The Great Awakening

Toen recentelijk zowel Melkmeisje als Tibo met die theorie kwamen over slangengif hetzij in het drinkwater, hetzij in de vaccins (of allebei) was ik skeptisch, aangezien de arts die dit beweert (Bryan Ardis) geinterviewd werd door Stew Peters, een beruchte disinfo-artiest. Ik weet nog steeds niet of ik het moet geloven, maar nu wordt die Dr. Ardis steeds vaker onder de aandacht gebracht door anons op TG en zelfs Dr. Zelenko staat al geruime tijd achter hem. Ik plaats hier wat info, oordeel zelf. Het zou wel mooi passen in het idee van het vaccin als Mark of the Beast, omdat het hier om het serpent gaat, de slang.

What happens to Twitter and DWAC stock if Twitter merges with Truth Social in a digital world acquisition and every banned person or person who left can suddenly

1. Have their old Twitter account back under new management by the Truth Social staff


2. have their current Truth Social and their old Twitter account merged together under the Truth Social management?

TruthHammer zegt wat ik denk: slangengif is de nieuwe grafeenoxide. Scam dus!

I've been warned behind the scenes that this 'snake venom' topic is about to ramp up bigly. It's the next "graphene oxide". People who depend on clickbait to run their channels always have to come up with the next shiny thing.

A lot of people were very sincere about the graphene oxide hysteria. Nefarious people can be really good at cooking up evidence that deceives others into supporting it.

Now that we've seen the clickbait artists do this over and over and over... I pretty much don't believe anything they say. It's literally their business model.

Desondanks gaat TH er naar kijken, we wachten met spanning af!

We all have bias and naturally try to pre-filter information based on a variety of factors, including things like who is the info coming from, and who is profiting from the information.

And this isn't necessarily wrong.

You know with a reasonable degree of certainty that if Adam Schiff's mouth is moving, then he's lying. You aren't obligated to take the time to study everything he says in detail forever... or suffer being labeled as lazy or intellectually dishonest.

You have the right to look at Romney's pattern of behavior over time and then decide you no longer trust the guy. Some call that bias, some call that wisdom.

I freely admit Stew Peter's pattern of behavior over a long period of time makes him a person I consider to be untrustworthy, but I'll give this movie a watch just to be well informed on the topic so many people are going to be talking about over the next couple weeks.

SpaceX Paid by US to send Starlink to Ukraine - despite claiming it wasn’t (Report)

The US government is paying SpaceX to send Starlink internet terminals to Ukraine amid the Russian military operation, despite the company specifically claiming otherwise, the Washington Post has uncovered.

“I’m proud that we were able to provide the terminals to folks in Ukraine,” SpaceX president Gwynne Shotwell previously said, adding, “I don’t think the US has given us any money to give terminals to the Ukraine.”

The government purchased more than 1,330 terminals from SpaceX to send to Ukraine, however SpaceX itself did donate 3,670 terminals.
Time to level up, folks. Things are moving forward and so should you. No more treading water. Too much is on the line.

And for those complaining about the pace of things, have you considered that you're not witnessing a good portion of the unconventional war being waged currently on purpose?

How do you purport to know better than the those who are running the show? You know, the guys/gals that got us this far.

Perhaps, and I'm going way out on a hypothetical limb here, you take down an invisible (entrenched & vastly moneyed) enemy by employing rather unconventional methods.

They'd obviously have planned a defense for all contingencies aimed at removing them from MAYBE white hats learned that they had to think well-outside the conceivable box in order to finally beat them. Better yet, perhaps we're employing their own style of games back against them - something they hadn't anticipated.

A massive boomerang would be in play would it not?

Just do your part.
Help amplify the truth.

Naomi Wolf waarschuwt voor false flags in de aanloop naar de midterms in november, waaronder een nieuwe 'pandemie':

Het lijkt mij niet dat ze daar de kans nog voor gaan krijgen na Mei😉
Debat over vrije wil (20 minuten):

Geen debat gehoord, wel een aantal nonsens-stellingen over het zogenaamd niet bestaan van persoonlijke keuzevrijheid / vrije wil en het filmpje eindigt gelukkig wel met een heldere visie.
Het 'klupje' heeft geprobeerd de idee van niet-bestaan van vrije wil in te prenten in het menselijk bewustzijn. De idee van het niet-bestaan van een vrije wil komt voort uit een mechanistische wereldbeeld dat ons als wereld - ook het inzicht van Mattias Desmet heb ik begrepen - feitelijk in de huidige sterk onmenselijke zieke wereldsituatie heeft gebracht.
Als er geen vrije wil zou bestaan zou rechtspraak ook gelijk afgeschaft kunnen worden, maar dat gebeurt dan natuurlijk weer niet.
Mensen worden nog steeds wel degelijk verantwoordelijk gehouden voor hun daden, en dat is maar goed ook !
Toen recentelijk zowel Melkmeisje als Tibo met die theorie kwamen over slangengif hetzij in het drinkwater, hetzij in de vaccins (of allebei) was ik skeptisch, aangezien de arts die dit beweert (Bryan Ardis) geinterviewd werd door Stew Peters, een beruchte disinfo-artiest. Ik weet nog steeds niet of ik het moet geloven, maar nu wordt die Dr. Ardis steeds vaker onder de aandacht gebracht door anons op TG en zelfs Dr. Zelenko staat al geruime tijd achter hem. Ik plaats hier wat info, oordeel zelf. Het zou wel mooi passen in het idee van het vaccin als Mark of the Beast, omdat het hier om het serpent gaat, de slang.

