

The microorganisms and the host response to oral infection produces pro-inflammatory chemicals which can then enter the circulation producing widespread inflammation throughout the body.

Holistically, both oral and systemic illness may be signs of a nutritionally deficient or stressed body with both co-exisitng, and neither disease being causal.

According to the theory of pleomorphism, microorganisms are generated within the body from tiny vegetative granules that are present within all body fluids which have variously been called microzymes, somatids, protids and a number of other names by those that have identified them. Under conditions of increasing toxicity these granules morph first into cocci and then rod bacteria, and then into yeast and mature fungal forms. The extreme toxicity of the mouth created by the presence of toxic metals and other toxic restorative materials, root canal fillings (which can incubate highly virulent microorganisms and the toxins they produce) and cavitations (improperly healed extraction sites which can also harbour microorganisms and toxins) is one factor. (It has been shown that microorganisms incubated within a root filled tooth leach out into the periodontal membrane and are then hydraulically pumped into the gingival crevice during chewing.) And the ideal habitat afforded such microorganisms (moisture, warmth, fluids, nutrients, an anaerobic environment within the crevice/pocket and the lack of an immune response because the contents of the pocket are technically outside the body) may actually be giving rise to these microorganisms in the mouth. The inflammation produced within the pocket lining/gingival crevice also enables such microorganisms to gain easy entry to the body from where they can migrate to different organs and systems.

Oral spirochaetes

Spirochaetes are double-membraned bacteria which are usually long and helically coiled. They are able to propel themselves by means of axial filaments which coil lengthwise between the inner and outer membranes along the length of the bacterium. These cause a twisting motion which allows the spirochaete to move fairly rapidly. Most spirochaetes are motile and anaerobic, but there are exceptions. They are believed to reproduce by means of binary fission (splitting in two lengthwise).

The spirochaetes are divided into three families (Brachyspiraceae, Leptospiraceae, and Spirochaetaceae). Disease-causing members of this phylum include Leptospira which causes leptospirosis (usually transmitted from contact with an infected animal or their body fluids), Borrelia burgdorferi which causes Lyme disease, Borrelia vincentii which causes an acute periodontal infection and species of Treponema which are responsible for syphilis.

Research into syphilis in the early 1900’s showed that the causative agent, Treponema, has a unique life cycle which, when under attack from antibiotics or the immune system causes the spirochaete to change into a spore form. Recent research has shown that the Lyme disease spirochaete has a similar life cycle producing spore and cyst forms when under threat – which may account for the persistence and chronic nature of the infection.

In fact, much recent research confirms what homeopaths have long maintained which is that many of the diseases which plagued our forefathers were never completely eradicated, but suppressed to be expressed in various forms later in the individual’s life or in future generations.

The acute periodontal infection known as Trench mouth or Vincent’s disease was commonly seen among soldiers in World War I. It is primarily a bacterial/spirochaete infection (Bacillus fusiformis and the spirochete Borrelia vincentii) occurring due to poor or non-existent oral hygiene, poor nutrition, smoking and the immunosuppression associated with stress. Now known as acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG) it is often of rapid onset and acutely painful (unlike chronic periodontitis). There is rapid necrosis, extensive inflammation and foul smelling breath due to tissue destruction.

Bearing all this in mind, the following series of videos demonstrates the presence of oral spirochaete infections in individuals with a wide range of chronic, degenerative disorders. In this first video Dr Nordquist captures the unique ability of spirochaetes to migrate and penetrate bodily tissues using their spinning motion. 1 min

This next video shows the highly organised nature of spirochaete colonies in the plaque (not Dr Nordquist). 4 mins -

In this next video, Dr Nordquist recounts the case of a husband, wife and their child who have all been diagnosed with Lyme disease and who have all been found to have oral spirochaetes in their plaque. Dr Nordquist speculates that Lyme disease and oral spirochaetosis may be one and the same thing. 9 mins

I would also offer some other explanations that account for the medical history of the wife described in this video. It seems likely that a dental procedure or its aftermath have caused the Bell’s palsy on that side of her face further to extraction. This may be because of the formation of a cavitation (improperly healed and possibly infected tooth socket) after extraction of her upper molar tooth. The subsequent placement of a metal-based bridge using the adjacent teeth for support may also have blocked meridian flows to all three teeth/sockets affected.

