The Great Awakening

Zijn antwoord :
Dat klopt, maar heb niet veel zin op de luchthaven vast te zitten of BV niet terug te kunnen keren vanuit B. Checken ze hier intensief ?

Brecht Arnaert:
Ja. Je hebt een QR-code nodig, je kunt er niet van tussen.
Ja, hij is dus of gevaxxed of doet mee aan het testen, om op reis te gaan.
When I woke up in 2020 I had a vision of what is going to lie ahead for us. The people who worship lucifer will begin to share their ways to the world as their network is exposed.

A lot of these fans who idolize actors and artists will still follow them when they find out the disgusting acts they do. The line between good and evil will be so clear people can cross it.

Just don't be surprised when their fans actually like the things they do. In the end God Winds and we're already on the correct side but expect more of this public display.

When you establish a culture that is not just anti-God/anti-Christianity, you by nature are drawn towards the 'other side'. And as a Christian, I can tell you that the 'other side' is quite real. Demons exist. So does Satan. 👆👆👆👆While at the start for some of these people it might have looked like a fun way to troll the redneck Christians of Palookaville, you set certain forces at work in your life. Hollywood is chock full of these people. They actively and deliberately reject the Christian God. But you don't create a vacuum when you do that. Something else fills it. Or to be more blunt, SOMEONE else fills it.

From a 45,000 foot view:
IMO we are witnessing a reverse Cuban missile crisis, circa 1962.
Just as 60 years ago Russia had their missiles in Cuba pointed right at our border?
Now we have US DoD funded BIOWEAPON research labs at Russia’s border.
President Kennedy called Russia’s bluff in 1962 and Russia backed down and removed the missiles from Cuba, avoiding the PRECIPICE of WW3.
In 2022? Putin, like Kennedy, tried diplomacy first… Russia delayed and delayed and delayed the invasion of Ukraine.
But Biden called Putin‘s bluff.
Putin had no choice but to go into Ukraine strategically and surgically remove the labs.
Ukraine has “sicced” its homeland Nazi militia dogs on the Russians in a fire fight.
Innocent civilians are caught in the middle tragically because the FALSE FLAGS are flying. Operation Northwoods, never retracted, is in full effect.
FOLLOW who is “saber-rattling” for war and who’s NOT #FutureProvesPast

777,777 ft view
I’ve been saying for a while now- these bloodlines today that we’re dealing with are Biblical bloodlines. And it all revolves around Noah & his 3 kids: Shem, Japheth, & Ham.

Then from Shem comes Abraham then Ishmael & Issac, and then Jacob and Esau.

Jacob is Israel and gives the 12 tribes
Esau marries Canaanites and gives Edomites.

All this history is still in play today and all the intentions/motives the same as they ever were. They are….The same. All of it is connected. All.

If people don’t understand this concept, they haven’t a clue what’s really going on.

It’s going to be Biblical because it’s NEVER not been


V-"Waarom is specifiek Israël de laatste?" A- Oekraïne is het land van de Khazaren. Afstammelingen van Khazar, is "Esau-Edomite". De Nazi, zionistische maffia De Khazaren creëerden Israël, en Israël is een schaduw van de Khazaren uit Oekraïne, de Global Elite die de mensheid regeerde. Dit is waarom Israël de laatste is, want wanneer Oekraïne bevrijdt van de Khazaren, zal Israël en het hele woord VRIJ zijn. 🇺🇸🦅 Het loont echt om je geschiedenis te kennen, in het algemeen en bijbels


I would not be discouraged if I were you.
God is doing amazing things.
Look at the big picture.
Literally every single deep state player has become visibly triggered at what Putin is doing. When Xi makes his move what will be their response?
They will become even more irate because they can't stop what's happening.
2022 has been infinitely better than 2021.
We haven't needed to stretch ourselves in faith as much because visible action is being taken even if it takes an anon to see through the propaganda: We know that incredible things are habbening when all of America's enemies are in an uproar.
Hold the line Patriots.
These pressures and trials are a small price to pay for the joy that is coming.
God is on the move all around the world. You know this to be true.

