The Great Awakening


“Together we are standing up against some of the most sinister forces, entrenched interest and vicious opponents our people have ever seen. But no matter how big or powerful these corrupt radicals may be. You must never forget this nation does not belong to them, this nation belongs to you!”

- President Trump just torched the Deep State and rallied the people ❤️

This was the line of the night in my opinion. 🔥

“Together we are standing up against some of the most sinister forces, entrenched interest and vicious opponents our people have ever seen. But no matter how big or powerful these corrupt radicals may be. You must never forget this nation does not belong to them, this nation belongs to you!”

- President Trump in closing

In my opinion, Pompeo is Q team so it makes sense that he would need a lot of protection.
How interesting that Trump's "former" cabinet goes around meeting with leaders of countries and no one cries about the Logan Act.
Trump is my President.
He's also my shadow President.
If Obama can be a shadow President, Trump can do it better.
He always one ups his opponents. That's our guy.

“China’s next”

Optics are everything. Biden and Dems get the blame. Deep state gets taken down. Brilliant

Part of Xi Jinping’s past
>His dad was a popular revolutionary who was jailed by Mao (evil commie)
>Sister killed by the commies
>As a young man he was Exiled for 6 years

Infiltration not invasion ??
There is a common enemy and Xi has very personal reasons to eliminate the NWO


0:06 Intro
0:36 #1 the Law of Harmony
1:44 #2 the Law of Reincarnation and Karma
3:29 #3 the Law of Wisdom
6:38 #4 the Law of Grace
8:03 #5 the Law of Soul Evolution
9:07 #6 the Law of the Bodhisattva
9:49 #7 the Law of Vibrational Attainment
10:57 #8 the Law of Free Will
12:29 #9 the Law of One
13:32 #10 the Law of Manifestation
14:44 #11 the Law of Conscious Detachment
16:06 #12 the Law of Gratitude
16:33 #13 the Law of Fellowship
17:06 #14 the Law of Resistance
18:56 #15 the Law of Attraction
19:36 #16 the Law of Reflection
20:52 #17 the Law of Unconditional Love
21:37 #18 the Law of Magnetic Affinities
22:45 #19 the Law of Abundance
23:14 #20 the Law of Divine Order
25:10 #21 the Law of Attitude
25:58 #22 the Law of Threes
26:45 #23 the Law of Association
27:37 #24 the Law of Commitment
28:31 #25 the Law of Dissonance / Self Delusion
30:01 #26 the Law of Experience
31:51 #27 the Law of Fearful Confrontation
32:43 #28 the Law of Group Consciousness
33:42 #29 the Law of Personal Return
34:26 #30 the Law of Activity
34:57 #31 the Law of Denial
35:30 #32 the Law of New Beginnings
36:22 #33 the Law of Compensation
37:08 #34 the Law of Psychometric Influence
38:28 #35 the Law of Totality
39:20 #36 the Law of Dominant Desire
40:14 #37 the Law of Duality
42:02 #38 the Law of Self Destruction
45:20 #39 the Law of Environmental Manifestation
46:00 #40 the Law of Restriction
47:02 #41 the Law of Self-Worth
48:06 #42 the Law of Growth
49:00 #43 the Law of Self Truth
49:25 #44 the Law of Summarized experience
50:06 #45 the Law of Belief
50:53 #46 the Law of Dharmic Direction
52:42 #47 the Law of Purifying Action
54:19 #48 the Law of Karmic Excess
54:47 #49 the Law of Release
55:30 #50 the Law of Ritual

@Fries Foar Frijhiid deze vind ik echt heel goed! Hartelijk dank hiervoor!