Ik kan het zeer binnenkort ook maar via speciaal onderzoek komt het naar voren bij diverse mensen dat ze het gif in zich hebben, crotalus venom
Jordan Sather neemt een middenpositie in waar ik me wel in kan vinden:

Watched Stew's "Watch the Water" video with Dr. Bryan Ardis. (I find it funny Stew calls Q a deep state op, but names his movie after a common Q-ism, 'watch the water'. Helps with marketing I suppose. Though that's not the point here..)

I think Ardis is onto something, but not the something he thinks he's onto. He makes a variety of jumps to conclusions that I don't think are rooted in sound logic. For instance, "because it's in the TV show, it must be real", "if the CDC says don't do it, then do it", "if the fact checkers debunk it, it must be real", etc.

Also still going on with this "there's no such thing as a virus" line - I don't resonate with this.

I think it's possible that snake genes were used in the production of the COVID virus, along with bat DNA, eye of newt, toe of frog, and whatever the heck else they used for the witches brew. This could explain some of his points with remdesivir, monoclonal antibodies, and fact checkers he brought up, but there are other claims he makes that I think are far fatched.

I definitely don't think they put snake venom in water supplies around the country and that's what caused the "COVID outbreak". A bioengineered virus and faulty PCR tests are reasonable enough explanations.

One point: the mainstream media is going to have a field day with hit pieces on this one, seeing as people are already sharing it all over the place like it's fact. And I think this is only going to add to the confusion when trying to wake normies up about COVID. "Now you think it's snake venom and viruses don't exist you crazy conspiracy theorist??". Only going to make life tougher on ourselves.

I'm not totally sold on this doc and do think there's a possibility of it being a red herring. Don't let your guard down.

My two cents on it.

Jordan Sather neemt een middenpositie in waar ik me wel in kan vinden:

Visie van Clif High:
Ok so this Chiropracter & acupuncturist Dr. Bryan Ardis, is hugely full of shit. His conclusions are sloppy, disorganized & disjointed. His conclusions are NOT based on any sound scientific reasoning. He does NOT know lab procedures or medical science. i don't find him credible. IN FACT, i think Dr Ardis is pushing an agenda for someone. i think the whole 'documentary' movie is BOGUS & intend to Sell a particular viewpoint & to pollute the infostream. Plus Ardis seems disingenuous. His face does not reflect his words. i would like to see some body lang analysis on this Stew Peters production to pollute your mind. Personally i instantly thought Propaganda Piece as soon as i heard the sound track & saw the production values. Not Credible in my opinion. A set up. A confidence trick. Someone is trying to play people.
Let the hit pieces begin re: "Watch the Water"

Notice how the MSM is tying Q into it just because of the title, even though Stew Peters' doc has nothing to do with Q

Notice how Watch the Water is being released right as the Cabal wants to force us into more COVID lockdowns to steal the 2022 midterms, making COVID truthers look crazy

I'll be damned if Watch the Water isn't part of a massively sensationalized fear porn psy-op

Gotta say that it's pretty convenient Ardis has a whole collection of the supplements for sale he mentioned in "Watch the Water" ready to go in tandem with this movie.

Literally called the "Anti-V" (anti-venom) collection.

Too convenient.

You think they would at least conduct a scientific study or two with venom, water supplies, etc. in an attempt to prove some of the allegations before going balls to the wall with documentaries, interviews, and supplement stacks.

Would have made for a much more interesting, and credible, production.

Ardis makes some interesting points. I’m still thinking about it.

Some thoughts I’m noodling on:
A protein having some similar characteristics to venom does not make it “venom”.

Stew ridicules Q but branded this campaign “watch the water”

There is NO WAY bad people have been putting venom in the public water supply on a wide scale basis. That’s one of those nonsense ideas where 100,000 people would all have to be “in on it” with no leaks to keep that conspiracy going.

Can our water supply be better? Sure
Is it the best in the world? Yes it is, with a huge amount of regular people working on it all over the country.

This reeks of psyop marketing to me. Truthers are being set up for credibility hit by the MSM right before something real comes out.

That’s my gut feel.

Truth at the heart of it?
Chimeric DNA was probably used in Coronavirus “research”. Maybe that’s what they don’t want anyone to believe so they wrapped that up in a wild story to make the public reject it all? 🤷‍♂️

We’ll see.


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