And the introduction of the toxic metals of which the bridge is composed may have induced either a metal allergy to one or more component metals, toxicity adjacent to the bridge and/or galvanic/electrical reactions with existing metal restorations (or other metals within her body) changing the ecology of that region of her mouth. Dr Hal Huggins DDS MS has also shown that metals may stimulate the spread of oral bacteria and promote the release of their endotoxins in the mouth.

The fact that the woman’s husband and daughter are also infected with oral spirochaetes shows that although Lyme disease (borreliosis) can be transmitted by tick bites this may not be the only method of transmission – or even the primary method.

In this next video, clustered oral spirochaetes are shown to be present in a patient with Parkinson’s disease (along with cell wall deficient microorganisms). 1 min

This video shows that a patient with skin problems has a heavy oral spirochaete infection. 1 min -

This video shows very lively snaking and spinning spirochaetes to be present in the mouth of a patient suffering from fibromyalgia. 1 min -

In the next video, a patient with Alzheimer’s disease is shown to have oral trichomonad and spirochaete infections. In the commentary after observing spirochaetes seemingly entering and leaving a macrophage (immune cell), Dr Nordquist wonders “Which is the enemy?” He goes on to state that after treating with the antibiotic, metronidazole (Flagyl), the patient appears to have developed spore forms. Please refer to the article about pleomorphism for an alternate explanation of these observations. It may be that until the environment offered by the body in general and the mouth in particular is altered (ie; the ‘terrain’), that such microorganisms will persist. 1 min -

This video also shows a spirochaete within and leaving a polymorphonuclear (immune) cell. 1 min -

Combatting oral spirochaete infections

In this video treating the plaque sample with an electromagnetic frequency of 1,000 Hz causes slowed activity and death of the oral spirochaetes (focus only on the spiral organisms, other microorganisms are unaffected). Note that this approach, while possibly valuable, is still treating a symptom rather than a cause. 1 min

And this last video posted by Dr Martin Douglas DDS shows plaque heavily infested with spirochaetes in a patient who brushed her teeth three times a day using toothpaste. This has no effect on the microorganisms present whereas using baking soda or Dakin’s solution a 1:20 dilution of plain (Clorox) bleach in a waterpic or rinsing significantly impacts spirochaete colonies. 1 min

These video observations raise the question of whether treatment for Lyme disease should also involve periodontal treatment and possibly dental revision (removal of all toxic metals and addressing any root canal filled teeth and/or cavitations). Or whether periodontal treatment should also be accompanied by systemic treatment. In any event, effective treatment of Borrelia burgdorferi appears to require that health care professionals work together.

Relevant products:

For more information or to buy Dr Nordquist’s books, The Silent Saboteurs: Unmasking Our Own Oral Spirochetes as the Key to Saving Trillions in Health Care Costs or The Stealth Killer: Is Oral Spirochetosis the Missing Link in the Dental and Heart Disease Labyrinth?



The Stealth Killer: Is Oral Spirochetosis the Missing Link in the Dental and Heart Disease Labyrinth? Paperback

by William D. Nordquist


The Silent Saboteurs: Unmasking Our Own Oral Spirochetes as the Key to Saving Trillions in Health Care Costs [Paperback] William D Nordquist DMD MS

SUMMARY: In 2009, Dr. Nordquist published "The Stealth Killer," a book that has become known as the #1 authoritative resource on the hugely important connection between oral spirochetosis and chronic inflammatory disease. Now, after having spent additional countless hours in deep study of the topic with co-author David Krutchkoff, DDS, MS, "The Silent Saboteurs" is here to expand on this groundbreaking subject. IN THE AUTHORS' OWN WORDS: "This is a story about a very special group of bacteria; uniquely different and interesting microbes that live within our mouths. These peculiar forms of life, known collectively as oral spirochetes, are unknown to most and misunderstood by nearly all. We have a story to tell concerning a proposed role these microbes play as saboteurs of our body defenses if allowed to penetrate our external surfaces thereby gaining access to the forbidden territory of our vulnerable internal body fluids. The ways, means and hows, are going to be presented along with rationales and suggestions of strategies by which these bacteria can be countered and what this will mean in terms of a better overall quality of life and savings to our health-care system. Prepare for an interesting read!"

