Who is Mordechai Vanunu? He is a former Israeli nuclear technician who took photographs of israel's Dimona nuclear reactor that were published in The Sunday Times of London in 1986. He also divulged other details proving the existence of israel's illegal nuclear weapons program. From the information he provided, experts were able to estimate that Israel has the world's 6th largest stockpile of nuclear weapons. Vanunu was later drugged & kidnapped by the Mossad and spent about 20 years in solitary confinement. To this day, he's still not free. He can't leave Israel & he's not allowed to talk to foreigners.
Who was Itamar Ben-Gvir? Besides being the israeli Minister of National Security who presided over the events of October 7th (which many people suspect now to have been partly an inside job) he's a devout follower & fan of the jewish terrorist & mass murderer, Baruch Goldstein. Ben-Gvir & his wife-to-be visited the grave of Goldstein on their first date. They hung a picture of Goldstein on the wall of their living room for several decades. Baruch Goldstein is their hero.
Who was Baruch Goldstein? He was a jewish terrorist who, in 1994, dressed up in an israeli military uniform, entered a room in the Cave of the Patriarchs that was serving as a mosque, & opened fire on 800 Palestinian Muslim worshippers who were kneeling in prayer. He killed 29 of them & wounded 125 more.
So who is Itamar Ben-Gvir? He's the man who idolizes the terrorist Baruch Goldstein who massacred innocent Palestinians, & villainizes the hero Mordechai Vanunu who exposed israel's illicit & illegal nuclear program to the world--a program that JFK was trying desperately to stop before he was assassinated. Ben-Gvir is the man running national security for the state of israel--which is holding the world hostage with its illegal nuclear weapons.
Christian zionists support this lunatic terrorist who's helping to hold the world hostage with israel's nuclear Samson option, while he continues the massacre of innocent Palestinians on a scale his terrorist hero Baruch Goldstein could only dream of.