The Great Awakening

Ik denk dat Willem wel weet heeft van de Q-missie en hier onderdeel van uitmaakt. Hij heeft alle kenmerken: geen ego, niet te raken met karaktermoord en totale focus op de missie.

Ik denk het ook. Ik sprak Willem eens kort 1-op-1 bij een demo in 2020 en het ging over ons lokaal verenigen. Ik zei "vanmiddag ga ik nog naar een Q-bijeenkomst". Hij glimlachte en zei "dat is helemáál goed".
The New York Times ran their very first "Pentagon Secret UFO Program" articles in December 2017, only a few weeks after Q started posting. Or you could say, Trump & his team starting posting through Q.

No coincidences.

The government is trying real hard to get you to believe there's no way any of these exotically-propelled craft could be man-made.

What we know is this:
The world is undergoing the most significant transition in world history since the birth of Jesus Christ. The cabal will fall and their central bank system and FED slave system are brought to it's knees to be replaced by a system designed to benefit the people.
We are experiencing an uncomfortable but necessary shift into a reality much much greater than any we have ever lived in.
With this shift comes a necessary comrade between anons, a faith in God to keep us comfy in the storm, and memes. Never forget the memes.
No matter how painful it might become we know that white hats did their best to alleviate the suffering of the world during what must be done. The cabal and their system must fall so we might as well embrace the storm and hold our heads high and refuse to give the enemy a single inch of real estate in our minds. WWG1WGA.

The truth is usually offensive to the average sheep.
Trump, Putin, and Xi are on a mission to take down the cabal created central bank system and they will succeed.
You mad normies?

Some are disheartened at how their evil agenda continues to be unveiled in such blatant fashion.
Some become discouraged at how they expose themselves at every turn. This is not the time to be disheartened but rather uplifted.
Put on your spiritual armor Patriots.
All of these evils were happening behind the scenes this entire time. Under your very nose. Only now as the light shines on they come out in the open can they be defeated and the awakening occur.
This exposure brings us to the precipice of victory.
The world will see the truth and the truth will set us free.
Victory is on the horizon.

It’s amazing how far we’ve come. Disney, the government and academia have all been exposed attempting to normalize pedophilia.

They delivered us a unity keystone. Every Patriot red, blue, black, white, liberal, conservative will unite against this.

The media will play to the 2-3% in the radical movements who want this. While the other 98% are ready to go to war to protect their children.

Conspiracy theorists said years ago it would happen, it’s all happening now. Put on your armor of God. 🔥

Laptop = keystone.

October 24, 2020. Two weeks before the election @OAN was the only station in the country who dared to speak about the “laptop from hell” and contents. Yes drugs, bribery and money laundering but the worst of all will come out.

Hunter Biden and sex trafficking. Of his own (then 14 year old niece) Natalie Biden. This family is truly disgusting animals. Hunter Biden was praying on his 14 year old Niece.

Don’t believe? give it a few more weeks. This laptop is going to change everything. 💻👹


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