The Great Awakening

Oh, and Stew Peters knowingly sabotaged/hijacked what Ardis wanted to tell people to make it easier for the media to wrap up smear the whole topic.

Good luck exposing the truth about the decade long GOF research on venom-like particles and getting any normies to believe you now.

You can thank Stew, and his handlers IMO.

In June of 2018, an anon who called himself "R" began telling a story about how JFK Jr. wasn't dead and that he was secretly working with Trump.

R anon took advantage of a time when Q had not posted for several weeks. He launched the JFK Jr. narrative in an attempt to sow division in the movement and make us look like kooks (both of which succeeded).

R anon tried to convince the board he was taking over for Q. When Q returned, anons had to ask if R was legit and Q indicated he wasn't.

The JFK Jr slide was a CIA operation intended to discredit the movement. This fact is well-known to anons. If you know this and you continue to perpetuate the JFK Jr story, I would have to question your motives.

If you were unaware of this, I would question your desire to know the truth since this information has been available to the public for almost 4 years.

If you want to believe JFK Jr is alive, you can believe it, but I will ask you to keep your discussions out of my channel.

Destijds ook ingetuind. You live, you learn. Is het mogelijk dat JFK Jr. nog leeft? Zeker. Maar er zijn veel belangrijkere dingen om bloot te leggen nu.

Who elevated and enabled this chiropractor guy, handing him that highly visible platform in front of the Trump base so he could be instantly bestowed with credibility so everyone should listen to him and buy into his claims? Who was behind “Watch The Water”?

I've been warning you about infiltration networks (one group in particular) descending onto the truth/patriot movement for well over two years now.

It should be obvious by now.

Heerlijk om te zien daf Amerikaanse anons dit door hebben. Hier in NL ben ik een roepende in de woestijn en zie ik de ene na de ander vervallen in doemdenkerij, negativiteit, cynisme en passiviteit.

Of juist vals posituvisme, dat zien we ook.

Don't let the narcissistic folk out there mind control you into believing that exposing fakes and frauds is a negative thing.

"Be positive!", they say.
"You're supposed to be raising your vibration!", they say.

Politically correct neuro-linguistic programming done because they want to stay in denial and keep drinking their kool aid.

Cognitive dissonance is a bitch.

April showers!

High-Profile Political Donor Ed Buck Sentenced to 30 Years in Drug Overdose Deaths of Gay Black Male Prostitutes

Ed Buck: '30 years in prison? Where's Schiff to take me away from this?' 🤪 BOOOOOOM!!!!

Of juist vals posituvisme, dat zien we ook.

'Positiviteit' toch? I.p.v. 'positivisme', dat een filosofische stroming aanduidt die stelt dat kennis alleen voort kan komen uit waarneembare verschijnselen, uit het gegevene.
Ik had het over VALS positivisme. Ik noem dat ook wel 'spirillisionisme' of 'vluchten naar het licht' of 'zweven boven het vliegveld zonder te willen landen'.

The week has been one of the craziest news weeks I’ve ever been a part of.

We hit an ultra low and a super high in a 3 day span and it’s still not over.

Buckle up buttercup.

April showers!

"Watch the Water" — Is COVID/Remdesivir/Spike Protein/COVID Vaccine actually Snake Venom?


In the following posts I will explain why Dr. Bryan Ardis D.C. (Doctor of Chiropractic) is factually wrong, how he shows characteristics of schizophrenic thinking, and why I think schizophrenic content such as this repeatedly disrupts dissident circles.

Firstly, Ardis repeatedly calls this snake venom a bioweapon, when what he describes fits the definition of a chemical weapon much more closely. The point of a bioweapon is that one only has to hit a target population once and the weapon's property of contagion creates the exponential damage potential. What he claims is snake venom poisoning in the water supply would be closer to a chemical weapon, as snake venom doesn't replicate and spread between hosts, and the damage potential is linear with the amount of substance (and the amount of substance that would be needed to be produced to poison a water supply, let alone the water supplies of the world, at a harmful dilution would be unfeasibly enormous and would also be easy to test for). This alone communicates a degree of delusional ignorance and detachment from reality that should call into question everything said after this.

Secondly, research into Remdesivir against COVID has shown it to be ineffective and in some contexts harmful, but it is a regulated chemical manufactured in many different places across the world, it is not, as Ardis claims, relabelled snake venom used to kill healthy people. This is ridiculous on its face, and he acknowledges that, and argues that because it is outlandish it is true, because other outlandish things have turned out to be true - a paranoid fallacy.

