The Great Awakening

Hier een iets langer fragment. Hoe meer je te horen krijgt van schaakmeester Bobby Fischer (zelf een jood), hoe interessanter het wordt.

Hij heeft het over oude afbeeldingen van de duivel en dat ze er joods uitzien. Wat te denken van oude sprookjes waarin heksen en reuzen allemaal lelojke neuzen hebben? Of Pinokkie, wiens neus groter wordt naarmate hij meer liegt?


En waar ze het ook altijd over hebben is dat deze lelijke wezens underground gingen. ze beschrijven altijd de joden.

Underground is ook het tegenover gestelde van in the sky waar ze ons altijd mee proberen te psyoppe. de ancient aliens die van een andere planeet komen. Ze komen van underground.

Ik weet niet of je deze history al eens gezien hebt. Maar dan zie je dat onze scheefneuzen ook al in de tijden van de crusades beide kanten bespeelde.

Kash Patel suggests that a blackout/attack on our power infrastructure will happen before the election.👀🧵

"Look we just saw Paris during the Olympics just got blacked out and a coincidence…after the opening ceremonies. You need to overhaul the infrastructure around these systems to safeguard us from one of the easier threats our adversaries can deploy against America. And it's also harder to trace too. The sourcing would be much harder on that than say a kinetic operation like a 9/11 style attack.
Is there any contingency plans up at the top on if that were to happen?
So there's this thing called COG capabilities like continuity of government and everybody's heard about locations around America I can't really talk about but There's a continuity plan for government to keep going and for enough personnel to be around to make sure we can do all those things and supposedly defend the nation and have the commander in chief and his cabinet secure and do all that. But there's no contingency plan to say if you wipe out the electricity west of Mississippi how are we gonna turn it on It doesn't exist.
How likely is that method of attack do you think from Russia, Iran, Korea, China?
Something's gonna happen, if not already. Here's the other thing. The intel community right now is playing catch up on half these attacks because, again, it wasn't a priority to pro preemptively detect them and thwart the attack…
There's so much bad stuff going on right now that our adversaries have collectively kicked off against us whether it's the border whether it's the never ending war in Ukraine, whether it's the war in Israel, whether it's the CCP and what they're doing or going to do in Taiwan, whatever's going on in Africa whether it's Afghanistan and its resurgence of al Qaeda. There's so many things going on and I think an adversary that traditionally might have waited to that opportune day might come in the interim and say these guys have no idea how to defend what we can put out there right now So maybe they go now Maybe they go in the interim in the next hundred and whatever it is four days or something like that. But…they're gonna they've already done…two things that three things that nobody said would ever happen. Started two new world wars in Ukraine and Israel and allowed China and the CCP to flex their muscles on Taiwan…
Everybody's like that's never gonna happen. Well it didn't happen under Trump. It all happened now. And we haven't even talked about DPRK their new program their rockets. That guy has been having a party this entire time or Venezuela. Right You know people forget about how…bad some of these regimes are for global stability.

How vulnerable are we do cyber threats?
Big time.
What are what are the other vulnerable vulnerabilities? From our adversaries specifically Yes…
We talked about everything coming in from the border huge collective threat That's just gonna keep growing and metastasizing. and that includes a lot more of the physical stuff Right The crime, the fentanyl, the narco trafficking the sex smuggling, that kind of stuff The cyber stuff is in a different lane, but could expose us just as much if not worse. And I think we're very very very vulnerable to that. Just look at what happened with Crowdstrike...Did you know that's an American company, run by James Comey's buddy?" @ShawnRyan762

Kash says we need a 24/7 declassification process to bring to light deep state actors who are being rewarded for breaking the law and rigging elections.

"You need a 24/7 declassification office whatever you wanna call it transparency truth whatever I don't care. Sits in the White House, reports directly to you and you take incoming from the United States of America. I want JFK. I want the 9/11 files.
What the deep state uses the most to cover up their corruption is an illegal application in the classification system. Remember the lovebirds texts from this is a beauty The lovebirds texts from the FBI and RussiaGate, Strzok and Page, were texting each other who they were running the Russia gate investigation against Trump. They were the head of the counterintelligence unit at the FBI. And they're having an extramarital affair together. Can't make this stuff up. They're sending each other texts about how much they hate Trump and are gonna create an insurance policy to stop Trump...
But it gets even better Here's the deep state full circle. Just last week, Do you know what Strzok and Page received from the Department of Justice? A one point five million dollar payout to settle a lawsuit that they brought for the improper disclosure of their personal text messages on FBI phones..
And the DOJ just rewarded them. They broke the law. They broke the chain of command. They broke every regulation there is in the FBI. They weaponized the system of justice against the political target they hated. We found those text messages…
and we got them declassified finally in full when I became deputy director of National Intelligence…And the world is now seeing them and they can read them And that's the best form of transparency. That's why I want this twenty four seven declassification office. Read it. Get the documents. Get the files. Get the memos. But the deep state came full circle and gave these guys a payday for rigging a Presidential election and breaking the law."

Kash Patel: An Awakened People can bring justice for generations, not just during the Trump era. This is all about the future.

