The Great Awakening

Every time this movement gets attacked, it just makes us stronger and more resilient. Nothing will break our resolve to making the Earth a better place for our children.

It doesn’t matter the person, the organization, or the place, we will always have each others backs until our mission is complete.


Laatst bewerkt:
Some of you guys didn’t like message that General Flynn shared last night about Trump and the white hats not being in control.

What we must always remember and never forget is “WE” the American people hold all the power. Dave from X22 was on the MG Show and he puts it perfectly.

From the very beginning, Trump wanted the people to take charge. The federal government centralized power, when it was supposed be at the state and local levels.

We have to continue to stand up and get involved. When Trump is back in power, we need patriots from our schools to the White House. Q is a roadmap to help us navigate through this information war, not designed something designed to save us. It takes all of us.

WEF globalist Klaus Schwab and other Cabal-ers have been been fear porning about internet blackouts for months now.

Doesn't take a genius to see that their next false flags may involve taking down sections of the internet or certain grids.

They'll blame it on "hackers" of course, probably Russian hackers.

p.s. Good idea to be prepared, but not paranoid. I'm not overly concerned. These Deep State clowns are losing more power every single day.

I have to chuckle when I see high-level conservatives say "THERE IS NO PLAN!!". I believe President Trump when he says there IS a plan. When has he ever made a statement that didn't prove to be true?

Elon Musk has backed out of a deal to join the board of Twitter after EXTREME Liberal CEO Parag Agrawal refused to back down on conservative censorship.

Musk will continue to grow his activist position externally and apply additional pressures.

Mark my words, this will end with FULL restoration of free speech.

While the military is there to prevent the NWO from enacting their plans in SECRET, It's the people's resonsibility to prevent them from enacting their plans in PUBLIC.

Just because we have good people working behind the scenes to thwart enemy plans, we can't become complacent.

That's what got us into this mess to begin with. The last thing the military would ever want to have to do is stage a coup on American soil; that would leave a giant wound on the country no matter what the reason.

Instead white hats are working to keep the world from spiralling into World War 3 until the people have sufficiently restored citizen control of government.

It has to be done right. It has to be done according to the law. It has to be seen by everybody. Otherwise the changes won't stick.

The question isn't "Is the military coming to save us?"

The question is "How much worse would things be right now without them?"

The military does a million little things behind the scenes every day to keep the world from spiraling into chaos. That's their role.

Restoring the Republic is the role of each and every citizen.

We are Q.

We are the plan.

Anybody telling you Q said the military was magically coming to save you from all of your problems clearly has not read the drops very closely.

Q said to get organized.

Q said you are the news now.




Q also said "MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY" many times. No that doesn't mean we don't fight or sit on our laurels.

Actually he only said that once to my recollection, and from the context it appeared he was talking specifically about rooting out infiltrators behind the scenes in the government and containing mass planned riots, both off which seem to have already happened.

The military already saved the day. The NWO planned for this whole situation to be a lot worse.

People forget about all the stuff Q posted about taking out infiltrators in the intel agencies and destroying black sites overseas. What about destroying the nuclear clown ops in North Korea?

You think Covid was bad, who knows what they really had in store for us?

The army has already saved the world a million times over while we were sleeping. It's still not enough unless we get involved.

Knowledge + power.

When the public is truly informed they have the tools they need to fight effectively.

This isn't just a kinetic war, it's an information war. It's a slow but sure counterinsurgency to regain and restore the hearts and minds of the people.

In that kind of war THE PEOPLE ARE THE WEAPON.

Laatst bewerkt:
Military tribunals will be the only way to clean house.

That's entirely possible, but that sort of thing only happens if enough people DEMAND it. It can't be seen as retribution by anyone, otherwise the country splits again, and people go back to sleep.

Enough people have to see clearly who these people really are.

I'd say that part is going swimmingly. Just look at how many non-Q readers you hear talking about holding new Nuremburg trials these days.

Go back 6 years before Trump was president.

How many normal human beings do you think you would hear say "We need to have new Nuremberg trials for these globalists."

It took six years, a phony impeachment, 6 straight months of race riots, and a worldwide pandemic power grab psyop to get from there to here.