Finally, he mentions similarities between the spike protein sequence and peptides found in snake venom, and mentions enzymes similar to snake venom (sPLA2-IIA), this enzyme is found elevated in patients with severe COVID, and this he says is evidence of snake venom poisoning. Secretory phospholipase A2 group IIA (sPLA2-IIA), is produced endogenously in humans in response to many traumas, he is either ignorant of this having merely made a fallacious loose association, or intentionally omits this information.

The argumentation doesn't really use any evidence, it uses misinterpretations and overcategorizations of phenomena, loose associations between unrelated information, and jumps to conclusions using paranoid fallacies (eg. "X was fact checked therefor X is true."), this quintessentially schizophrenic reasoning is costumed in technical jargon that obviously goes over the host's head.

Overall I think this is an embarrassing distraction that undermines and contaminates the good work of many other dissenting voices in the space, and Ardis's attempts to leverage his story by the repeated name dropping of prominent medical doctors speaking out against what has happened during the pandemic does nothing other than discredit them by proxy. He is not "just asking questions" he has not "been sent by God", he is spreading fragile and delusional lies that do real harm to the people that believe them and everyone fighting against what has been done to us.

"Watch the Water" — Is COVID/Remdesivir/Spike Protein/COVID Vaccine actually Snake Venom? (Continued Part 1)

As for narrative presentation, I could not think of a more quintessentially schizophrenic story than:

"People are trying to kill me because I have been sent on a mission by God via a message presented to me through a fortune cookie calling me to spread the truth that an unseen monolithic and pure evil authority is putting reptile essence in the water supply to poison me and the world."

In addition, he exhibits almost every single common delusion and disordered thinking pattern associated with schizophrenia:

Delusions of Significance
Occurs multiple times, most notably when Ardis claims the name of a COVID researcher that was shot appeared in a fortune cookie, and that this was a message from God that he needed to expose the truth about snake venom.

Delusions of Persecution
As well as being poisoned being a common delusion in this category, Ardis claims that because of what he knows he is on a Big Pharma hit list (if anything they'd be thanking him for the wide spread and success of his lies)

Delusions of World Catastrophe
"The water supply of the world has been poisoned with serpent venom and everyone has been injected with serpent mRNA as part of a satanic ritual to defile God's creation and kill everyone." Although we are living through a world historic event and people are being pressured to get vaccinated with novel unsafe vaccines, this is simply delusional.

Overinclusive Thinking
(Conceptual Loosening, Overcategorization, Loose Associations)
Ardis repeatedly overcategorizes during the video, claiming that similarities in the sequence of the spike protein to peptides in snake venom mean the spike protein is snake venom, and that Remdesivir is a crystalline white substance and so is synthesized snake venom (many organic compounds are white crystalline substances), therefor Remdesivir is snake venom.

Jumping to Conclusions
Occurs repeatedly throughout the movie, and when asked a clarifying question, talks about something tangentially related and trails off into evoking God and talking about other doctors that have inspired his journey.


"The results showed that schizophrenics show ... a greater degree of conceptual loosening and a tendency towards overcategorization. The most striking abnormality emerged during observation of the actual sorting strategy itself. Schizophrenics tackled the task in a way which suggests that they lack the ability to form a Gestalt of the task."
—The Nature of Overinclusive Thinking in Schizophrenia | Psychopathology (1987)

Gestalt (noun):
Something that is made of many parts and yet is somehow more than or different from the combination of its parts.

Meaning, as Ardis demonstrates throughout the movie and in the follow up interview when questioned, that schizophrenics often have difficulty forming a cohesive and coherent big picture of situation.

Finally, our shared history with snakes which predated on hominids and primates means that threat detection pattern recognition of snakes and serpent-like figures is deeply embedded in our psychology. This is likely why there is a cross-cultural presence of serpents, reptiles, worms etc. as malevolent figures in mythology.

Paranoia is fear and anxiety that spills over into irrationality, a hypersensitivity to detecting threats, and one of the threats that has made the largest impact on our psychology is snakes as our predators, which is likely why extreme schizophrenic delusions often involve lizard people or people that take a reptilian form, and a fairly common in schizophrenics is the development of a fixation on the irrational belief that they're infected with undetected parasites, known as delusions of Parasitosis.

Ardis repeatedly invokes the biblical connotation of snakes and serpents during the movie and I believe this to be at least partly related to the kind of extreme paranoid and disordered thinking that many schizophrenic delusions seem to devolve into.

