The Great Awakening

Anons knew the Biden family are directly involved in the funding of dangerous biological research on deadly pathogens in Ukraine. As suspected, all of those details are on Hunter’s laptop. The hookers and cocaine is merely the tip of the iceberg. The MSM would rather you see that than see what they are ACTUALLY worried about. The real juice on the laptop are the emails proving that the sitting US President is using his son as a proxy to fund bioweapons research in Ukraine. The same deep state network involved in creating C19.

The reason the Hunter Biden laptop is back in the news cycle, is because it’s contents are a key component in the war in Ukraine. Russia claims it moved into Ukraine because the US molecularly altered deadly pathogens to target Russian citizens at these labs in Russia. Putin is directly accusing Biden of planning biological genocide on his people.

Everyone has been asking how we can prove all this. There would need to be a paper trail. Well here it is. The Metabiota and Rosemont Seneca emails show direct evidence that prominent Democrat politicians are using DoD funding for biolabs in Ukraine. Russia went to war over this.

The details are slowly being dripped out. Digestible chunks for the normies to fully grasp the severity and gravity of the situation. This is calculated.

Russia easily could have presented
all of this in their first meeting before the UN Security Council, but it was never about convincing the corrupt countries at the UN, but rather convincing THE PEOPLE of what is going on. Court of public opinion. A story is being told and they are strategically spreading out the dissemination of the details so the media can’t cover it up all at once. While simultaneously outing all the corrupt trying to cover this up.

We went from “there are no bioabs in Ukraine” to “The US President is using his son as a proxy to funnel US DoD funds to create bioweapons to target Russian citizens”.

This reality cannot be denied. All that is remaining from the US media/gov is denial. Do not allow them this comfort. Do not let them continue to take part in this farce. Do not allow the normies to ignore this. Biden and many in the US establishment were planning genocide via molecularly altered pathogens. Then went great lengths to cover it up.

The history books will not be kind to this evil. Justice is the only way forward.

Forgive my ignorance as I am nowhere near a Bible scholar. But are we saying the Book of Revelation- which so many believe we are living through RIGHT NOW- is totally bogus??

No, I'm saying it's meant to be misunderstood until after it has already happened in order to trick God's enemies into making it happen the way HE wants, not how THEY want.

Why else do you think you've heard a million different interpretations of it in your life if it's so straightforward?

"Prochecies" are simple. They say "This country will do this on this date."

"Visions" are more complex.

They also serve as bait for the devil.

If the devil can read the book too, you don't tell him your plans in advance.

Instead, you tell him a movie that can be interpreted multiple ways and then watch him try to avoid it.

He'll still do what you say.


There is a difference between a "prophecy" and a "vision."

A prochecy says something to the effect of "You will be in exile for such and such many years and then you will return to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple."

Visions are written as allegories with dream symbolism for a reason.

Your enemies can read the book too. God doesn't tell them what NOT to do in advance.

How would that even work in real life?

There are two different types of prophecy: The kind where God tells you what will happen, and the kind where GOD TELLS YOU WHAT HE IS GOING TO DO.

People tend to completely ignore the second type and treat God like he's the psychic hotline.


Stick your finger on an anthill and watch the ants move differently.

Ilk ga 100% mee in deze interpreratie van Archive Anon. Ik zei het al vaker: de Bijbel is een handboek voor spirituele oorlogsvoering. Het is een oudere vorm van Q. It's going to be biblical.


👆There's a reason you write it this way instead of just saying "My son is gunna be Jebus. Him gunna die for sin on this date. Also, here's my home address, bank account, and social security number. Luv those Nigerian prince bucks."

The enemy is also reading the book as you are writing it. The entire goal is to trick them into doing something stupid.

Bible decode datefags are a thing, too, gang.

Archive Anon is my guy! Ik zeg tijdens lezingen ook vaak dat de reden dat bijbelteksten multi-interpretabel zijn is dat de vijand meeleest. Net als bjj Q.

1 Corinthians 2:7-9

"But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."
"I will fool the people" Sayeth the Lord. "Yes I will!"

I agree. Jesus “tricked” satan with His resurrection. All the time satan and Jesus’ followers thought He would be a warrior earthly king. When He was crucified satan thought he’d won. His followers ran and mourned. Three days later: Victory. .. remember when Jesus exorcised the legion of territorial demons from the man on the island? The legion asked Jesus to at least stick them into swine (presumably so they could stay on the island). Jesus said sure, but the swine drown themselves anyway. 🙌

👆Now you're thinking like a WARRIOR instead of a spectator.

We are the Champions of The Universe.



In chess, when a player sacrifices his Queen in order to checkmate the opponent it's considered to be brilliant!!

Is that what we are witnessing in politics right now? Trump's Gambit? Did Trump sacrifice his second term in order to checkmate the Deep State?

Is that what we are witnessing on Earth right now? Jesus' Gambit? Did Jesus sacrifice himself on the cross for our sins to checkmate Satan?

Glory to God!

Now you're playing five dimensional chess.

"Heads we win, Tails you lose."

Thanks for playing.


Kash Patel replying to a Q drop on Truth. Did you notice he didn’t treat it like some crazy conspiracy but like it was the Truth.

This movie is getting good.

Dank, Mike, voor het delen van de posts van Archive Anon! Ik zocht al een tijdje naar een plek om meer te leren over de Bijbel en de interpretatie op een Q-manier. Heb nu ook gevonden voor wat langere beschouwingen.
Archive Anon is my guy! Ik zeg tijdens lezingen ook vaak dat de reden dat bijbelteksten multi-interpretabel zijn is dat de vijand meeleest. Net als bjj Q.


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