The Great Awakening

New footage of former head of DNC saying LBJ ordered the hit against JFK

LBJ was a servant of Israel. His family were Zionists, his aunt was a founder of Zionist Organization of America, a constituent of AZC, which later became AIPAC, that JFK wanted to register as foreign agent

JFK also wanted to inspect Israel’s illegally acquired nucIear facilities, that they build by stealing nucIear material from the U.S.

After JFK was kiIIed,
neither of these things happened

Israel kiIIed JFK.

Personally, After Watching, Consuming, Researching, Analyzing, And Interpreting The Past Eight Years Of 'Events', I Have Tremendously High Expectations For This Brilliant Man's Second Term Behind The Resolute Desk. I Believe We Will See A More Gathered, Focused, Articulated, And Serious President After January 20th.

There Is No Longer A Need To Throw Distractions At The Mockingbird Media Puppets To Get Things Done.

There Is No Longer A Need To Wonder Who Is A Traitor And Who Is A Patriot, As So Much Has Been Revealed, And So Many Have Exposed Themselves, These Past Eight Years.

President Trump's Second Term Could Potentinally Turn Out To Be The Least Pandering Administration In U.S. History.

The Man Is On A Mission, God Is On His Side, And Time Is Of The Essence. I Believe President Trump Wants And Will Restore And Achieve Greatness Before July 4th, 2026.

Anons And Citizen Journalists Have Done Their Absolute Best, And With The Dedicated Effort Of Hundreds Of Thousands Of Small Accounts, Not Seeking Credit Or Recognition, Have Lifted The Movement And The Truth To Hights Previously Thought Unimaginable, And Woken Up Millions Of Deceived American Patriots.

It Is Up To President Trump Now, To Follow Through, And Finally 'Take Out' The Treasonous F*cking Trash So Deeply Embedded In The U.S. Government.

It Will Be Truly Epic.

Imagine being so obsessed with being rich and famous that you sold your soul to be a “celebrity” and now you regert your decision bc the people who used to worship you now all think you’re a bunch of POS Pedo Satanists unless you come out against them and align WITH US!

Reverse Uno - we make the rules

Never stop moving forward and exposing truth.

Never stop fighting for your beliefs and convictions.

Never stop fighting for our constitution and country.

We’ve gotten this far because we haven’t let off the gas, and now is certainly not the time to do so.

Stay engaged. Be involved.

We still have a long way to go to set things right.

WWG1WGA 🐸🇺🇸🐸

This delta for January 14th is one of my favorite Q posts, as it encapsulates everything we as a collective have been working at during the Great Awakening.


It’s such a simple phrase, but it’s such an important, powerful message.

We’ve been told to be careful who we follow, and when you look at things through the WWG1WGA lens, it becomes very easy to decipher who is and who isn’t in this together.

As our enemies continue to try to fracture our movement, stay vigilant.

Those who continue to attack others are not of the WWG1WGA mindset.

You could have the nicest bunch of apples the world has ever known - if one of them is rotten, that entire bunch will be garbage within a couple of days.

That notion also holds true for anger.

Anger and negativity seep in and slowly destroy all they touch - infesting everything with a cancer that is not easily removed.


I never said not to get angered.

The point, which this fella missed - was to not let it control you.

There is a difference in walking around acting like a pissy emotional bitch every time your emotions are triggered, and channeling that energy into constructive use through righteous indignation.

You chose the former with your reply.


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