"Watch the Water" — Is COVID/Remdesivir/Spike Protein/COVID Vaccine actually Snake Venom? (Continued Part 2)

Dissidents and schizophrenics have some overlapping beliefs and share a perception, real or delusional, of being gaslit by a malevolent force. This gives certain misinformation very potent propagating potential if it hits the right notes.

The deceitful and corrupt actions of institutions in the West warrant a degree of paranoia toward them, and many people are persecuted socially and via these institutions for making truthful statements. If you cannot trust institutional authorities, and you do not have the specific technical knowledge to verify yourself, how do you attempt to differentiate between someone that is being persecuted wrongfully for speaking the truth, and someone who has delusions of persecutions and delusional beliefs? It is a crisis.

Person A believes Thing A.
Person B believes Thing A and Thing B.
Thing A and Thing B are labelled as false or as conspiracy theories.
Thing A is a prescient truth.
Thing B is a delusional falsehood.

When Thing A is acknowledged as true Person A may think something like; "They said Thing A was a lie! They said I was crazy for believing Thing A! They said Thing A was a conspiracy theory!" and they would be right.

Person B may think similarly something like; "They said Thing A was a lie! They say Thing B is a lie, too! They said that I'm crazy for believing Thing A and Thing B! They said Thing A and Thing B are conspiracy theories!"

By hearing true information, due to fallacious and paranoid thinking as a result of mental illness and the trauma of being gaslighted by these institutions, Person B has reinforced a delusion in their own mind as true information.

Where the great confusion in the dissident discourse enters is that when Person B is corrected, or correctly labelled as delusional and paranoid, Person A may fall into the trap of identifying with Person B as they were both called paranoid conspiracy theorists, only Person A was labelled this wrongfully.

This side of the internet is a soup of Person As and Person Bs, and the fact the lay public doesn't have the technical understanding to parse through much of what is going on with the biology of the situation makes things much more confusing. I have avoided even addressing things I think to be misinformation on our side of the argument because it seemed a futile waste of breath, but due to the magnitude of the popularity and the falsehoods of this Watch The Water movie I thought I should.

I expect many will appreciate someone articulating this, and that others will perceive this as an unjustified attack on Dr. Ardis which means that I have evil intentions and I'm in on the conspiracy too, this is known as self-sealing, a common property of delusional belief systems where any criticism or nonconforming truths are reflexively warped around and rationalized to justify the belief system. eg. "You are only attacking Dr. Ardis because he's right and you're a snake poison shill and you're in on this evil plot." — if you think this way I encourage you to unsubscribe.

I am going to say this once.
We knew about a similar snake venom homology peptide in the RBM of the Spike protein of the chimeric virus back in 2020. I even discussed how it is used in GOFR to further support my assertion that this was a manufactured virus.

By taking this old info, setting it to eerie music, dramatizing it and adding “fortune cookie” anecdotes, they have created hysteria. Why? Over $100 for stuff we have all been taking for 2 years? I don’t like fear spread for something preventable and treatable.

Ingesting it gets you nowhere. Stomach acid destroys “snake venom”

It’s often used in GOFR to evade immune system- sneaky-

That said, this whole thing further edifies my assertion that the virus was made in a lab, and IMO, intentionally.

Laatst bewerkt:
Final thought and no more discussion. I’ll first say, I like Bryan. Many speak outside their scope or whatever reason. Re: Water series,

Pretty sensational "movie". But, Ardis has always painted with broad strokes that left room for deniability and fear mongering for profit. Finally, here he provides some bits of science and squinting eyes and faulty logic to connect dots. Too bad, I like his conclusion about bad people doing bad things. But you can't use faulty logic to get there. Real science involves actual work and generating primary source material. He touches on some primary evidence, but does not connect primary data directly to other primary data. He creates a secondary suggestion of how 2 studies might be linked, but misses some key points. Very smooth and convincing to many. But real science needs more linkage and clarity.

For example, this sequence with similar homology was outlined well over a year ago by yours truly. He is talking in the clouds about snakes he sees in the weeds. Big generalizations and broad accusations of evil. Not saying he is wrong. My own thinking concludes the same big picture. It would be helpful if the strong scientific suggestions were nailed down with actual chemical structures, AI analysis, field samples, sample comparisons, past research efforts, etc. It may be there. But this type of presentation is easily discounted as bunk or conspiracy "theory" without a clear trail of smoking guns. It is a conspiracy "fact" if you show the science. He just "talks" some science in broad strokes. The details are where you will catch you know who... the unnamed one.