"I want the American people to have enough ammunition of the truth that they are the ones that enact the accountability in Washington DC. That is how you see a see change. I know the people that, guys like me, may take self fulfillment and seeing that guy or that gal go to prison for breaking the law.
But that is not going to fix Washington DC.

To hold these people accountable prosecute them imprison them, maybe more. It's an example and as an example to everybody that's coming after them if you do this is we're coming for you and this is what's gonna happen.

I agree in full that it's a big piece of it, but it won't fix the next man up behind them unless you can combine that piece with educating America that this is going on writ large. Because you're not gonna get everybody But if you get enough Americans in there to get Congress to do what they should be doing, like prosecuting Merrick Garland for breaking a congressional subpoena and violating the law. What I want is for people to get Congress to execute the authority they have on instances like this and have him held accountable there.
And then I want the DOJ and FBI to be run by the Constitution. I want the intel communities to focus on our overseas threats and our border. I want all of these people that join the ranks of government to respond to the needs of the American people. It might sound pie in the sky but if you wanna fix the if you wanna fix it fix it, I give you fifty things to do in here. But if the American people aren't behind you then you won't have the accountability you just won't."

Kash Patel suggests that a blackout/attack on our power infrastructure will happen before the election.👀🧵

"Look we just saw Paris during the Olympics just got blacked out and a coincidence…after the opening ceremonies. You need to overhaul the infrastructure around these systems to safeguard us from one of the easier threats our adversaries can deploy against America. And it's also harder to trace too. The sourcing would be much harder on that than say a kinetic operation like a 9/11 style attack.
Is there any contingency plans up at the top on if that were to happen?
So there's this thing called COG capabilities like continuity of government and everybody's heard about locations around America I can't really talk about but There's a continuity plan for government to keep going and for enough personnel to be around to make sure we can do all those things and supposedly defend the nation and have the commander in chief and his cabinet secure and do all that. But there's no contingency plan to say if you wipe out the electricity west of Mississippi how are we gonna turn it on It doesn't exist.
How likely is that method of attack do you think from Russia, Iran, Korea, China?
Something's gonna happen, if not already. Here's the other thing. The intel community right now is playing catch up on half these attacks because, again, it wasn't a priority to pro preemptively detect them and thwart the attack…
There's so much bad stuff going on right now that our adversaries have collectively kicked off against us whether it's the border whether it's the never ending war in Ukraine, whether it's the war in Israel, whether it's the CCP and what they're doing or going to do in Taiwan, whatever's going on in Africa whether it's Afghanistan and its resurgence of al Qaeda. There's so many things going on and I think an adversary that traditionally might have waited to that opportune day might come in the interim and say these guys have no idea how to defend what we can put out there right now So maybe they go now Maybe they go in the interim in the next hundred and whatever it is four days or something like that. But…they're gonna they've already done…two things that three things that nobody said would ever happen. Started two new world wars in Ukraine and Israel and allowed China and the CCP to flex their muscles on Taiwan…
Everybody's like that's never gonna happen. Well it didn't happen under Trump. It all happened now. And we haven't even talked about DPRK their new program their rockets. That guy has been having a party this entire time or Venezuela. Right You know people forget about how…bad some of these regimes are for global stability.

How vulnerable are we do cyber threats?
Big time.
What are what are the other vulnerable vulnerabilities? From our adversaries specifically Yes…
We talked about everything coming in from the border huge collective threat That's just gonna keep growing and metastasizing. and that includes a lot more of the physical stuff Right The crime, the fentanyl, the narco trafficking the sex smuggling, that kind of stuff The cyber stuff is in a different lane, but could expose us just as much if not worse. And I think we're very very very vulnerable to that. Just look at what happened with Crowdstrike...Did you know that's an American company, run by James Comey's buddy?" @ShawnRyan762

Kash says we need a 24/7 declassification process to bring to light deep state actors who are being rewarded for breaking the law and rigging elections.

"You need a 24/7 declassification office whatever you wanna call it transparency truth whatever I don't care. Sits in the White House, reports directly to you and you take incoming from the United States of America. I want JFK. I want the 9/11 files.
What the deep state uses the most to cover up their corruption is an illegal application in the classification system. Remember the lovebirds texts from this is a beauty The lovebirds texts from the FBI and RussiaGate, Strzok and Page, were texting each other who they were running the Russia gate investigation against Trump. They were the head of the counterintelligence unit at the FBI. And they're having an extramarital affair together. Can't make this stuff up. They're sending each other texts about how much they hate Trump and are gonna create an insurance policy to stop Trump...
But it gets even better Here's the deep state full circle. Just last week, Do you know what Strzok and Page received from the Department of Justice? A one point five million dollar payout to settle a lawsuit that they brought for the improper disclosure of their personal text messages on FBI phones..
And the DOJ just rewarded them. They broke the law. They broke the chain of command. They broke every regulation there is in the FBI. They weaponized the system of justice against the political target they hated. We found those text messages…
and we got them declassified finally in full when I became deputy director of National Intelligence…And the world is now seeing them and they can read them And that's the best form of transparency. That's why I want this twenty four seven declassification office. Read it. Get the documents. Get the files. Get the memos. But the deep state came full circle and gave these guys a payday for rigging a Presidential election and breaking the law."

