The Great Awakening

188 page whistleblower document regarding creation and maintenance of Us/Ukraine bio labs, including locations, funding, satellite photos and more, huge dig on the bio labs

👆 Most of that document is in Russian, but there are quite a few photographs and maps littered throughout it. And a few screenshots of U.S. documents and Facebook posts in English. Lots of evidence about the biolabs

ICYMI...translated biolab docs dropped by Russia last night. Note, the originals are in Ukrainian and have been translated to Russian. I translated from Russian to English.

Here's the original untranslated drop from Russia:

My translation is in the zip attachment. It's time to dig and share your findings. We saw how the UN supported a false narrative. The only way we win is by applying pressure. Time to get to work.

Russia, China, Brazil, India, and Kenya seem to want investigations into the biolabs they tried to hide.
US says we didn't hide anything.
There is no US biolab connection.
Nothing to see here.
UK rep looks like a man.
Ukraine rep is emo.
Russia says you faked deaths and faked propaganda.
Everyone to Russia:
You are conspiracy theorists and you want to kill all children.
*No one shows any proof*
*End of Security Counsel*

Before all my frens black pill themselves and go emo like their Ukraine rep:
Putin could easily be sitting on the evidence and there could be strategy behind allowing everyone to lie on record and then bringing out what he has after they bury themselves in a cascade of deception. I wouldn't become discouraged. Just enjoy the show guys.
Putin is triggering the entire deep state family right now. We are still over the target.

New Durham —Danchenko "the government will produce a large volume of classified discovery this week and will continue its efforts to produce documents in classified discovery on a rolling basis,…”

Expect all the swamp puppets to test positive for covid over the coming days as they try to distract the public from the shit that will come out of Hunter’s laptop, as well as his potential indictment.

Expect them to impose more sanctions on Russia, expect them to send more military equipment to Ukraine. They are going for broke given there’s nothing left in the gas tank.

It's looking like the first BIG arrest is going to one of the Bidens. How awesome would it be if it was Joe Biden.

If that happened I would reeeeeeeeeee for days.

"Here's a video of Hunter smoking crack." "It's fake."

They can't say that.

And when THIS comes out? You know they'll want to hide it. BUT THEY WON'T BE ABLE TO.

"Here's a video of Hunter engaging in sexual relations with his dead brother's 14 year old daughter." "Yeah well that's fake too."

They STILL can't say that. They'll be FORCED to admit the video of Hunter Biden having sex with his 14 year old niece is 100% real and genuine.

You'll be outraged that the huge amounts of bribes changing hands, the shady business deals, the in-your-face corruption didn't blow the the lid off of this. The evidence that's already been out there for years.

And you'll be right.

You'll be right to be outraged.


Because it's the pedophilia that's going to blow it all up and make it so they can't contain the scandal. They can't stop it.

The pedophilia and how it was all covered up and who covered it up is what finally destroys the Biden Crime Family forever.

THAT is what rips the lid off the Pandora's Box. That's what finally breaks the dam and lets all the rest of it out.

One of the sickest, foulest and most evil families ever is in the White House right now.

This is not a country that is ok with diddling kids. I don't care what idiot tells you most Americans will see the video and the pics and shrug and be fine with it.

Oh no they won't.

97% of the people who see the videos and the pictures and know they are genuine are going to be shocked and horrified beyond belief.

Even Democrats will be redpilled. "My God man, I can't support a family that does this!"

You won't have to wait for Joe Biden to be impeached.

When this breaks he won't dare stick his head out of his basement ever again. He will resign and his entire administration will implode underneath him.

Funny how Hunter Biden and his laptop contain crimes against children...he's reportedly on the verge of being indicted and now the main subject of contention during Biden's Supreme Court confirmation hearing just so happens to be pedophilia. Coincidence?

Anyone still questioning whether or not Q is legitimate or not?
If so, further confirmation for anons and of Q is coming.
Better times are ahead for all of us rejects. We will replace the fakestream media in even greater ways soon.
Have faith.

Communications blackout coming.



Here’s a real head-scratcher. Kek
(Not if you’ve been watching my page)
Israel is arming the Azov neo-Nazi group in Eastern Ukraine.
Apparently, the same people who accused every Trump supporter of being a Nazi suddenly are silent when an actual Nazi group is open and active in Eastern Ukraine.
(They’re not the only group armed and funded by Israel)

Q drop 3717
'First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.
First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.'


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