His generalities about lyophilized venom (protein) being the same color as lyophilized Vax (mRNA) is lame. Just about everything you lyophilize is the same color. The warning to doctors about measuring clotting times for venom and remdisivir is stretching it. Plenty of meds with known vascular/clotting effects carry the same common caution. Fda requires it as standard.

I have doubts about dosing the public water supply. Fluoride etc ok. But a protein... Perhaps in select localities directly in outgoing flow pipe... they would still need a ton of protein, and you don’t get a respiratory virus via ingestion. It would be more efficient to deliver proteins in commercial products (soda, milk, bottled water, fast food, etc), but again, venom protein would be destroyed by the gut. Even more efficient and untraceable would be to deliver them via inhalation nebulizers as people walk into Costco, home depot, concert etc. Remember the concert where mist descended on the crowd, people passing out, panic, death, and black uniforms already waiting outside?

All circumstantial when it comes to claiming toxins in water. Should be easy to test water samples and find out exactly what molecules are in water supplies. He doesn't help his cause by advertising water purification products or snake venom supplements.

His point about CDC testing water supplies with PCR to predict outbreaks does not support his theory. Cdc says they predict outbreaks 4-5 days in advance if pcr is positive in waste water. Ardis says this is backwards, pcr should be positive after outbreak, and thus jumps to the conclusion that pcr is positive before outbreak because the water supply has been poisoned and the illness then follows. Cdc argument is that there is a 4-5 day incubation time before any sign of illness occurs. Also, importantly, pcr only detects nucleic acid (eg, mRNA) not protein. Ardis asserts venom (protein) is in the water supply since cdc pcr is detecting "it" (mRNA?). That is the only "evidence"??? Pcr will not detect venom protein. Even If nucleic acid (mRNA) of venom is in water, then it is arguably not dangerous if ingested because mRNA needs to be injected and be hyperprotected with nanoparticles, frozen, lyophilized, etc (like the vax). Maybe venom (protein) is put into some water supplies...prove it, start collecting samples near outbreak sites and TEST IT.

Some lose sense of taste/smell for months with covid, same with venom if you drink it! OMG! Smoking gun! NOT. Faulty logic, and a lot of it. Gut destroys venom. Following dots of words gets you only so far. This is why I had a hard time listening to Bryan at times in the past. That, and he connects his podcasts etc with promoting products he profits from in order to solve the same fear he is drumming up. Hegelian dialectic. I'm guessing he doesn't need to sell anything in the lobby during intermission because he plans on advertisers flocking in on the wide "success" of this "movie". There may be bits of truth mixed in. And his broad conclusion about bad people may be spot on. Some interesting tidbit bits worth checking out.

Linking snake venom to bioweapons, movie plots, religion, etc is true, but venoms have been mimicked throughout nature in pathogens. That’s how they can be neurotoxic.

Interesting tidbit about scientist in AZ finding specific venom protein markers in blood due to covid. Makes sense since it’s actually on the RBM of the manufactured chimera you are infected with.

This time, FWIW, I do see a bit of God's grace at work reaching out to connect us to see a higher level battle being engaged. The murder of the U Pitt scientist struck me as very odd when it first happened.

The work of other computer modelers has been suppressed. It’s a good tool (but policy should never be based on just modeling, I understand). Like that computer team that found one variant of hiv gp120 (hiv's warhead) in the mRNA vax code, but were suppressed because there are hundreds of known gp120 variants... why didn't they look for them all? You just need one of the variants to cause immunosuppression.

Pfzr new drug paxlovid, was designed to bind Ace2 on people and cpl3 on S1 simultaneously, stopping infection. Guess what. Computer modelers have shown ivermectin does the exact same thing as paxlovid. So, yes there may be more nuggets found by the modelers such as venom similarities. But it will only get interesting if we can find intent in the documents of those who engineered such sequences into gain of fxn viruses or s1s2 vax... Then conspiracy theory becomes fact, and we can start pinning dark labels on those targeting humanity.

The spike protein itself, developed by Ralph Baric at UNC Chapel Hill, is pathogenic enough. With HIV markers, the pseudouridine in the mRNA program in the Vax and other cytokine-inducing sequences- run through serial passage of humanized mice to “teach” it how to bind to human ACEII and TMPRSS2, we know it is a bioweapon in and of itself.

We do not need to get distracted with claims lacking 100% evidence. We know what it does and our focus needs to be on banning this injection universally, banning the toxic/dangerous and non efficacious “treatments” and holding all involved accountable! This absurdity of arguing about snake venom serves ZERO purpose! We already know how awful the process and intent was! Further division will only serve to destroy the mission that many of us gave up our careers to fight.



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