The Great Awakening

One thing you’ll notice about me is that for as vocal as I am against Jewish Supremacy & the RothschiId Jewish banking mafia, I will never simplify it into saying “it’s the Jews” because people are individuals and not their corrupt governments/religious institutions.

There are deeply engrained supremacist beliefs in the Talmudic cultural identity of being “the chosen ones”, even when atheist, (see the founder of Zi0nism) and it is a sad fact that many Jewish people, (not all), will remain tribally loyal to the state of Israel, staying silent on war crimes/genocide, even to the detriment of our own country’s best national interests, but this not something genetic; people are individuals.

Anyone can break free from this mindset

if they choose to.

Israel likely did 9/11 and killed JFK

Jewish producer Harvey Weinstein made and pushed a film blaming Saudi Arabia

Jewish filmmaker Oliver Stone made a film blaming the CIA for killing JFK

@RyLiberty made films detailing all Israel’s connections and was the first man banned from YouTube

Weather Weapons, Sky Events & The Truman Show

This is long-ish, but I hope you will read... it's just my opinion as this point in time...

Ok, gang, I'm gonna chime in on the aurora light show. First, I'll say that I don't know whether it was from genuine solar flares or from ionospheric heaters. And I'm intentionally not calling it HAARP. I've studied that for many years. The last P in HAARP stands for program. HAARP is not a technology, it's a program. Ionospheric heating was initially performed with a massive array of high frequency transmitters in Alaska. It is now performed all over the world in much smaller, multi-purpose devices.

I also don't really know if there were solar flares, because all I have is likely-CGI imagery and data from sources like NASA to confirm that. Enough said there.

Could it have just been solar flares? Absolutely. Could it have been a hybrid event designed to coincide with natural event? Also possible.

I do suspect, however, this could be the "sky event."

We live in the Truman Show. ALL, and I mean ALL weather events are man-made and have been for a long time.

I've been very concerned with the continuation of so-called natural disaster, earthquakes, tornados, etc. If white hats are in control, why would they let that continue? The best answer I've given myself is that it’s part of the sting operation and you can't show your hand until you have checkmate.

Still with me?

I believe some global power had full, coordinated control of all weather weapons globally and there has been a coordinated effort to control our planet's entire weather/climate - Truman Show - but that the forces who controlled the switches also had full reign to use these for nefarious purposes whenever they wanted.

I suspected that the 17 hertz frequency that propagated the entire earth without decaying was a nod from the Q team that they had taken some level on control over the global energy machine/weapon grid.

So, I would like to believe that this recent sky event was a signal to the cabal that ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US.

Game on!

* Note: It's just a theory, and I'm free to change my mind at any point when new information presents itself.

#northernlights #Auroraborealis #SolarFlare #skyevent #HAARP @AwakenedOutlaw @deluxe_pepe @drawandstrike @TheParasiteGuy @BrainStorm_Joe

Weather Weapons, Sky Events & The Truman Show

This is long-ish, but I hope you will read... it's just my opinion as this point in time...

Ok, gang, I'm gonna chime in on the aurora light show. First, I'll say that I don't know whether it was from genuine solar flares or from ionospheric heaters. And I'm intentionally not calling it HAARP. I've studied that for many years. The last P in HAARP stands for program. HAARP is not a technology, it's a program. Ionospheric heating was initially performed with a massive array of high frequency transmitters in Alaska. It is now performed all over the world in much smaller, multi-purpose devices.

I also don't really know if there were solar flares, because all I have is likely-CGI imagery and data from sources like NASA to confirm that. Enough said there.

Could it have just been solar flares? Absolutely. Could it have been a hybrid event designed to coincide with natural event? Also possible.

I do suspect, however, this could be the "sky event."

We live in the Truman Show. ALL, and I mean ALL weather events are man-made and have been for a long time.

I've been very concerned with the continuation of so-called natural disaster, earthquakes, tornados, etc. If white hats are in control, why would they let that continue? The best answer I've given myself is that it’s part of the sting operation and you can't show your hand until you have checkmate.

Still with me?

I believe some global power had full, coordinated control of all weather weapons globally and there has been a coordinated effort to control our planet's entire weather/climate - Truman Show - but that the forces who controlled the switches also had full reign to use these for nefarious purposes whenever they wanted.

I suspected that the 17 hertz frequency that propagated the entire earth without decaying was a nod from the Q team that they had taken some level on control over the global energy machine/weapon grid.

So, I would like to believe that this recent sky event was a signal to the cabal that ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US.

Game on!

* Note: It's just a theory, and I'm free to change my mind at any point when new information presents itself.

#northernlights #Auroraborealis #SolarFlare #skyevent #HAARP @AwakenedOutlaw @deluxe_pepe @drawandstrike @TheParasiteGuy @BrainStorm_Joe


Van een of ander spanstalig Aurora Boreal kanaal :

Een aurora borealis verscheen op 25 januari tegen 26 januari 1938 boven Spanje. Tijdens de burgeroorlog zag de bevolking het als een voorteken dat de situatie zou verslechteren (een jaar later brak de Tweede Wereldoorlog uit).

Tijdens de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog (1861) werd zowel in het Zuiden als in het Noorden noorderlicht waargenomen.

Voor de Eerste Wereldoorlog werden verschillende noorderlichten waargenomen (niet tegelijkertijd) maar in ongebruikelijke landen, waaronder Europa.

Het grote noorderlicht van 1859 vernietigde uiteindelijk de technologie van die tijd en was het teken dat er iets ergs zou gebeuren (althans voor de meeste burgers, die dat dachten en gelijk hadden). Slechts twee jaar later brak de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog uit.

“Wanneer jullie een nacht zien die verlicht wordt door een onbekend licht, weet dan dat dit het grote teken is dat God jullie geeft dat Hij de wereld gaat straffen voor haar misdaden, door middel van oorlog, hongersnood en vervolgingen van de kerk en de Heilige Vader” (Zuster Lucia impliceerde dat het grote teken het noorderlicht was dat zich in 1938 voordeed) Wetenschappers gaven aan dat het een noorderlicht zou zijn.

Een paar maanden later brak de Tweede Wereldoorlog uit.

Dit noorderlicht is uniek. Het is nog nooit op hetzelfde moment gezien in verschillende delen van de wereld. We hebben twee machten in oorlog (Rusland tegen Oekraïne en Europa) (Israël tegen Pakistan en Iran).

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