The Great Awakening

It isn’t easy to accept or believe for many. We’ve all been led astray.

These satanic f***s lied to and manipulated everyone in the world to our demise and their gain.

They hate us. They have plans for us.

And all we have to do is wake up and see it for what it is and say no.

But this requires people to break away from their version of reality which is no easy task - as we can see

But. We are making progress. This is only gaining in momentum.

They can’t stop the truth from coming out. and then we will ALL know what’s up.


It isn’t easy to accept or believe for many. We’ve all been led astray.

These satanic f***s lied to and manipulated everyone in the world to our demise and their gain.

They hate us. They have plans for us.

And all we have to do is wake up and see it for what it is and say no.

But this requires people to break away from their version of reality which is no easy task - as we can see

But. We are making progress. This is only gaining in momentum.

They can’t stop the truth from coming out. and then we will ALL know what’s up.



Ik vroeg me al eerder af waar NK voor staat, gaat dit over North Korea? Zou daar een speciale rol voor zijn weggelegd in de nabije toekomst?
Dear Muslims, Dear Christians,

Dear White people, Brown people, Black people,

Please understand that you are not one another’s enemy. Period. We are all simply fallible humans all capable of the same love & hate as every person is.

The establishment wants us to hate one another & divide us all. It is the oldest trick in the book wielded by those in power.

There is a Deep State Globalist mission to sow division & hatred across the entire Western World, designed to distract you from the real perpetrators of evil & their progression of a set of evil nefarious anti-humanity objectives.

This true evil lurks in the shadows, but has been ever present, it is the same evil that orchestrates & funds every single war. They run the banks & major corporations & almost every Politician, whether they know it or not, they are beholden to them.

These people although minuscule in number have unlimited resource & the most advanced technology at their disposal - we are all targets.

We are in the midst of a Global awakening, where more people than ever are coming to this same realisation. This is why the World is spiralling out of control, they have been exposed, they are desperate and they are willing to do anything to maintain their grip over the entire World.

So please, I implore you, don’t direct your anger & hatred towards one another, unite, let’s all defeat this evil once & for all & allow humanity the chance to truly flourish through the evolution of Human consciousness & God itself.

Mensen zijn wakker. Oftewel ik heb patiënten die hun mening zeggen en vertellen wat er allemaal aan de hand is en wakker zijn oftewel vertellen patiënten dat er iemand in de familie is die anders denkt, de wereld wil redden, gelooft dat het virus gemaakt is....

Ja, je zou het zo niet zeggen, maar men is er veel mee bezig.


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