Deze kwam ik ook tegen:

En deze (n.a.v. een boek van Robert Greene):

Is ook een pdf van en staat ook op het leeslijstje van FvD

Deze is ook goed, maar wat lastiger te volgen schijnbaar: zogenaamd gaat het over geld verdienen, maar in feite gaat het boek over energie
Laatst bewerkt:
In theory let’s Think about this:

>Q said the military was the only way.
>Q is less than 10 and 3 non military
>Some of those would HAVE to be Bin Salman, Xi, and Putin if youre going to take on the DS
>Some of the biggest parts of the Deep State are cornered in Kiev.
>Black Sea cut off by Russian subs with fancy new super sonic missiles.
>Russia also has the east by legitimate and legal invasion (land rights)
>NATO and US military surround the east under the guise of support for Ukraine.
>This really is existential for them - yet they’re not sending any realistic help except CIA mercenaries 🤡’s
>No anti aircraft support, no no-fly zone, no Migs like they thought.
>Ukraine is Crying for Israel to come mediate/help.
>Israel is being attacked by Iran bombing the US consulate in Iraq where Israel secret ops are allegedly being held (Mossad)
>Russia is threatening to tell the whole world about the genocidal corruption and have all the evidence.
>Trump is saying China is going after Taiwan next but it wouldn’t shock me if while the whole world is watching Ukraine, China is setting up behind the scenes with no media coverage.
>They’re screaming for public support through manipulation of the media as their only realistic hope Bc they appear to be running out of supplies and ammunition.
>Anons are poking holes through every story they put out. The narrative is coming completely undone.

And if they’ll just wait until they’ve spent all their ammunition, been fully exposed , it can all just happen at once like taking candy from a baby.

The whole thing set up without anyone having a clue what’s going on.

I mean if it were me planning this - that sounds like a pretty genius idea.



Betekent dit dat Iran meewerkt met "The Plan"?

Israel is being attacked by Iran bombing the US consulate in Iraq where Israel secret ops are allegedly being held (Mossad)
General Flynn: “Someone like Vladimir Putin has now upset this balance of the New World Order that they were trying to achieve by going into Ukraine…

All of what we are seeing play out in Europe right now is an upsetting of the balance of the world order as they want it…”


It has been brought to my attention, that one of my family members who works in the intelligence community, is being questioned on their relationship with the user “BioClandestine”. The IC are curious as to if this person is passing along classified intelligence to me…

Firstly, the US intelligence community just confirmed I am over the target, because they are suspect that I have access to classified intelligence… if I was wrong, they wouldn’t be asking these questions.

I cited the US embassy page, a Newsweek article, and official statements from the United Nations… I DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO CLASSIFIED INTELLIGENCE. I’m just a guy who put the puzzle together quicker than expected, and [they] REALLY didn’t like it. We ruined their cover up and propaganda scheme because the citizen intelligence apparatus was quicker at dissemination of information. Everyone knew about the biolabs before they could shut the story down and establish their own narrative. The mega multi-billion dollar IC and their state controlled media, just got outmaneuvered by a bunch of volunteer citizens on social media. Sorry not sorry.

Secondly, this means the US intelligence community knows who I am, where I live, who my family members are, and are now intimidating my family. I’m under surveillance.

So to the agents currently patrolling my feed, and watching what I say; I have some questions for you:
Do you morally agree with spying on an innocent citizen? Are you aware of the 4th Amendment of the Constitution? The one you swore an Oath to defend? Are you mad at me for exposing the US DoD are funding bioweapon production? Or are you mad at your higher ups for producing bioweapons?

I’m not the one who breached the International Biological Weapons Convention, released a genetically modified pathogen, implemented communism under the guise of public health, mass brainwashed the planet, coerced billions into a human experiment, and started WW3… but I’m the bad guy for pointing it out? Spare me.

So shoot this up your chain of command: Upon invitation, I’ll come in and talk to any agency, and I’ll present my case, prove it’s all open source and confirm I do not have access to any classified intelligence. And then you all can explain to me how you’re going along with what’s happening and how you managed to let this to slip from your oversight. You wanna talk? Let’s talk. History will not be kind to those who chose to sit idly by, as evil descended.

Remember that Oath you took? I took one too, and mine doesn’t have an expiration date. We swore to defend the Constitution from all threats, foreign AND DOMESTIC. The people who created biological weapons are the domestic threat, not the guy drinking an IPA, tweeting from his living room. It’s disgusting that I have to explain this to you.

So go ahead and spy on me. You all might learn a thing or two about how to do your fucking jobs. You’re letting an Infantry grunt with an iPhone run circles around all the suits in Washington. I’d be embarrassed too.

You have any questions, you will direct them to me. Leave my family out of it. They played no part in any of this.


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