The Great Awakening

We have to realize that they don’t “hate us for our freedoms,” but they hate us because we destroy and destabilize their lands.

Israel lies, lobbies, and blackmails our governments to do this.

Israel does nothing for us.

There are no resources in Israel that we need.

Israel steals a lot of their own resources, like diamonds and other minerals, from African countries like the DRC.

They provide us with false intelligence and commit espionage against us by stealing our intelligence and, in some cases, sharing it with other countries (Jonathan Pollard being a famous example of this).

We need good relations with other Middle Eastern nations.

They have the oil and minerals that we need.

They’re the countries we need to strike trade deals with.

But instead, we sour relations with those countries all for a little state the size of New Jersey that causes us, and the world, nothing but trouble.

We take in the refugees from the wars we fought for Israel.

The people from those lands, and a lot of the refugees we take in, hate us. I would too.

They wanted to stay in their own lands and flourish; we prevented them from doing that.

This can be reversed if we cut all ties with Israel.

End all aid to Israel.

Remove our troops from the Middle East.

If the Arabs decide to take action against Israel, we shouldn’t intervene.

That one state has caused nothing but chaos in the region for nearly a century.

We need to be firm in opposing any neocon that attempts to infiltrate our government.

Middle Eastern countries will appreciate this new attitude of the West, and we can work towards establishing better relations.

The trillions of dollars we spend to destabilize the region can be spent on solving our domestic issues instead.

Rising crime rates.

Drug epidemic.

Illegal migration.


Mental health crisis.

These are all areas that could massively benefit from the money we have spent on useless wars that end up being detrimental to our nation.

No more wars for Israel.

No more useless wars.

Last year, we made #BantheADL the number-one trend in America

Today Wikipedia announced that they can no longer be trusted to Edit pages

We still have a long way to go but that was the beginning of the downfall of the ADL

This shows we can shape opinions that have real-life consequences on Twitter the


Pfizer CEO is a Greek Jew.

Did you all know this?
Real dirty dude.

Corrupt and shady as they come.
Imbedded in government.

Here he is with prime minister Mitsotakis

You can call people like me or Dan antisemites, or you can open your eyes to the truth that Israel controls the USA.

Tell me one thing that Bilzerian says below is false.

Name one.

Gobekli Tepe is the world's oldest known monolithic site, being up to 12,000 years old

It wasn't discovered until 1963
Today, only 5% is excavated

There is no accepted theory as to what the site was used for

It was deliberately Buried for mysterious reasons

It destroys existing theories because at this time there were believed to be no advanced civilizations

This site is clearly beyond what hunters and gatherers could build

The Sumerians are believed to be the first advanced civilization but this is 6-8 thousand years prior

Telkens worden oude en zeer oude sporen uitgewist, de Romeinen deden dat al en waren zeker niet de eersten. Je zou denken dat "iets" dat aanstuurt.

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