Zie wat een lezer van het eerstgenoemde boek van Nordquist: The Stealth Killer: Is Oral Spirochetosis the Missing Link in the Dental and Heart Disease Labyrinth? schrijft bij de recencies op Amazon:
Format: Paperback

This book will change (safe) your life....

By P. Vladyka on February 7, 2011

Format: Paperbacker

My dentist here on Maui, Stephen Hubert, DDS, gave me this book. I have been under his care for over 2 years and he has changed (saved) my life by removing the mercury from my mouth and eliminating the spirochetosis and greatly improving my moderately diseased, bleeding, and inflamed gums that have plagued me for over 30 years. The proof of this overlooked cure for gum disease is my newly acquired health. I no longer need to go into the regular dentist 2x per year to get a scolding and a scraping with no explanation of what and why, and to hear that the condition always seemed to get worse and I will need surgery. This incredible discovery of the bacteria-cardio health relationship is also astounding and under-reported. There is an important section of the author's research on root canals as well. My dentist scraped a plaque sample and placed it under the microscope and I observed these fast moving killer spirochetes and then after the ozone treatment, they were either all dead, or very slowly moving. I ordered an ozone water treatment machine and will continue to irrigate my gums with ozone treated water. On a sobering note, the author mentions that, "...once inside the body (spirochetes), they become impossible to treat with modern medicine"...yikes!..I guess the only way to address that is through diet/exercise/positive thinking....the movie "Alien" comes to mind. If you have periodontal disease, read the book and get the treatment. I guarantee it will change (save)your life too.

Dr. Klinghardt spent hours throughout the weekend talking about the new kid on the block. “Aluminum.” Basically, he said I don’t know how we overlooked the impact of aluminum. It always took a back seat to Mercury…but we now know the combination of aluminum and mercury toxicity may be lethal. A major source of Aluminum? GeoEngineering

(Aluminum and barium salts sprayed daily by planes in the air as an attempt to reflect the incoming rays of the sun to cool the earth) Eating small amounts of aluminum in food Breathing aluminum dust in air Drinking contaminated water near: Waste sites, manufacturing plants, are areas naturally high in aluminum, from chemtrail fallou tAntacids Cooking utensils Household drinking water (aluminum used chlorine) Diagnosis: Aluminum shows up best in whole blood metal tests (has to be added on) as well as Aluminum in apheresis uluat and Autonomic Response Testing

Chemtrails are nano particles and go directly to the brain. Aluminum in pots and pans are not nanoparticles.

NOTE: Aluminum is the most significant co-factor that makes people with Lyme symptomatic vs. those that are aysmptomatic There is new understanding that the high oxylates we find in the autistic are there to protect the body against aluminum much like the high lipids we find in many are protective against mercury.

Approach: First detox them from Aluminum

Omura’s Cilantro Soup

Boil water: Put handful of finely chopped cilantro into it and let steep for 10 minutes to eliminate parasites (parsley often carries lungworm infected tiny snails). [...]


P.S. In onderstaand interview vertelt Klinghardt vertelt dat heermoesthee (ook wel paardenstaartthee) en korianderthee de hersenen zuiveren van aluminium.


Iets minder lekker maar misschien wel een aanrader om meerdere redenen:
DMSO facilitates the removal of Aluminium from the body. peer-reviewed research


Ik gebruik zelf detox middeltjes volgens mij ook voor zware metalen, zoals Burbur,Znatural,Heilaarde van het merk Luvos etc.

Volgens mij zijn er verschillende manieren om dit uit je lichaam te werken,gelukkig.

Joshua Verhoeven

vrijdag 27 december 2013

Wat begon met ogenschijnlijk onschuldige klachten bleek uiteindelijk een sluipmoordenaar: de ziekte van Lyme. De 31-jarige Joshua Verhoeven voert al jaren een gevecht met zijn eigen lichaam en heeft een stichting opgericht om meer bekendheid aan Lyme te geven.

Diepe buiging voor Joshua, pure emoties, puur uit zijn hart.

Ik ken deze jongeman uit een besloten lotgenoten groep voor Lyme op Facebook en nog wat mensen die in het publiek zaten.

Hij zet zich ondanks zijn ziekte enorm in.

