The Great Awakening

Having a block party today. Lots of Trump hating black pilled morans showing themselves.

U mad we saw through, and dumped, that venom in the water shit so fast?

U mad Durham is still coming?

U mad Twitter getting messed with?

Listen carefully:

Those of you after 3 days already telling me "We need to move on from 'Watch The Water" and Dr. Ardis!" need to stop.

We're not moving on.

We're not moving on from a MASSIVE PSY-OP that was just launched against MAGA and the Trump base this week.


Everybody who helped set it up. Everybody who punked millions of people with this.

There's going to be accountability.

I am not just going to move on and pretend these people didn't try to do this to the rest of us.




What part of this are you failing to grasp?

Am I making myself clear?

Will Sommer's new hit piece: "QAnon Leaders Push Followers Into Multi-Level Marketing"

Phil Godlewski, Richard Citizen Journalist, and Scott McKay are the features of this article.

You see how clowns like these are used to make the whole movement look bad?

Ah, thanks. Ik dacht 'valse positiviteit'. Zie nu dat vals-positivisme een bestaande term is, weer wat geleerd :)
JFK Jr. is coming back as Trumps VP, Hillary Clinton has been executed, NESARA, snake venom in the water…

All bullshit theories to invalidate all the truth we are exposing. It’s only gonna get worse as we approach for landing.

Did you see how dark it got around here the past few days after the ‘Watch the Water’ documentary came out? Lots of arguing and pointing fingers. That’s what they wanted. Now we find out that Dr. Ardis thinks Trump is deep state?

Be careful who you follow.

Notice how Stew & his production crew chose the name "Watch the Water" - a popular Q-phemism - even though the doc had nothing to do with Q, Stew himself has even called Q a "Deep State operation" before.

Nevertheless, the media is viciously attacking the production as a "QAnon documentary".

Can you say, wrap up smear??

The Stew Cucks Clan probably knew exactly what they were doing.

We are being shown the hypocrisy

My best advice is rinse and repeat...we are so early

Keep pointing to the basics daily til the dam breaks

Light in the dark

Salt of the Earth

Don't be discouraged that it's taking longer

Be encouraged you know so much moar how to help and comfort God's people

Your sword is way sharper than two years ago

I'm proud of all of you Anons

God is good

I'd just like to say how proud I am of the fact that zero respected anons fell for the venom hype.

Our movement is no longer susceptible to wildly false hype narratives that can be used against us by the enemy.

We are a rock solid truth dissemination machine comprised of a massive web of hive minded Patriots and fueled by an unrelenting desire to destroy anybody who seeks to keep humanity in the dark.

Light will prevail.

Nothing can stop it.

We all know who wins...

"Definite Ties" Between Hunter Biden and Ukrainian Bio Labs - Attorney Thomas Renz

"Hunter Biden's crew, Rosemont Seneca, invested $30 million in an initial funding round with a company called Metabiota — Metabiota was listed as a partner and a subcontractor on the same grant that EcoHealth Alliance got [when] they were doing the gain of function work in Wuhan."

"They call them biosurveillance labs, and what they really do is they do development of [what] wouldn't be allowed right here in the US."

More April showers!

Important info dropped tonight:

Special Counsel Durham files CIA notes from Michael Sussmann's February 2017 meeting with the CIA.

"In December 2016, the [Russian] Yota-phone was seen connecting to WIFI from the Executive Office of the President (the White House)."

This is confirmation that they spied on President-Elect Trump in December 2016.

In the morning we will be providing a more in-depth analysis on Durham’s latest.

Including the CIA’s doubts of legitimacy the Sussmann data.

And the ID of those Durham granted immunity.

Stay tuned.

No one told us this was gonna be easy.

Not Q. Not President Trump. Not General Flynn. Not me, and not a single credible Anon ran around telling anybody this was gonna be easy - or fast.

As a matter of fact - President Trump told us straight up. He said, and I quote - “I am a war time President”.

Well …. Let’s ponder on that for a moment.

*looks at American War Involvement from 2016-2020*

Funny. I didn’t see any wars being fought by the United States Military in the way of which we’ve become so accustomed in that time frame.

So I need you to ask yourself - what, exactly, was he referring to?

Allow me to answer this for you - He was referring to taking down the cabal. You see - the war he is/was commanding is a new kind of war. It isn’t overt. It isn’t fought with boots on the ground. It has been fought for decades through backdoor deals, black ops, and infiltration of every single American institution. It is a war we’d still be unaware of if not for Q.

As Reagan feared - we have been rotted from the inside out.

So how do you fix the rot? The same way. From the inside out. You infiltrate [their] institutions. You play along with [them], you make friends with [them]. You spend so much time around [them], that knowing how [they] operate becomes second nature.

Game theory.

Think Trump’s association with the Clintons, or Epstein. Or Flynn’s association with certain unsavory characters. Infiltration goes both ways, frens.

The moment Trump turned on them at the Al Smith dinner, they knew they were done. The moment he stood in the lobby of the CIA and said he was dismantling the “5th Column”, they knew they had no way out.

And yesterday, when John Durham said “we have it all” - [they] had to face the grim reality that Q isn’t a larp. That Durham isn’t bullshitting around, and that Trump wasn’t lying when he said “we caught the swamp … we caught them all”.

It is slow. It is painful for all involved. I remind you that we were told “it had to be this way”. And I don’t know about you, but everyday that passes I see more and more waking up. I see more and more liberals ditching their support for Democrats and the far left.

People truly needed to be shown how deep the corruption and evil went. Simply telling them would have done no good at this point.

The Great Awakening is also The Great Unveiling.

We are all being forced to look in a mirror and adjust our perspective, priorities, and even our faith. We are all being made to feel fear at it’s most primal level - for that is when fight or flight kicks in, and I truly believe [they] are about to see that the majority of humans will in fact choose fight over flight.

And therein lies the purpose of the scare event being necessary. Because only legitimate fear awakens the warrior in every soul.

We all feel it. Even myself. If you say you aren’t a little afraid or worried at this point, you’re lying. It’s okay to be afraid, but make sure to let it pass. Don’t hold on to it. Don’t allow it to dictate the level of faith, hope, or love you contain.

You are a Light. A beacon. A child of God. We are all here to make manifest His glory and love. We are all here for a purpose. And that purpose is NOT to watch the world fall to Satanism. Our purpose is witness the dawn of an age of glory and peace.

Be not afraid. Christ has you.

Be not afraid. Glory lies ahead.

Be not afraid. Light surrounds you.

Be not afraid. Love surrounds you.


I ask a favor of all those who read this; Pray. Have faith. Be patient. And trust that God is going to see us through this.

In Jesus’ name I pray for peace/comfort and protection for all eyes reading this. For my Non-Christian friends, I extend the very same love and light to you as well.

Hang in there, frens. We’re all warriors, and God wins.

We’re all God’s children, and when ya think about it - when has He EVER failed you? The answer is never. And the proof is that you’re reading this right now.

God bless and Godspeed, Frens & Patriots.




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