The Great Awakening

[Doorgestuurd van Karma Patriot]
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Scavino, GeorgeNews & Military are referring heavily to Antarctica.

Then Scavino's video post with penguins all screaming “it’s happening”.
Penguins live in Antarctica & they know something’s happening??!? 🤔

So makes you wonder what in the world is
(which I assume was their point)

So here’s what I found:
•Antarctica has no permanent population, no citizenship or government.
•It is governed by the Antarctic Treaty, which includes 54 countries.
•There are 70 military “research stations” in Antarctica, which represent 29 countries from every continent on Earth.
•Since no country owns Antarctica, no visa is required to travel there.
•Research focuses on terrestrial and marine biology, medical research, ocean sciences & meteorology.

[Doorgestuurd van Karma Patriot]
[ Foto ]
The Antarctic Treaty bans military activity in Antarctica. Military personnel and equipment may only be used for scientific research or any other peaceful purpose.

The Atlantic Treaty is meant to represent the “common heritage of mankind” principle.
It says that these countries must work TOGETHER to ensure the preservation and wellbeing of the natural land, and to cooperate with their fellow members.
Each person in Antarctica is governed by the laws of their home country.

Then I found a ton of military posts & pics of Operations & Missions happening right now in Antarctica.
Operation Deep Freeze 2022 is one I noticed.
There’s also a Navy Squadron called Puckered Penguins. (Dan Scavino penguin video 🐧)

The countries all recently collaborated to make new guidelines for ships operating in polar waters called The Polar Code.
[Doorgestuurd van Brian Cates]
Je kunt het op twee manieren bekijken: Kash Patel en Devin Nunes houden iedereen voor de gek met al dat Q-gedoe dat ze sinds de lancering op Truth Social posten; het is allemaal maar een beetje onschuldig trollen dat precies NIETS betekent. En Scavino laat meer dan een dozijn video's van Antarctica zien omdat hij gewoon iedereen voor de gek wil houden; het betekent helemaal niets. De andere visie is dat er iets aan de hand is, maar we zullen niet duidelijk zien wat tot er een soort van 'grote onthulling' is.
Soros is publicly coming out and saying Xi, Putin and Trump need to be stopped in order to save civilization. That’s rather rich from the man who is admitted trying to destroy civilization.

This is all the confirmation I need that Xi, Putin and Trump are in ongoing special operations to expose and prosecute the deep state. And based on the mass panic from the deep state, it appears we are directly over the target. The Ukrainian US biolab activity is the entry point to investigating all US biolab activity, and discovering C19 was created and released intentionally.

If I am Russia, there is one super easy way to solve this issue and force a neutral party investigation from the UN: Agree to cease fire, if the UN agrees to enact Articles 5 and 6 of the the International Biological Convention to investigate the allegations of biological weapon production by the US.

The US would be put between a rock and a hard place. If they accept, they know what the investigation will lead to, and those responsible are subject to capital punishment a la DEATH. If they don’t accept, then they are proving they have something to hide and are willing to let war continue.

Obviously the deep state do not care about innocent life, and not saying Putin is a saint in all this, but these labs are creating genome specific bioweapons designed to target and wipe out the Russian population. This is a direct threat to Russian National Security and dictates the proper response from Putin to protect his people from ANOTHER biological weapon of mass destruction. As if C19 wasn’t enough.

If Russia was creating genome specific DNA hunting bioweapons at our border, the US MIL would be raining hell the likes of which the world has never seen.

The ball is rolling. We are now on the offensive. Do not let up. All gas, no brakes.


