The Great Awakening

So many people still flinch at the sign of any news coming out.

Moves and countermoves.

Not every move needs to look like an advancing attack.

Feigning weakness is a great way to pull the enemy out into the open.

After all this time - people still just React.

Instead. Watch what happens and think critically from a 40,000 ft view.

You’d save yourself a lot of stress

Never under value what we've done here on the digital battleground. Without social media and all of us who questioned things and unrelentingly shared pictures, videos and concepts challenging the official narratives, imagine where we'd be right now.

If people were still reliant on the MSM for their information, where would the general understanding be on pizzagate, as one example? I know for myself, before going down the rabbit hole of information laid out by others in the digital space, I would still believe it was just about an unhinged conspiracy theorist shooting up a pizza place. I never would have read any of the emails for myself, because they never would have been shown to me on my tv.

Without the diligent work of truth seekers on the internet, how many people would still be buying the official story of 9/11?

If we only had Fox, NBC, CNN, The New York Times, NPR, etc., what would any of us know about Hunter's laptop? Spygate? Uranium 1? Benghazi, Seth Rich, Anthony Weiner's laptop, the Steele dossier and the Russia collusion hoax, the Clinton body count, migrant caravans, or rigged elections? How deep would our understanding be on the Epstein scandal, and how long would it have stayed in the news cycle? Would it have even been reported on at all?

Would any of us have ever seen the video of Hillary being hoisted into an SUV like a side of beef?

Would you know anything about ivermectin, HCQ, or any alternative treatments or cures?

Would the reaction to covid have been the same? Would there have been as much push back on masks? How would most people still view vaccines? Would we still be under lock down?

Would the average person know what a deepfake is or have the foggiest idea of the extent of AI capabilities? How much would people be questioning anything they see or hear?

What would the public perception still be on the media, and would anyone even be talking about "fake news?"

It's not just about memes and shit-posting or moving the needle a little. We have collectively completely changed the trajectory of humanity.

Never forget that.

I'm praying this interview with Trump and Elon on Monday is the catalyst to bring Trump back to the public square, along with the tens of thousands of his supporters, narrative questioners, and truth tellers who were depersoned from this platform. It will be a massive turning point.


The Q posts lead toward the conclusion of lsraeI and the Roths J Mafia without saying it directly

“Not mentioned a single time”
because Scofield Bible cognitive dissonance

Who controls the Uniparty?
Who controls the banks?
Who controls the media?
Who employed Epstein?
Who controls pharma?

Who *used to* control lran?

Who kiIIed JFK?
Who did 9/11?

Who created lsraeI?



We armed them for a purpose.

We installed oppositional leadership in Iraq on purpose.

We killed Ghaddafi right when he began to normalize relations with Israel.

We have sent hundred of billions in cash that has been lost in Iran likely used for Hezbollah.

Trump gave away Mossad locations to Russia.

Today the US gave Iran the locations of Mossad members and then immediately the US gets hacked and everyone's addresses and social security numbers get leaked.

More is going on than meets the eye...


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