Kash Patel: An Awakened People can bring justice for generations, not just during the Trump era. This is all about the future.

"I want the American people to have enough ammunition of the truth that they are the ones that enact the accountability in Washington DC. That is how you see a see change. I know the people that, guys like me, may take self fulfillment and seeing that guy or that gal go to prison for breaking the law.
But that is not going to fix Washington DC.

To hold these people accountable prosecute them imprison them, maybe more. It's an example and as an example to everybody that's coming after them if you do this is we're coming for you and this is what's gonna happen.

I agree in full that it's a big piece of it, but it won't fix the next man up behind them unless you can combine that piece with educating America that this is going on writ large. Because you're not gonna get everybody But if you get enough Americans in there to get Congress to do what they should be doing, like prosecuting Merrick Garland for breaking a congressional subpoena and violating the law. What I want is for people to get Congress to execute the authority they have on instances like this and have him held accountable there.
And then I want the DOJ and FBI to be run by the Constitution. I want the intel communities to focus on our overseas threats and our border. I want all of these people that join the ranks of government to respond to the needs of the American people. It might sound pie in the sky but if you wanna fix the if you wanna fix it fix it, I give you fifty things to do in here. But if the American people aren't behind you then you won't have the accountability you just won't."


You really think lsraeI wanted their greatest blackmail assets taken out like Epstein, Ghislaine, Weinstein, NXIVM, Nyguard etc?

You think lsraeI wanted Trump to pull troops/cut ClA funding for their war in Syria?

You think lsraeI wanted their fake proxy group lSlS destroyed?

You think they wanted Trump to stop the fema camps in America?

You think they want Trump to oppose central bank digital currency?

You think they want Trump to oppose open borders and a one world government?

You really think they wanted to have strings cut and loose control of lran, North Korea, Russia and China so they could ally against them?

All for a measly embassy in Jerusalem?
If they control out gov then why couldn’t they do that before?

All in exchange for Trump putting on the tiny hat, touching the wall and saying he “stands with them”?

Anyone who knows about the Scofield Bible should know you cannot win elections without appealing to the Christian Zionist majority of American voters.

We’re already seeing the downfall of the Z0G begin, you just have to look past the surface.

The real war is silent.

The Q posts lead toward the conclusion of lsraeI and the Roths J Mafia without saying it directly

“Not mentioned a single time”
because Scofield Bible cognitive dissonance

Who controls the Uniparty?
Who controls the banks?
Who controls the media?
Who employed Epstein?
Who controls pharma?

Who *used to* control lran?

Who kiIIed JFK?
Who did 9/11?

Who created lsraeI?


Prayers up for Liz 💚🙏🏻
It’s shameful the way she is throttled. Liz pours everything into her work. Over the target 🎯

From Liz Crokin: I deactivated my X account. I currently can no longer be on that platform with all the targeting and discrimination allowed to happen to my account which has resulted in a loss of revenue for me that is a six-figure number. I also need a break from the constant abuse, slander and misrepresentations made against me on X including from a monetized fake Liz Crokin and other monetized and subscription approved accounts.

I stopped doing my Vampire Hunter show because despite my episodes receiving millions of views on X, I lost money because the production costs were more than I was making off my videos. So in effect, I lost money.

I had to take a step back from doing public events this year because of escalated security threats I’ve dealt with including in my own home.

All of this has taken a toll on my health. I will continue to fight to get these issues with X resolved for me and others who have also been censored and discriminated against. You can support me by donating to my legal fund or by sharing the link.

And let me make this clear: Platforms that censor and discriminate against those exposing elite pedophiles and combatting sex trafficking are protecting and enabling these child rapist monsters. An attack on me is really an attack on the children I’m fighting for.

Thanks for all your ongoing support and prayers.

@elonmusk #freelizcrokin

I just got off the phone with @lizcrokin and in addition to the statement that @papaG711 just posted and from what she said on her telegram account, she also wanted to reiterate that she’s the one that deleted her account.

She plans on fighting X and she gathered other anon account handles because she plans on fighting on their behalf too.

There are 150,000 America First and anon accounts that have not been restored since the Trump 2020 purge.

Liz is tired of being throttled. She’s been through years of political persecution. The deep state has done everything they can to prevent her from making money.

X is supposed to be a platform that changes this, but for many anons and Liz, it’s business as usual. Other accounts similar in size to Liz are making $500k to $1 million a year in ad sharing revenue.

No matter how many times Liz has appealed and met with X officials, nothing changes. They are not correcting the algorithm She’s worn out and needs a break. She will continue to fight. Stay tuned.

Jordan Maxwell:

"They do not want your children educated. They do not want you to think too much. That is why our country and our world has become so proliferated with entertainments, mass media, game shows, television shows, amusement parks, drugs, alcohol and every kind of entertainment to keep the human mind entertained so that you don't get in the way of important people by doing too much thinking."

"You had better wake up and understand that there are people who are guiding your life and you don't even know it"



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