The Great Awakening

The soul is satisfied by justice.

The reason you feel heavy darkness all around you…

The reason you no longer find happiness in the asinine - parties, drinking, garbage.

Is because the injustice in the world is now apparent.

The curtain has been pulled back.

And it’s painful to witness.

This is why Israel was saved for last.

Literally 5 dozen other big lies have to be exposed and generally acknowledged as being lies before The Big One.

Only AFTER it's generally acknowledged they lied about COVID-19, JFK, 9/11, Benghazi, where AQ and ISIS came from, the CIA, Ukraine, and a host of others...


will the public be ready to try to break 70 years of relentless Deep State programming about Israel.

They brainwashed you from young, to feel guilt and remorse.

To be scared to speak.

It’s happening again on another level.

They want you weak, dumb, and blind.

Stuck on porn, video games, and social media.

Drunk on booze, high on cannabis.

Zero muscle and obese like a sloth.

Unable to fight, work or critical think.

X broke the mold, the words of wisdom fill the screen.

Elon musk unlocked the power of free speech and now you are slowing not doing what they told you.

Unbreak your mind.

Cancel culture is over.

Awaken your senses and your mind.

Rise and wear crystal clarity.

TPV bedoelt het volgens mij goed. Hij komt op mij over als een wat oudere patriot die ooit uit het George Bush conservatieve hout gesneden was en vanaf 2017 een anon werd nadat hij eerst Trump omarmde en toen op het spoor van Q kwam. Zijn ontwakimg begon met Q en hij weigert terug in de tijd te gaan en alles wat hij daarvoor geloofde, bijv. over 911 en de moslimhaat die daarop volgde, ttekt hin niet in twijfel. Daardoor trapt hij nog steeds in oude valkuilen. Jammer, lijkt me een geschikte vent en hij is intelligent genoeg.


Dit bevestigt wat ik al dacht over TPV. Hij leeft nog deels in het verleden, toen we allemaal voor de gek werden gehouden in zowel de reguliere als alternatieve media. Kennelijk heeft TPV de memo van Q niet gelezen over AJ. Actors will act.

De laatste tijd was ie ook erg in aan het gaan tegen de studentenprotesten ed en nu dit inderdaad.

Soms heeft ie nog wel goede dingen.
7 years ago we told you Hollywood was full of satanic pedos and Yall laughed at us.

We told you at some point these people won’t be able to walk down the street ….

Fast forward to today …..after the #MetGala2024 #MetGalaBlocklist

We The People are waking up.

And at some point VERY SOON these folks won’t be able to walk down the street.

And I’m here for every single glorious and painstaking second of it.

✡️ The 2 Jewish Spokesmen for Islamic Terrorism | 1 Linked To The ADL

1. Adam Gadahn (Real Name: Adam Pearlman)

Adam Pearlman was born in 1978 in Oregon.

"His parents reportedly changed their surname to Gadahn in reference to Gideon, the Biblical warrior who defeated the enemies of Israel" - Anti-Defamation League

He was Jewish and allegedly converted to Islam at 17 years old.

In 1998, he allegedly moved to Pakistan, and by 2001, he had allegedly ceased all communication with his Jewish family.

It was then reported that Gadahn had become a senior advisor to Osama Bin Laden and a member of Al-Qaeda.

Following 9/11, Gadahn made numerous propaganda videos, many in English, in which he praised and encouraged Islamic terrorist attacks on US soil.

Gadahn's Al-Qaeda propaganda videos were broadcast widely across the mainstream media and were used to instill fear, suggesting that even an American-born Jew could become deeply entrenched in Islamic terrorism.

The videos were also used to maintain American public support for the US Government’s "War on Terror.”

On April 23, 2015, the White House Press Secretary announced that Gadahn had been killed in a "CIA drone strike in Pakistan" on January 19, 2015.

Did you notice my repeated use of the word “allegedly”?

Well, here comes the kicker.

Remember how I said that Adam Gadahn was born Adam Pearlman and that he was a Jew?

Well, it just so happens that Gadahn’s grandfather was on the board of directors of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

Wow. What a coincidence, right?

The ADL covers Gadahn extensively on their website yet they never ONCE mention that his grandfather was on the board of directors at the ADL.

Odd, right?

It's peculiar how this supposed “Al-Qaeda Spokesman” and “Senior Advisor to Osama Bin Laden,” used in the media’s "War on Terror" propaganda for YEARS, just coincidentally happened to be the grandson of a board member of the ADL.

The US government also released no proof showing that Gadahn had actually died in a drone strike in Pakistan.

I believe Gadahn was never a member of Al-Qaeda and that he was merely an intelligence asset used to push the post-9/11 ‘Islamic Terrorism’ narrative that was so prevalent at the time.

2. Yousef al-Khattab (Real Name: Joseph Cohen)

Joseph Cohen was born to a Jewish family in Atlantic City, New Jersey, in 1968.

He was an Orthodox Jew and moved to Israel in 1998 to further study at an Orthodox rabbinical school.

While still in Israel, he allegedly converted to Islam and changed his name to Yousef al-Khattab.

He then returned to the US in 2007 and worked as a taxi driver in New York.

Also in 2007, he founded a group called ‘Revolution Muslim’.

The group used both a website and in-real-life demonstrations to promote ideas of Islamic extremism.

The group celebrated Bin Laden and the 9/11 attacks, as well as the 2009 Fort Hood shooting.

Yousef also encouraged American Muslims to attack synagogues and deal with Jewish leaders “directly at their homes.”

Of course, the media and Jewish NGOs like the ADL covered the group extensively and attributed many incidents related to Islamic Extremism to RevMuslim and Yousef al-Khattab.

RevMuslim acted as a tool to keep the fear of Muslims alive in the hearts of Americans and to keep public support up for American intervention in Islamic countries under the guise of fighting ‘Islamic Extremism’.

The website was eventually shut down in 2010.

Yousef was arrested on October 29, 2013.

He was found guilty of charges related to using the internet to make threats against Jewish organizations and was sentenced to 2.5 years in federal prison.

He now resides as a free man in NYC.

I personally find this story extremely odd.

An Orthodox Jew moves to Israel, becomes Muslim while in Israel, moves back to the US, and immediately starts an Islamic extremist group, it’s covered by the press and Jewish NGOs for multiple years, he’s eventually arrested, serves 2.5 years in prison, and lives the rest of his life as a free man?

Surely just a coincidence... right?

Video Credit: Ryan Dawson's (@RyLiberty): 'War Is Always By Deception'


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