The Great Awakening

Many white hats are going to come out and say things you dont agree with or that may discourage you or confuse you.
As anons we've learned to transcend the noise and trust our own research rather than any one person. This is what makes us special.
When Trump told us to get the vaccine did we? No.
We knew Trump was stopping the Great Reset with what he was doing. We saw through it.
When other white hats say things to discourage us about devolution, q, and anons do we just automatically believe them?
I know I don't.
I'm an anon. I defiantly think for myself. No one person will convince me not to come to my own conclusions and most importantly trust God above anyone.
When white hats say that Ukraine is the good guys do I believe them?
We have factual evidence that Zelensky is a nazi puppet, that Soros did a color revolution and took control of the country.
Anons defiantly think for ourselves even when our leaders say something we don't agree with. We are the worst "cult" that anyone's ever heard of and I don't know about you but I love how free thinking we are.
We are unplugged from the Matrix of group think that's why I love us. No one's rhetoric will discourage me and it shouldn't discourage you either.
The power of the anon: We see through what others cannot. This is our super power. The truth will set us free.

Big Hunter Biden/grooming/laptop story coming in the next few minutes. Make sure you've got notifications on.

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En dit is het artikel waar Raheem.naar verwijst in de voorgaande post:

An investment firm directed by President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden was a financial backer of the online virtual reality game “IMVU,” which has faced repeated controversies over child predators exploiting the app to find and connect with minors. The President’s son, Hunter, also appears to have established an account on the website, according to details confirmed by The National Pulse from his laptop.

De stem in het filmpje vertelt dat alles frequentie is en dat je het positief kan inzetten maar ook negatief, om te beschadigen. Of alles klopt in het filmpje weet ik niet. Maar dat er negatieve frequenties worden gebruikt geloof ik zeker.
The secrets of vibration and frequency. (the power of sound)
Laatst bewerkt:
Ok, Hammer's deep gut check opinion, after all the recent things I've witnessed, and people I've talked to.

Feel free to disagree with me, I won't mind.

I believe God has so arranged things that the will of the people will absolutely tip the scales of America's future one way or the other. Back towards liberty... or tumbling into further increasing levels of captivity.

The good news? All data indicates we're on track. Enough people are pissed off, and we just need to keep promoting awareness by exposing the narratives non-stop. People are tracking the turnout in all these little elections across the country where we are sweeping school boards and city council seats up for election.

Expect certain voices to become a LOT more shrill about the whole "don't vote" thing... because that's the only way to stop the people from receiving what God has prepared for them.

Agency matters more than most people can possibly imagine. Heaven listens.

Keep fighting. 2022 is a very important step on the path.

Did Barr make those "anti-Trump" statements so the MSM wouldn't call him a Trump boot licker when he says things like this?

Do I think Barr is an anti-Trumper? I do not.

I think some people are playing the optics game.

The truth is usually offensive to the average sheep.
Trump, Putin, and Xi are on a mission to take down the cabal created central bank system and they will succeed.
You mad normies?

There's nothing dead that God cannot revive again. It may look like all is lost.. like there is no solution to your problem yet God can make anything possible He can resurrect your promise after you laid it down to Him.
Never give up your faith.
In Exodus: All looked lost yet God parted the Sea.
God did the impossible.
In Kings: David faced an unbeatable giant. Yet moments later he was holding his severed head.
God did the impossible.
In Esther: All looked lost yet in an impossible turnaround happened in an instant. The enemy was hanging from the gallows he created.
God did the impossible.
Believe God.
Believe for the impossible.
Nothing can stop Him.


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