The Great Awakening


I’m pretty sure Julian Rum’s Truth is the 2nd most RT’d post in all of Truth Social. Right behind Trump’s first and only Truth.

The post had 10k RT’s in one day while Trump’s has 26k in about a months time.

This is proof that Truth Social will reveal how big our movement truly is.

Devin Nunes, formerly of the House Intel committee, and member of the “Gang of 8” isn’t the least bit worried about being associated with Q, or people labeled by the media as “insurrections”.

Think he knows something? 😎

Does anyone remember this interview where Trump explains that Musk is a great genius and needs protecting. Trump then goes on to say that Elon is going to be helping him, says “He has to, we helped him now he has to help us”.

Fear Is the Weapon of Mass Destruction - Dr. Zelenko

"The whole point here is to create global, I would say, psychosis. Use fear, isolation. Dehumanize people by putting a face diaper on them, and then they become vulnerable, and then you can manipulate their behavior to get inoculated with something that has been proven to cause massive death and carnage and long-term consequences of reduced life span, infertility, and miscarriages."

Babylon falls first, then Jesus comes back.

The whore burns before he gets here.

Which part of the story does it feel like you're at: The beginning, the middle, OR THE END?

Get your lantern oil now. Stop listening to televangelist bullshit telling you all your neighbors are going to die and people who own 400 million guns are somehow going to be put in concentration camps and get their heads cut off before Jesus gets here.

Time is running out.

You live in the careless days of Noah.


👆But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Does this sound like you're in a "Left Behind" 1984 cyber-concentration camp when Jesus gets here, or does it maybe sound more like you aren't paying attention and always acting like every prophecy is somehow always "in the future."

These Televangelists sold you a bill of goods growing up.

The Time to be is here.

To Time to be is now.

The Time to put away childish things.

We are the ones we are waiting for.


Speciaal voor de doemdenkers en zwartkijkers met een winterdepressie:

Thank you for this.

I’ve been getting bogged down with visions of calamity, it’s good to be put in check every once in a while.

Babylon will fall.🙌🏻

I am the devil's calamity. No weapon formed against me will prosper. A thousand men shall flee before me.

This is their Apocalypse, not mine.

So for those of us that were taught the futurist view of eschatology where the Rapture is the next event to occur, please don’t be cryptic and help me/us understand.

The Popes already persecuted the church for a millenia and a half.

A third of Europe died during the black plague.

The central banks have already taken over 99 percent of the world governments.

200 million people died during the 20th century.

80 million of those were just in the six years of World War 2.

The state of Israel is already here.

A quarter of the world are already slaves to a defacto social credit score.

I'm tired of war. I'm tired of death. I'm tired of persecutions and beheadings. I don't need to see any more.

As far as I'm concerned the bad part is over.

This is the part where the enemy PANICS.


Lead, follow, or get out of the way is all I care about now.

Wat Archive Anon hier zegt is rxact waf ik ook al zeker een jaar beweer - mensen met 10 x meer bijbelkennis dan ik mogen dan denken dat de eindtijd pas over 7 if 8 jaar komt, maar we zitten er al middenin!

Thus Sayeth the Lord of Hosts:

"I have used predictive programming to walk them into a trap by giving them a muddled vision and inviting them to interpret their role in it."

"In trying to interpret my prophecy they have made it come to pass." Sayeth the Lord.


"The reason you tell a prophecy in allegory is because THE ENEMY IS LISTENING." Sayeth the Lord.

"I have walked them into my trap," Sayeth the Lord "and none shall escape."

"These people are idiots." Sayeth the Lord.


Most of prophecy is written as a vision and not as a "history" for a reason.

God is not dumb, he can tell you the exact year he's going to do things. That's the easiest thing in the world for him.

It's when YOU are going to do things that it get's tricky.

RESEARCH: Predictive Programming.

God doesn't just PREDICT History: HE CAUSES IT TO HAPPEN.

Welcome to the butterfly effect.

The worst mistake the devil ever made is thinking God predicted a bunch of stuff and then F*cked off into history.

No son: God put his finger into history and moved it by doing so.

And you bought it hook, line, and sinker.


Prophecy is not just God saying "YOU WILL DO THIS IN THE FUTURE.

It's also him saying: I WILL DO THIS TO YOU ON THIS DATE.

The second you understand that is the second prophecy starts making sense.

God is not some floating oracle in history: HE IS ACTIVELY MAKING SHIT HAPPEN.

Set your clock by it.

How do you put a hook in your enemy's jaw?


Win before you begin.

Laatst bewerkt:
Snappen jullie wat Archive Anon hier schrijft? God is een generaal die Sun Tzu-tactieken hanteert. De voorspelling dat de duivel eerst nog over de aarde zou heersen is een VALKUIL die door God is opgezet om de duivelse machten en krachten zoveel hoogmoed te geven dat ze hun agenda prijsgeven, waardoor mensen zich dusdanig aangetast voelen in hun menselijkheid dat ze in verzet komen en de duivelse agenda gedoemd is voorgoed te falen. Christenen die deze bijbelvoorspellingen letterlijk volgen in passieve volgzaamheid, wachtend op Gods verlossing, snappen er helemaal.niets van..Dit is wederom een voorbeeld van iets wat ik INTUITIEF heb aangevoeld, war nu onderbouwd en bevestigd wordt!

Be careful who you follow.

I'm not doubting ballots are/could be watermarked, my point is that the narratives from Piezcenik (and others, I think Charles Ward & other members of that group fanned these same claims) right after the election involved "QUANTUM" watermarks (whatever that means), note title of the video, "QFS-BLOCKCHAIN", influencers were claiming these ballots were on the blockchain and somehow related to the "QFS", or "Quantum Financial System".

Clickbait is very easily weaponized against us when we fall for it, as you can see with all these attacks against poor Ginni.

I found the video clip of Steve Pieczenik on Infowars where he claimed all the ballots were "QFS blockchain" watermarked. From Nov 8th, 2020, just days after the election.

I will direct you to start at about :58.

"This was a sting operation. Trump knew it was happening, I knew it was happening however I could not say anthing about it. What happened was we watermarked every ballot with what's called the QFS blockchain encryption code."

He really tried to use the "QFS quantum financial system" line. I'm going to go with what is "bullshit" for $500, Alex.

This is the video that Ginni Thomas sent to Mark Meadows. She was hopeful, naturally, and wanted the election fraud exposed.

Except within this excitement is exactly how controlled op outfits seep in lines of disinformation to make getting the true truth out more difficult. Now Ginni is dealing with a bunch of hit pieces against her and "QAnon" because of some Dis-Infowars shenanigans.


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