It’s hilarious to me that the massive anti-Trump protests aka riots — like these

— that broke out across several major U.S. cities right after Trump won the presidency the first time over 8 years ago have been memory-holed and are currently MIA.
What’s even more entertaining and extremely interesting to me is that none of these riots that were disguised as peaceful protests — that wreaked havoc The Joker-style inciting violence, fires and mayhem across several major U.S. cities in 2016 — have taken place even once since Trump won the second (technically third) time.
Instead, the homes of wealthy elites and celebrities are burning to the ground in a strange twist of fate of Biblical proportions.
Now why is that?
Hmmm…just maybe the elites who funded the obviously staged anti-Trump protests/riots in the past (cough, cough George Soros!) no longer have the money and power to fund these false flag operations destroying our Republic.
Or…perhaps they aren’t funding or attending anti-Trump protests wearing pussy hats — yes, they actually did do that, literally! — because they’re too busy burning their Diddy & Jeffrey Epstein evidence and planning their escape routes.
Needless to say, I’m LMFAO and will continue to as I play my

because I’ve always known this day would come and nothing can stop what’s coming.