0:06 Intro
0:36 #1 the Law of Harmony
1:44 #2 the Law of Reincarnation and Karma
3:29 #3 the Law of Wisdom
6:38 #4 the Law of Grace
8:03 #5 the Law of Soul Evolution
9:07 #6 the Law of the Bodhisattva
9:49 #7 the Law of Vibrational Attainment
10:57 #8 the Law of Free Will
12:29 #9 the Law of One
13:32 #10 the Law of Manifestation
14:44 #11 the Law of Conscious Detachment
16:06 #12 the Law of Gratitude
16:33 #13 the Law of Fellowship
17:06 #14 the Law of Resistance
18:56 #15 the Law of Attraction
19:36 #16 the Law of Reflection
20:52 #17 the Law of Unconditional Love
21:37 #18 the Law of Magnetic Affinities
22:45 #19 the Law of Abundance
23:14 #20 the Law of Divine Order
25:10 #21 the Law of Attitude
25:58 #22 the Law of Threes
26:45 #23 the Law of Association
27:37 #24 the Law of Commitment
28:31 #25 the Law of Dissonance / Self Delusion
30:01 #26 the Law of Experience
31:51 #27 the Law of Fearful Confrontation
32:43 #28 the Law of Group Consciousness
33:42 #29 the Law of Personal Return
34:26 #30 the Law of Activity
34:57 #31 the Law of Denial
35:30 #32 the Law of New Beginnings
36:22 #33 the Law of Compensation
37:08 #34 the Law of Psychometric Influence
38:28 #35 the Law of Totality
39:20 #36 the Law of Dominant Desire
40:14 #37 the Law of Duality
42:02 #38 the Law of Self Destruction
45:20 #39 the Law of Environmental Manifestation
46:00 #40 the Law of Restriction
47:02 #41 the Law of Self-Worth
48:06 #42 the Law of Growth
49:00 #43 the Law of Self Truth
49:25 #44 the Law of Summarized experience
50:06 #45 the Law of Belief
50:53 #46 the Law of Dharmic Direction
52:42 #47 the Law of Purifying Action
54:19 #48 the Law of Karmic Excess
54:47 #49 the Law of Release
55:30 #50 the Law of Ritual
Here is an amazing interactive map of the public BSL-4' labs around the world. Be sure to click on the locations. Maximum containment BSL-4 labs are designed to work with potentially devastating viruses for which there are no vaccines or cure.

This interactive map is supported by the report, "Mapping Maximum Biological Containment Labs Globally," which highlights the significant risks posed by these labs.

Currently, there are no binding international standards for safe, secure, and responsible work on pathogens in these maximum containment labs.

It comes from, "CHYNA."

To me, and knowing what we do now about the Military Industrial Complex's/CIA's/Fauci's EcoHealth funding of secret biolabs in Ukraine and around the world, this may mean nothing or it could mean military intelligence confirmed that C19 is linked to both places.

I am sure some of these biolabs communicated or were producing research that interconnected compartmentally into a broader strategy. Near certain of the latter.

Trump didn't fund these efforts. He doesn't control the purse, Congress does. Funding for these biolabs was already long activated, both through Congress and I'm sure, CIA black budgets.

Often overlooked as to why things are unfolding the way they are is this, we don't know what these demons really have up their sleeve. We have no idea what they would do if we raced in to drop the gauntlet. We know they will kill anyone and everyone to save their ancient agenda. What if military intelligence knows they have a nuke switch option or a global plague release switch if cornered under specific circumstances?

It is clear patriots methodically worked the perimeter in the beginning as they moved inward and upward, flipping assets along the way, removing blockades and loyalists, collecting more and more evidence, waking the global public, and neutralizing key threats to inevitably corner the actual power sources behind the Satanic World Order into a trap they cannot escape from. An SWO that had nearly conquered the planet prior to Trump.

What I do know is this plan is working, brilliantly. Others can blackpill this all the way to the finish line if they want, but I have seen and experienced to much to doubt our trajectory now. We are winning. We are defeating them. Justice is coming. And, nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing.

Bijzonder grappige gedachtegang van Scot op ±53 minuten:
Resolutie van de VN tegen verheerlijking van nazisme, neonazisme en racisme en dergelijke zaken:
Van de Europese landen stemmen allen Rusland, Kazachstan, Wit-Rusland, Armenië, Azerbaijdzjan en Servië, Allemaal landen met een communistisch verleden.
“It’s time to protect our own sovereignty. It’s time to save our own nation from the people who are trying to destroy it. The people controlling Biden, Pelosi and the others.”

- President Trump

Very very important line, he is speaking about the globalist here within our own country and breaking free from them. Remember when he called them the “invisible enemy”. Now he is directly speaking to them! Look how far we’ve come Patriots. 🔥👀


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