The Great Awakening

Merrick Garland
Hillary Clinton
Barry Obama
CIA Director Burns
Debbie Wasserman Shultz
Adam Schiff
Psaki Psaki Fye Dolla

and NOW: DC Mayor Muriel Bowser

have all tested postive for COV-Disney strain recently.

Updated: COV-Indicment positive

Merrick Garland
Hillary Clinton
Barry Obama
CIA Director Burns
Debbie Wasserman Shultz
Adam Schiff
Psaki Psaki Fye Dolla
Muriel Bowser
** Nancy Pelosi **

These people are sick.

The majority of the liberal left, as brain dead as they are, still know that you don’t mess with kids.

“Ok Groomer” and “Disneyphile” are infinitely more powerful than “racist”.

This new label will Force their hand to choose sides.

Pedal to the metal and Don’t ever let up

Buitenlandse huurlingen vechten mee met de nazi's!

I lost a friend today. She seemed like a smart girl, she didn’t buy the vaccine nonsense and seemed to have a lot of common sense.

But she completely bought into the Zelensky regime propaganda. She bought into The Narrative about Ukraine — despite knowing all the lies the Western regimes spout all the time.

She hadn’t been in touch for over three weeks, which I thought was odd but okay, whatever. And then today she messaged me out of the blue. She pretty much denounced me, and said that I had gone down a “pro Russia rabbit hole“. She actually insinuated that it was my fault that Zelensky regime thugs wanted to kidnap me and do god knows what to me.

I can’t trust her anymore. Therefore she is no longer a friend. She’s just someone I once knew, and have now chosen to forget.

I don’t have many friends to spare. But I have learned from bitter experience: It’s better to be alone than in bad company. Better to have no one than to have someone you can’t trust or depend on.

Dit is de reden waarom het publiek voor mijn lezingen gehalveerd is sinds februari. Mensen moeten per onderwerp geredpilled worden.

Okay this is now considered a HOLY SHIT...

Pelosi and Bowser have joined the list.

In the past three weeks these people have all tested positive for Covid...

Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton
Jen Psaki
Kamala's husband
Adam Schiff
Merrick Garland
Mayor Bowser
Nancy Pelosi

Basically the Democratic all star team.

Not one prominent Republican that I can think of.

What does "Covid positive" REALLY mean?

I expect this list to grow...

☝️☝️☝️You can’t TELL people how corrupt their government has become. You have to SHOW them.

For those already awake for some time now, yes, this is infuriating.

For those who just woke up and found out about Disney and groomers and child sex trafficking, the spectacle of watching this judge triumphantly ascending to the Supreme Court after what we saw in the confirmation hearings will forever impress upon them how our government has been infiltrated into corruption.

Crimes against children unite humanity. THE PEOPLE ARE THE STORM. And we the people are very busy and we’re going to get busier.

We’re going to take our country back from the corrupt system that revealed itself yet again today.

Add to the list

Here’s the thing.

Yes there’s going to be another “wave” of CV19

Most are going to scream
“The Deepstate is trying to steal the midterms with mail in again”

Can’t be further from the truth

2022 the Dems are going to get an ass kicking.

We are forcing these CV19 announcements & wave

The majority of people have learned
No more mandates
I’m not shutting my business
I’m not injecting my kids

We are dragging them off the cliff with (their) support of mandates

So you are prepared

It’s not about a virus
It’s about a #RedTsunami in Nov

Add Nancy P
When does it become mathematically impossible?

We live in a world where those who are most evil are praised as icons of virtue and those who dare to stand up against evil are called villains and scum by the "majority."
How ironic that that Putin may have stopped the next plandemic yet the world/the sheep are blindly calling him a mass murderer.
Yet anons see right through it all. Only when we unplug from the mainstream media, when we detach ourselves from those purveyors of deception can we begin to see clearly.
The world's heroes are a mirage. There is no substance to the illusions but that which the media gives and the belief the sheep have in their thought overlords.


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