The Great Awakening

If you can, step away from all of the noise for just a moment. Really concentrate on these two realizations.

#1. Mark Zuckerberg was illegally and unethically approached by senior members of the Democrat party, senior managers of the FBI, and senior members of United States government agencies...and asked to manipulate social media interactions in their favor, and to suppress the voice of Donald Trump and his supporters. Zuckerberg agreed and knowingly violated numerous federal laws in the process. He committed election tampering and election fraud at the request and direction of the Democrat party. Zuckerberg cooperated with multiple worldwide media outlets by boosting fake news stories and then suppressed exculpatory evidence proving that @realDonaldTrump is innocent of the crimes and actions democrats accuse him of. Zuckerberg used his massive META empire including Facebook and Instagram to interrupt, suppress, and silence the constitutionally protected free speech of American citizens who were defending Donald Trump. Zuckerberg censored millions of voices that spoke out against democrat COVID-19 lockdowns and protocols. He forcefully removed scientific findings, articles, and studies from Facebook and Instagram that proved the Democrat claims about COVID-19 were false. Zuckerberg knows that all of this was criminal in nature and knows that he can go to prison for a very long time if he was ever caught.

#2. Zuckerberg just admitted to all of it.

Now think. What could possibly scare or convict Zuckerberg so deeply that he would admit to all of this? What would cause him to expose the government's weaponization of social media?

In a letter to United States House Representative Jim Jordan...and then in several live appearances in front of media cameras, Zuckerberg admitted to all of the above, and more. We work hard to fight for our Constitutional rights...but many of you wonder why we also "Trust The Plan"? Here's just one small clue.

We knew six years ago that Zuck would roll over and tell all. It was just a matter of enough time going by...for it to make the biggest impact.

Hier een iets langer fragment. Hoe meer je te horen krijgt van schaakmeester Bobby Fischer (zelf een jood), hoe interessanter het wordt.

Hij heeft het over oude afbeeldingen van de duivel en dat ze er joods uitzien. Wat te denken van oude sprookjes waarin heksen en reuzen allemaal lelojke neuzen hebben? Of Pinokkie, wiens neus groter wordt naarmate hij meer liegt?

Hier een iets langer fragment. Hoe meer je te horen krijgt van schaakmeester Bobby Fischer (zelf een jood), hoe interessanter het wordt.

Hij heeft het over oude afbeeldingen van de duivel en dat ze er joods uitzien. Wat te denken van oude sprookjes waarin heksen en reuzen allemaal lelojke neuzen hebben? Of Pinokkie, wiens neus groter wordt naarmate hij meer liegt?


“The U.S. is evil,” Fischer said at a news conference, where he accused the “Jew-controlled U.S. government” of ruining his life.

Hier een iets langer fragment. Hoe meer je te horen krijgt van schaakmeester Bobby Fischer (zelf een jood), hoe interessanter het wordt.

Hij heeft het over oude afbeeldingen van de duivel en dat ze er joods uitzien. Wat te denken van oude sprookjes waarin heksen en reuzen allemaal lelojke neuzen hebben? Of Pinokkie, wiens neus groter wordt naarmate hij meer liegt?


Ik heb hier drie oude afbeeldingen van Satan met de karakteristike joodse neus.

You never see the dehumanization of Palestinians in western society exhibited so clearly as when something bad happens to Israelis during the genocidal assault on Gaza.

Today western officials are publicly weeping about six dead Israeli hostages, including one Israeli-American, who the IDF says were recently killed by Hamas.

Whoever’s been writing Joe Biden’s press releases for him published a statement about how “devastated and outraged” the president is about the death of the American hostage, Hersh Goldberg-Polin.

The statement says the president knows Goldberg-Polin’s parents, saying “I admire them and grieve with them more deeply than words can express” and that “Hamas leaders will pay for these crimes.”

“I have worked tirelessly to bring their beloved Hersh safely to them and am heartbroken by the news of his death,” the statement reads, which for the record is a lie — the Biden administration has been collaborating with Benjamin Netanyahu to sabotage a hostage deal at every turn.

Similar sentiments are being expressed in statements by western officials like Vice President Kamala Harris, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

All of these statements frame the deaths of these six Israeli hostages as an earth-shakingly horrific tragedy, and all frame Hamas as a band of evil villains who must be brought to justice for their crimes.

No similar statements have ever been made by any of these officials about the far, far greater number of innocent Palestinians who have been killed in Gaza by the state of Israel with their assistance. No similar expressions of condolence have ever been uttered by these leaders for the millions of Palestinians who’ve had their lives completely ruined by Israel’s atrocities in Gaza and the West Bank over the last eleven months, or for the untold thousands of parents who’ve had to bury children who were exterminated in Israel’s genocidal onslaught.

Western government officials are making it clear that they do not see Palestinians as human in the same way they see Israelis as human, as are the mass media propaganda institutions who’ve been covering the deaths of these hostages with an intensity never seen regarding the IDF’s daily massacres of civilians in Gaza. Israeli strikes killed 47 Palestinians in Gaza in one 24-hour period between Saturday and Sunday, receiving not the tiniest fraction of the attention as those six Israeli hostages.

The message is clear: Israelis dying is a terrible tragedy, while Palestinians dying is just the normal way for things to be. An Israeli dying should matter as much to you as your own family or friends dying, while a Palestinian dying should be regarded as a routine and natural event like a drop of rain falling from the sky.

And that’s an important message for westerners to be indoctrinated with. Can you imagine if we all started caring about western bombs being dropped in the middle east as much as we would care if they were being dropped on our own country, or on a country we’ve been conditioned to sympathize with? All their carefully manufactured consent would crumble, and people would cease allowing the western empire to do what it needs to do to dominate the planet.

These people are actively working to subvert our basic sense of human empathy. To twist our psyches into being unable to recognize the same level of humanity among empire-targeted populations as empire-supported ones. To see authorized populations as worthy of care and sympathy, and to see unauthorized populations as vermin in need of extermination.

Yes, our rulers really are that evil, and so are the propagandists who run the mass media.

So today I would like to extend my deepest condolences to the millions of Palestinians who’ve lost loved ones and had their lives thrown to the winds of chaos by Israel’s western-backed campaign of extermination, ethnic cleansing, and terrorism.

And I would like to remind my readers that Israel has exponentially more hostages than Hamas has, and murders them routinely, and rapes and tortures them constantly.

And it is right that we should care deeply about that. Even if the people who rule over us do not.

Het punt waar het om draait is verantwoording durven en willen nemen.
De mens zit als het ware in een gouden kooi. Iedereen heeft zelf de sleutel. je kunt ervoor kiezen om in je comfortzone te blijven en daarmee niet vrij te zijn. Je neemt geen verantwoording en vindt het allemaal wel best. Als je wel die vrijheid wilt, dan neem je de sleutel, opent het deurtje, steekt er een voet uit en vliegt. Je neemt je verantwoording en dat is zwaar werken. Dit betekent uitzoeken wat waar is en daarvoor staan.
In de kooi betekent dat wat overheid en media zegt accepteren, buiten de kooi betekent kritisch denken en de waarheid die je gepresenteerd wordt durven te bevragen.


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