The Great Awakening

Wij zijn Defend! Eén Team Eén Taak! Luister even goed naar onze boodschap!

Wat heeft defend uitgehaald? Op 20-03-2022 is Defend naar het NOS gebouw gegaan om naar buiten te laten zien dat we niet te stoppen zijn.
Ze kunnen ons proberen de mond te snoeren en leugens blijven verspreiden maar dat houd ons niet tegen. De leugen die word overgebracht op de mens komt vanaf de media . Dus de media moet stoppen met Fake News.
Als wij dit al kunnen doen met een “” klein”” groepje beeld je dan maar in wat je kan doen met een grotere groep.
Niemand wist het. Wij kwamen als dieven in de nacht. Het personeel en beveiliging stonden toe te kijken hoe wij daar onze statement aan het maken waren.

Vanaf 9min30 spreekt dr. Zach Bush:

''I think we are all walking around lonely as hell. In our opportunity to rebirth -because death is not an end point: it's a transformational moment; it's expansion beyond limits beyond of this frail biologic shell we carry around. The instant we step out of that; we find out that the universe embraces us in every second of our existence in complete acceptance of who we are.

We are enough in and of our identity of I am at every second at every point of our existence. It's the disbelief of that that's keeping us locked in these stupid conversations that keep us locked in for the last hour and a half. That is myopic conversation in and of itself when you back up for a moment and say: ''Ok we are killing ourselves. But what if we need a death moment to transform completely. To let go of all of the preconceived notions of what it is to be human. And to say. ''you know what we are beings of light and we are completely accepted at every moment including this moment when would rape the earth of what we are raping and we would kill eachother at the rate we do.

And when we would destroy the entire ecosystem of the green planet at the rate we do in the middle of a black space. When we have that hubris, we are still completely accepted. And our journey is still somehow understood by something more benevolent and more complete than we can see as human beings. Let us not beat each other up over this issue. Let's not see this as a failure. Lets see this as an obvious next step in our journey. Death is the inevitable thing that is marching at us that is going to say: are you going to wake up and see the transformation at that moment of transformation and are you going to say: ''goodbye homo sapiens'' of are you going to do a moment before that in the body before the doctor starts the resuscitation?''.

''Are you going to say: ''You know what? What if we all looked at eachother in wonder and awe and say'': ''You are enough. I accept you completely. I want to be with you, I want to live with you. I want to be alive. Period. And if it's with you, it must be on purpose because we are in the same room and the odds of that is zero. And we are here 7 billion of us showing up right now which is really odd. And I just laid out a horrific story that is going on on the planet and yet 7 billion of those white soles that seconds after death are going to realize what they have always been.

They are fully accepted and moving in true love. And that white light is the love and they are in that space. What if we can transform before we die? Then there is no reason to go to mars. There is no reason to go anywhere else. Because we will do absolutely every single thing differently here on earth. We will do it differently by just that simple recognition of ''I am who I am''. ''You are who you are''. That's enough and I accept you completely. And let's figure out how to do this within the design of nature. There is enough energy, there is enough food. There is enough soil, there is enough commodities. There is enough resources for everybody on the planet to thrive on a level that has ever been experienced in human history.

We cannot continue any form of human existence like we did before and escape death. So if you are under the age of 18 right now, you may be the last of human generation that will be able to live a human life to the fullest potential. It is you who is being called to transform because you showed up right when you did. If my generation was to do anything it was to say ''o my gosh things are going in the wrong direction''.

But my generation does not have enough time now to bring about the boat and reinvent everything, so our mission is not to inspire the farmers that are currently fighting the good fight. It's to transpire their children to do the right thing and do it differently to the new children in the cities and the tech worlds who. Wherever they are; connect those kids back. Give them a sense of the unity and the oneness. We are going to transform. Period. It may happen after our death or miraculously it might happen before.''
Laatst bewerkt:
Why would Q tell us to learn Russian?

I believe Putin is going to turn Ukraine upside down [criminally] and out comes Hunter Biden —

2 Scenarios could play out here.

A. Joe Pardons Hunter domestically which severely agitates the American people despite evidence drop.

B. Joe is also indicted with Hunter — Biden [quid pro quo] [knowingly] — First arrest will verify action and CONFIRM FUTURE direction.

My instincts tell me B.

We’ll wait and see 👀


Scenario 3: Putin is Q ;):cool:
Here’s a question: what if there’s something on Hunter’s laptop which incriminates high-ranking members of the mainstream media?

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Hey everyone, quick update, I am alive. I have fully recovered. Sorry for not being active. I’ll start working back into the swing of things.

This illness was a blessing, and I took this as a time to sit back, observe, and let the pieces fall where they may. So many pieces were moving in quick succession. It was very helpful to be a fly on the wall and allow me to recognize patterns. In my observation, this is what I have deduced:

What we are witnessing does not appear to be organic. All of these massive happenings and revelations, surely look coordinated. And the white hats are utilizing the most ancient of all military tactics, make your enemy fight on multiple fronts.

WW3 narrative not panning out, economic collapse, covid narrative disappearance, Hunter laptop narrative was a lie accompanied by media/tech censorship, now the pedophile enabler Brown as their nominee allowing us another avenue to prove where the left’s priorities lie. From my perspective, it appears the normies are getting a fresh tune up to get them prepared for what’s coming. All the big major themes back on the forefront. And it’s impacting the normies on a very personal level. Affecting their bottom line, their paychecks, their cost of living. WW3 and covid just stopped out of nowhere. Those crazy conspiracy theorists were right about the Hunter Biden Laptop and the media and current admin went great lengths to cover it up. Biden has been nowhere to be found throughout all of this. The people are getting a repeated red pills at an alarming rate.

As we still wait to hear the results of talks in Ukraine, the normies are being primed for awakening and Biden appears to be on the verge of removal via the laptop and the implications. We are on the offensive. But keep in mind, what’s happening right now isn’t for us, it’s for the people who thought Biden was the savior. Those who believed the TV. They have been met with a harsh reality and are currently experiencing the stages of grief. Soon they will collectively reach “acceptance”, and we can begin the next phase.

In short, this is all calculated. The media don’t have any control of the narrative whatsoever. The world feels on the edge. All of us waiting for answers. Be patient and observe. The path forward will make itself clear VERY soon. Enjoy the ride, and recognize that if the deep state were in control, none of what we would be seeing would be happening. Operations are underway.


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