The Great Awakening

"Two % of the passionate will defeat 98% of the indifferent, 100% of the time."

– Gen Flynn


👆I'm gonna go out on a limb and say there's a hell of a lot more than 2% of us.

Trump won in a landslide, and yet we still have some people moping around saying "When is America gonna wake up?"

A) Trump won in an unbelievable historic blowout landslide and got more votes than anyone in history.

B) America needs to wake up.

Please pick one, because those two ideas don't go together.

We done woke up a long time ago. Now is the part where we dominate. A waking giant moves slowly, but when it does it crushes everything in it's path.

We've got this. Stay Comfy AF.

👇As TheStormHasArrived17 pointed out here, the fake news don't seem to understand that every time they try to attack something mainstream by associating it with "QAnon" they're also serving to make Q more mainstream.

Association works both ways.

If these people were smart they would just stop talking about it. Instead it's all they can talk about.

We have completely warped the entire conversation on the left to be all about us all the time.

Everything is "Muh Kwannons did it" from these people now. It only serves to make them sound more insane and unhinged when they attack perfectly normal people doing perfectly normal things, and in the process puts a giant billboard in the sky for the Q posts which people can still find and read what is actually in them for themselves any time they like.

They're in a loop and can't stop writing "QAnon . . . QAnon . . . QAnon . . . " like a broken record. Ant death spiral. Thousands upon thousands of increasingly insane and desperate sounding stories at this point.

We are now apparently at the "All those respected Republican Senators you've already voted for and liked for decades are Muh Kwannons!" stage. Yeah, that'll convince the normies, NYT. 🙄

This is not how you get people not to talk about something. Never let your enemy control the terms of the conversation.


👆Which parts of this sentence do you remember the most? Now get them to say that all day every day on their own networks for 5 years straight and see what happens to their public image. Thanks for playing fake news. 🤣

When Truth Social devs name a server Pepe, give checkmarks to open Q supporters, openly post about WWG1WGA and @q, and coordinate with Nunes for blatant Q comms you'd think that there might be some truth to this Trump working with Q thing.
But I'm not a biologist.

I’m a very proud Q supporter. Every person on planet Earth should be unless they want Soros to keep brainwashing them and they want to be cattle to the Rothschild financial system.

Marjorie Taylor Greene!

"And you don't get to fund things like gain of function that creates nasty, little manmade viruses like COVID-19. We're coming after Anthony Fauci too!"

MTG is on 🔥🔥

“Never forget who these people are. These are the people that spent decades investing their money in foreign countries with corrupt business dealings. Like Hunter Biden & the Biden Crime Family in Ukraine and China… Well we have his laptop now, ladies and gentlemen.”

💯 right and let's do it now.

This is a common theme with predatory elites. People who are directly involved in or tied to trafficking and the sexual abuse of children love to set up “charities” claiming to combat trafficking and child sex abuse. These charities often are nothing more than a front for money laundering, fraud, tax evasion and more sinister activities.

Anons knew the Biden family are directly involved in the funding of dangerous biological research on deadly pathogens in Ukraine. As suspected, all of those details are on Hunter’s laptop. The hookers and cocaine is merely the tip of the iceberg. The MSM would rather you see that than see what they are ACTUALLY worried about. The real juice on the laptop are the emails proving that the sitting US President is using his son as a proxy to fund bioweapons research in Ukraine. The same deep state network involved in creating C19.

The reason the Hunter Biden laptop is back in the news cycle, is because it’s contents are a key component in the war in Ukraine. Russia claims it moved into Ukraine because the US molecularly altered deadly pathogens to target Russian citizens at these labs in Russia. Putin is directly accusing Biden of planning biological genocide on his people.

Everyone has been asking how we can prove all this. There would need to be a paper trail. Well here it is. The Metabiota and Rosemont Seneca emails show direct evidence that prominent Democrat politicians are using DoD funding for biolabs in Ukraine. Russia went to war over this.

The details are slowly being dripped out. Digestible chunks for the normies to fully grasp the severity and gravity of the situation. This is calculated.

Russia easily could have presented
all of this in their first meeting before the UN Security Council, but it was never about convincing the corrupt countries at the UN, but rather convincing THE PEOPLE of what is going on. Court of public opinion. A story is being told and they are strategically spreading out the dissemination of the details so the media can’t cover it up all at once. While simultaneously outing all the corrupt trying to cover this up.

We went from “there are no bioabs in Ukraine” to “The US President is using his son as a proxy to funnel US DoD funds to create bioweapons to target Russian citizens”.

This reality cannot be denied. All that is remaining from the US media/gov is denial. Do not allow them this comfort. Do not let them continue to take part in this farce. Do not allow the normies to ignore this. Biden and many in the US establishment were planning genocide via molecularly altered pathogens. Then went great lengths to cover it up.

The history books will not be kind to this evil. Justice is the only way forward.

Trump starts the rally with a Patton speech.
Fitting considering that he sees himself as a war time President. Devolution anyone?

Patton is talking about eliminating nazis before Trump's speech.
Funny cause that's exactly what Putin is doing in Ukraine.

Summary so far:
Trump continues to expose rhinos and our fraudulent voting system.
He's using the Russia/Ukraine situation as ammunition in the narrative battle. Unlikely he'll ever come out and say what's really going on and that's fine.
I continue to be comfy AF.

Trump reiterated Q drop #4461 tonight when he hinted that our precipice years are a blessing in disguise.
"Only when evil is forced into the light can we defeat it....
It had to be this way.
This is not another 4 year election. God wins."

In hindsight...we will look back and be grateful at what these most difficult years produced in this country.

In the not so distant future, the liberal ideology will be viewed as a horrific stain on human history. Future generations will ask how people fell for this madness. Just as we find it insane that the Nazis were a well supported socialist political party in 1920s-40s Germany.

I was born on a military base in Germany. I was too young to remember anything, but my parents told me relevant information via their experiences with Germans in the 90s. The people of Germany simply refuse to address the reality that the Nazis had support from the masses. They don’t talk about it. You’re not allowed to bring it up. Everyone just pretends like it never happened.

This will be the same fate of the modern day liberal/democrat. All of them will be disturbed that they were manipulated into trusting these evil people and most of them will refuse to admit they ever voted Democrat.

After all the crimes are brought to light and somewhat digested by the masses, the DNC will be abolished just as the Nazi party was abolished in 1945 by the Allied Control Council. Which was followed by International Military Tribunals at Nuremberg. I believe we will see something similar to address the biological weapons usage by DNC/Deep state actors in Ukraine and across the globe.

This is why you are seeing all of the far left agendas being put front and center. From the normalization of trans-genderism, pedophilia, and wokeness, to mass censorship and Orwellian surveillance, to medical tyranny, to the disregard of basic biology; these themes are being amplified. So when the time comes the DNC to be abolished, so will follow the ideologies that accompany the DNC. Along with the tyrannical leftist movements in other countries such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, UK.

This is about destroying the globalist ideology for good. And I must say, it’s working to perfection.

The stage is set, now it’s time for execution. Figuratively and literally.


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