The Great Awakening

Q just hit a six year delta right on the nose:


JA flying into Bangkok on June 26 a free man.

Now the Crowdstrike report and the 'House of Cards' built upon it are in true danger, if somehow they don't stop JA from revealing how he actually received the DNC emails.

And no, it wasn't from 'Russian hackers'.

But some people, because they think Q is dumb or evil, will instantly dismiss all this, even as they watch what develops with the Seth Rich case and the Crowdstrike report and the "RussiaGate Hoax" now that JA is a free man and is likely headed straight for his dead drop files.

Met inmiddels 3,1 miljoen abonnees op YouTube is de Amerikaanse auteur en politiek activiste Candace Owens hard op weg om de meest spraakmakende politiek commentator van de Verenigde Staten te worden. In de ‘Candace Owens podcast’ deelt ze haar kijk op thema’s zoals LGBT, klimaatverandering en COVID-19.
De 34-jarige Owens neemt geen blad voor de mond en staat wereldwijd bekend als een enigszins omstreden mediapersoonlijkheid. Volgens haar is de farmaceutische industrie een drugskartel, de LGBT-beweging een gevaar voor kinderen en zal de Amerikaanse democratie verleden tijd zijn als Trump de aankomende verkiezingen verliest.

Afgelopen weekend was de activist en schrijfster te gast op het FvD-congres in Amsterdam waar ze haar visie op deze controversiële onderwerpen toelichtte. Voorafgaand sprak blckbx-reporter Erwin Taams haar één op één. Kijk en deel dit gesprek!

Although we live in a material world, we are fighting a spiritual battle. The battlefield is in our minds, and our enemies are demons.

My posts are not written out of h@te, nor do I seek to incite it within others. You can call me whatever you want, but if my words incite a negative emotional response within you, ask yourself why?

What belief do you hold that was challenged by my words? What have you seen, read, or been told that has built up a belief so strong that you felt the need to defend it? Whenever you pinpoint whatever the catalyst for that belief may be, research everything you can about it with the intent to prove yourself wrong.

You just might come to the realization that you've been lied to.

There is only good and evil. Our enemy, the devil, wages war in our minds through our thoughts, feelings, convictions, and opinions that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God.

He inserts thoughts into our minds in an attempt to affect or alter our thinking and behaviors. He erects strongholds into our belief system that deceive us into defending our sins and the lies that we've been told. These strongholds are built up through deceptions that have led us into believing lies about ourselves, others, or the world around us.

We have all been deceived by the enemy. History, as we've been taught, is a lie. For so long, we have readily accepted their lies as truth and depravity for morality. This has created an upside down world where sin is defended, and the actual truth is villified.

I post what I post to awaken the masses who are still lost in the fog of this spiritual war and imprisoned by their beliefs that have been fortified by a stronghold of lies.

I post what I post to shatter these strongholds and beliefs. I am here to cast out the lies and deceptions of these demons with the sword of truth and the word of God.

If that makes me the villain, so be it.

Holy smokes Batman…

Train derails in Matteson, Illinois Causing Mandatory 'long-term' Evacuations for a Leak

Look at todays DELTA 👀
Be vigilant.

• The spokesman said the train involved is from the Canadian National Railway Company..

• It was not immediately clear what was leaking from the train car.

• The village spokesman said residents within 1 mile south of Main Street and 217th Street, 1 mile west of Main Street and a quarter mile east of Main Street will need to evacuate as a precaution.

• The mandatory evacuation order also includes residents living on Main Street from the tracks south to Sauk Trail and residents living on 218th Street, 218th Place and Charles Street.

• The village spokesman said residents should "plan for a long-term evacuation" and "take any medication and supplies" they may need.


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