The only way to get from there to here is to walk through the valley in between.

Durham is still at work building a conspiracy case against the deep state.

Something people seem to get wrong about Q: They think the Storm is the military.

Go back and watch White Squall again, is the storm the hero? Or is it something the good guys must weather to get through it?

Q posted this right before the plandemic and the riots hit. 2020 and the aftermath from it was the beginning of the storm. It already done happened. Now we're dealing with the aftermath of the storm damage.

If you haven't actually watched "White Squall" you may not remember how it ends.

The captain gets put on trial and then looks like he's about to leave.

Funny how Trump got "impeached" again in 2021.

I'd say the last couple of years have been pretty stormy, wouldn't you?

More and more I think "the storm" was comms for the enemy's plans to attempt a color revolution. Anarchy-99

He warned us about it for a reason. We were going to have to have a moment of doubt.

A lot of people have the wrong idea that the enemy is somehow in charge of what plagues are coming: I TELL YOU TODAY THEY ARE NOT.

They fancy themselves fathers of dark tomorrows because they interpreted prophecy as if the bad guys were in charge.

None of their plans shall succeed. All of of these plagues have already happened; they happened long before you got here,and they happened to THE BAD GUYS. Not you. Just go study history.

No. We're done with their plagues.


Heads we win, tails they lose.

👇This was plague #5. It already happened 1,500 years ago.

The Euphrates is drying up as you read this.

You are already AT STEP SEVEN.

Wake up in victory child. The time is late.

Babylon is about to fall.

"And it came about during this year that a most dread portent took place. For the sun gave forth its light without brightness, like the moon, during this whole year, and it seemed exceedingly like the sun in eclipse, for the beams it shed were not clear nor such as it is accustomed to shed. And from the time when this thing happened men were free neither from war nor pestilence nor any other thing leading to death" - the Byzantine historian Procopius in 536 CE.

Some people just keep waiting for something else to happen.

They stand with their arms crossed and say "Yeah those people went through tribulation, BUT THE VERSE WAS TALKING ABOUT ME! JESUS CAN'T BE COMING YET! MY NEIGHBORS AREN'T ON FIRE IN CONCENTRATION CAMPS YET!"

Those people will still be standing there with their arms crossed and their foot tapping and looking at their watch as the deluge takes them away.

"That's not enough dead people for me. I need more plagues. I'm never gonna be convinced it's the Tribulation until the entire world and all my neighbors are burning on my front lawn. Gulags! Concentration camps! Beheadings!"

Such a person brings the plague upon them self. Worst of all, they hurt those around them.

I bind and cast out this evil spirit from the Church in the name of the Lord.

We will live in victory.

We win, they lose. That's how this works from now on.

Babylon Falls.

Every great transition in history comes with a degree of turbulence. When Q made parallels to anons being on a ship weathering unparalleled storms thus was closer to the truth than many are willing to accept.
In the days of Exodus I'm sure there was much for the slaves to complain about. Maybe they longed for the days of slavery as the days looked dire. At least it was a discomfort they knew.
But just like them: we can't go back now Patriots. We have no choice but to weather these storms because the alternative is not acceptable.
We are living in spectacular days. When the storm hits the hardest remember the hope at the end of this part of our journey.
This was never going to be easy. The financial system must transition or we will remain slaves. The deep state must be prosecuted and exposed or the world will remain ignorant.
We must continue to support each other as we weather what comes and refuse to be discouraged. We are stronger together. Faith and WWG1WGA. Pick up a fren when they are down. Keep your spiritual armor on. Take breaks. Go outside. And most importantly know that God wins. Know it with all your heart.

He’s told us all how this plays out. You can choose to follow current events and see the truth in them. Or you can choose to embrace the dark outlook as if we’ve already lost.

You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the old guard. It was never going to be done quickly. It is happening before our eyes though as most can see.

[Durham, Hunter, Elections, Targeting our kids.]

Trust in yourself, trust in your fellow Patriots, trust in our leader. He hasn’t broken a promise to us yet. 🇺🇸

Love the quiet weekends like the one that just passed. Usually a good sign they are all preparing for the next big damaging release that’s about to come at them. Stay focused.


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