Something that has been VERY helpful for me is understanding the difference between soul & spirit.

When you receive Yeshua, your SPIRIT is restored to “pre-Eden” state - fully restored & redeemed. Our “new man/new wine skin.”

But, our soul (psuché/phágō) is our “freewill” part: emotions, thoughts, will, choices, etc. THAT is the part where scripture talks about “sanctification” which is a PROCESS of surrender & inviting HolySpirit to heal, cleanse & restore. Our “old man/old wine skin.”

Emotional healing is the sanctification process of repentance, forgiving ourselves & others, learning new patterns of behavior & choices, learning to submit our flesh & freewill choices to HolySpirit, etc.

Understanding that our spirit is fully restored & walks freely “in the cool (Ruach) of the day” as Adam & Eve did before the fall, and our spirit & HolySpirit are partnering together to “flush out” all the rot & debris the enemy has been loading us up with lies & woundedness - flushing from Spirit-side, innermost being, from the “backend” of how the enemy has dumped stuff in from our flesh/Earth experience… like flushing out a septic tank 😆

Your salvation was never at risk and still isn’t… now we are dealing with cleanup & debris from enemy efforts to derail us & whatever others, & we have unwittingly, contributed so our spirit is in unencumbered ruling our soul (psuché/phágō) & flesh.

Hope that makes sense. I’m on my lunch break & tried to it quickly…

I see some people getting blackpilled by the daily horrors. Remember when our friend the 17 told us that "The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital"? Many people scoffed at that, and declared themselves ready for it all - and they were wrong, and foolhardy. I guess we are all happy now that we had a 'bootcamp' from Oct 28 2017 until Dec 8 2020 to help us fight this war that's at once physical, emotional, mental, spiritual. It's been incredibly hard, it's true - but we didn't expect anything different. However, looking out into this world, we see that the Great Awakening is in full force, and the people are taking the fight into their hands, there is no 'command and control' structure that can be dismantled or leveraged. If one of us fall, five stand in his or her place. Sure, the Lords of this planet have mobilized all their assets in tandem, in a pandemonium. But we stand firm, we hold our ground, we fight back. God wins. God Bless you all, anons 🌟

Valt het niet op dat velen die al labiel waren nu helemaal van het padje af lijken te zijn? Hieronder ook vele 'wakkeren'. Ik waarschuwde hier al begin 2021 voor, weet je nog? Ik zei dat als je nu niet aan zelfreflrectie en vereniging (in die volgorde) gaat doen het straks te laat is.

Wat er gaande is is een essentiele keus tussen liefde en angst. Beide krachtvelden nemen in energie toe, de waterscheiding is onontkoombaar. Er is niets wat we voor de angstigen kunnen doen, tenzij ze eerst de beweging naar binnen maken en daarna naar ons toe komen. De stap van ons naar hen is zinloos.

March madness gaat niet alleen over de buitenwereld, ook over de binnenwereld.

Laatst bewerkt:
Valt het niet op dat velen die al labiel waren nu helemaal van het padje af lijken te zijn? Hieronder ook vele 'wakkeren'. Ik waarschuwde hier al begin 2021 voor, weet je nog? Ik zei dat als je nu niet aan zelfreflrectie en verening (in die volgorde) gaat doen het straks te laat is.

Wat er gaande is is een essentiele keus tussen liefde en angst. Beide krachtvelden nemen in energie toe, de waterscheiding is onontkoombaar. Er is niets wat we voor de angstigen kunnen doen, tenzij ze eerst de beweging naar binnen maken en daarna naar ons toe komen. De stap van ons naar hen is zinloos.

March madness gaat niet alleen over de buitenwereld, ook over de binnenwereld.


''Wat er gaande is is een essentiele keus tussen liefde en angst.''

Dit gaat niet alleen over wij-zij, maar dit speelt zich denk ik in meerdere of mindere mate in elk mens af.

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