The Great Awakening

The Cabal Story.

Being a Khazarian Fake Jew.From Khazaria, the former Ukraine.
Rob Israel from the Arab Enemies.
Live in the Stolen Israel.
Hiding behind Anti Semitism.
Infiltrate in the Enemies Europe and US.
Infiltrate Media, Politics, Companies.
Rob US/Europe via your Banks/Taxes.
Let US attack Enemy Arab countries.
Let US Taxpayers pay for it.
Rob the Enemy Arab countries.
Send the Arab fugitives to Europe.
Let European taxpayers pay for it.
Destroy US and Europe from within.
Become World Leader in your NWO.
Kill/Enslave White and ArabEnemies.

September 2023
ADHD is not a disorder

It's a phenotype

It means you have OG genetics

People with ADHD were the elite hunters and gatherers

ADHD is only seen as a "disorder" when you're born in modern times and forced to live an unnatural lifestyle in an unnatural environment

Of course, it's going to be seen as a disorder when you put a kid in a chair for 8 hours a day and force them to study useless shit

ADHD genetics are meant for a lifestyle of constant movement

The hyperfocus allowed us to craft advanced tools and track prey

Highly dopaminergic activities

Reading propaganda/useless info from textbooks is not

The ability to task switch allowed us to respond to threats quickly

The "impulsivity" allowed us to take big risks that paid off for generations

The desire for constant novelty comes with creative superpowers

The result? Constant innovation and invention

ADHDers and Autists (they deserve their own post) have invented all the technologies you use every day

The people with average IQs and no "disorders" aren't the ones changing the world

Spicy take: average IQ + zero mental "disorders" = peasant genetics :)

My advice if you have real ADHD, and aren't one of the 90%+ people who were misdiagnosed so doctors can sell you amphetamines:

- You will never feel fulfilled or reach your full potential living an average life

- You aren't meant to rot in a cubicle

- You need to find what your talents are and use those to generate income

- It's even more important for you to spend time in nature and move away from cities

Don't feel bad if you're imprisoned by a W2

1) You leave any time and move to a cheap rural area or become a passport bro if you aren't financially independent

2) The BowTied jungle has overwhelming resources and knowledge for building your escape tunnel, achieving financial independence, and unplugging from the matrix. Highly recommend following and subscribing

Remember: ADHD isn't the disorder, but being "normal" might be 😉

  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Surv
People need to be careful with this “Trump is still President” narrative. The problem with applying ‘Patriots in control’ to Israel is it would mean they’re Zionists complicit in the mass murder of children/genocide


Israel never submitted.
Nobody is in control of Israel.

Israel never submitted on the ‘Capitulation Tour’ and they are the “very dangerous animal” Q spoke of in the drops. Not everything is so simple, black and white.

It’s more nuanced than just “Trump is still President.” Yes there are clearly some safeguards in place otherwise Biden would have rounded us into the fema camps already — but it’s not *all* in control otherwise they’d never have had to release the vax to stop the fema camps in the first place. Yes Q told us this difficult phase was necessary to show the public the truth, how bad their policies are, for Putin to conduct the special operation against Ukraine biolabs under Biden regime instead of Trump etc, but Putin wasn’t targeting civilians and massacring children everyday like Israel is, that’s why Ukraine had to fake the footage. Palestine doesn’t need to fake it, there’s so much horror every single day.

There is still a silent war ongoing and there are still rogue factions mandating the vax on American troops and sending money/arms to Israel to blow kids up in Gaza every day.

To what extent “Patriots are in control” is debatable but it’s sure as hell not “full control” in the way that some people like to suggest or there wouldn’t be an ongoing genocide Palestine, being funded with American tax dollars.

lsraeI and Ukraine are the last strong holds of the cabal and nobody is in control of them.

Not yet.

Reverse infiltration counterinsurgency is ongoing and it’s getting closer every day but they still have the Samson Option and their fake proxy groups around the world so they can still do a lot of damage, which is one of the big reasons why they’re saved for last

When you don't comply or don't pay attention to it, it wil be gone with the wind. Just like Monkypocks.
Think about the last 2 months. All the major events happening, the tangible rise in public unrest as corruption is being dragged out into the open and exposed, the increasing absurdity of the narratives in play.

Anons, I know you're frustrated and have been for some time, but I want you to look closely at what's happening. Forget the details and just look at the larger patterns, look at how people are responding.

Do you realize we reached critical mass already? This momentum isn't stopping, it's GROWING. This is what it takes to awaken the public.

THIS is the Great Awakening. THIS period is what we were born for. You've been trained for the last 8 years to be the vanguard of humanity.

We're exhausted, we're angry, we're fed up. And this is the EXACT energy we need as a country to weather THE STORM. None of this is by chance or coincidence.

You may be running on empty. That's okay. Pass by the off ramp, put the pedal down, keep going. We're right beside you and we won't leave you behind.

Now is the time to push even harder, give it every ounce of your effort and dedication—for the children, for HUMANITY itself. You have more strength and power than you know, even now.

God has blessed you all, and may He continue to do so without reservation or limit.


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