Mijn ouders zijn mede dankzij door deze aflevering weer een stuk begripvoller voor mijn slopende ziekte[situatie] en dat is totaal anders geweest kan ik je zeggen :)

En diegene die aan het einde een vraag stelde vertelde ook over iemand anders uit deze groep die dus sinds kort zelfmoord heeft gepleegd, dus serieuze business is dit zeker.

Na het verhaal van Joshua gehoord te hebben realiseer ik mij weer dat ik eigenlijk wel heel veel geluk heb gehad dat ik geen neurologische variant van lyme heb gehad.

Aangezien ik al in 1983 of 84 ben besmet, toen er dus nog minder over bekend was, zou ik dan zonder adequate behandeling waarschijnlijk nu in een rolstoel zitten of erger.

Tja en dan te moeten lyme patiënten niet alleen proberen deze ziekte te overwinnen maar vaak nog erger is het gevecht met de dokter, je omgeving en je werk.

Een gevecht op vier fronten en dan wordt er wel van je verwacht dat je vrolijk blijft want anders zijn ze er als de kippen bij om je als 'gewoon' depressief te bestempelen.

Hoe gaat het nu met jou Jordy? Merk je enige verbetering?

Heb jij eigenlijk ook neurologische klachten?

Bij een insectenbeet, ook in geval van lyme kun je -in geval van in het bezit zijn van een ozonapparaat waar je een slangetje aan kunt vastmaken voor het ozoneren van water- ozon via een slangetje in een trechter stoppen en die op de plek houden na een kort tijdje de plek eerst met een warme natte doek te hebben ingewreven om het effect van het in de porien trekken van de ozon te bekrachtigen.

Wacht tot de evt. roodheid bij de plek is weggetrokken.

Zorg dat de trechter niet vaccuum trekt op de huid.

In het engels heet dit funneling of cupping: http://www.o3center.org/Protocols/OzoneFunneling.html

Interview met Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt. klik hier Mensen die lyme hebben zijn gevoeliger voor EMF straling. Hierdoor wordt het behandelen van lyme nog complexer.

Hier nog een presentatie klik hier

hoi Iklustvet, ja precies.

Vooral ook omdat dr. Phil van de tussen-de-oren-maffia is, maar nu een medewerker van hem het heeft, krijgt hij toch zijn twijfels.

Iemand in mijn omgeving bleek ineens dood gevonden pas: hartstilstand.

Deze persoon is twee jaar geleden besmet met lyme door een tekenbeet.

Ja, hij conditioneert kinderen ook graag als hondjes, maar toch heb ik het wel voor dr Phil. Ik geloof hem wel. Zeker als je hem vergelijkt met programmas als supernanny en dat soort dingen over gezinsleven. Zo lang hij die plastieken familie van hem maar thuislaat :x

Radio Actief vrijdag 14 maart 2014 22 – 24 uur

mrt 132014

Naar aanleiding van het overlijden van Gert Jan L. en de oorzaak daarvan, gaan wij in deze uitzending in gesprek met Désirée Röver over de gevolgen van de ziekte van Lyme in samenhang met een hierdoor ontstane overgevoeligheid voor electrosmog. Hayo Bol zal ook als gast aanschuiven en vanuit een natuurgeneeskundige benadering iets gaan vertellen over de kwalijke gevolgen van de overmatige electromagnetisiche stralingsbelasting in onze omgeving.

Ziekte van Lyme



gaat naar film over lyme (under our skin) het is stilzwijgend al epidemisch aan het worden. Testen in Nederland zijn maar tussen de 30/50 % betrouwbaar. RIVM verteld halve waarheden. 50% van de mensen krijgen maar de zogenaamde uitslagkring(bulls eye) zit gewoon in je tuin. Teken zijn besmet ,vaak met 3 soorten boreliaas en nog met verschillende co-infecties. Het word met 350 andere ziekten beelden verward. Ken je nagaan hoeveel mensen er met de verkeerde diagnoses lopen. Kinderen lopen het grootste gevaar,die buitenspelen!!! LTT-test hanteert Duitsland als,betrouwbaarheid 94% . kan ook gedaan worden bij pro-health-lab te Weert.

Jeanette Mulder (lymepatient)


Heel fijn om te lezen dat rauwe melk juist Lyme geneest i.p.v. veroorzaakt. Het sprookje van Lyme in rauwe melk wordt momenteel volop in Nederland verspreid.



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