The Great Awakening

All anons should unite and get the groomer messaging back on track IMO. Think about which message has power to make normies uncomfortable and wake up.

GROOMERS all over the place including our schools, Disney and the media.
omG sNeK veNOm in Da wAtER & sNeK DNA in da CoVID! And please buy our $109 supplement package.

Ook TruthHammer neemt het deels op voor Dr. Ardis:

Last word of the day on Ardis.

At it's core it looks like Ardis discovered something interesting that bears more digging. A friend who shall remain anon said:
"The matter that I would love to focus on is his claim that the spike protein in the vaccines was potentially created from the long-chain protein from snake venom. He did present evidence of exactly this being tested in mammals since 2011.

If this is proven true, after a good examination, it would show that humanity is not having vax reactions; we are being poisoned!"

I've been wondering today if people got hold of Ardis and wrapped a truth he discovered in a bunch of shit and marketing to discredit his work.

But why now?
Why spend months preparing to market Anti-V nutritional supplements, and launch that on the SAME DAY the revelations come out?
Why not bring in a molecular biologist to validate some of the claims?

But, I think he makes a good case that people like Fauci have been doing real bad research for a long time. I just don't know why this got pushed so hard right now. Color me suspicious.

Regardless of what looks like an effort to distract AND possibly discredit some of Ardis' thinking... we will dig on it and report more in the coming days.

Laatst bewerkt:
Definitely the snake story is to make fun of Q people

He said "Watch The Water"

Then he daily makes fun of Anons

Dear God even my normie wife asked...

Normie wife. De vrouwen lopen nog steeds achter de slangen aan.

Whenever some dumb shit like this comes out, they're trying to distract you from something else real that is happening and fractionate the community and get them talking about dumb shit so Newsweek can write more stories about the "Kwannons."

Take the bait if you want. You do you.

I stopped paying attention a long time ago.

Ik kwam de volgende post op Facebook tegen, geplaatst door Chris G Bennett, een profeet, over een grote gebeurtenis die in mei gaat plaats vinden. Daarbij dacht ik direct aan de laatste lezing van Mike waarin hij refereerde aan een Q post van 15-5-2018. (4 year delta)
Enough has seen. It's time to end the horror show.
Ik ben erg benieuwd en bij deze deel ik deze ook met jullie.

Turn Around
We see through a glass darkly, yet I feel impelled to share this partial word of warning! This is simply confirmation of much that's already been prophesied by others too!
The other day, 30th March, I posted about the coming storm -?
Well, the Lord has lifted the veil a wee bit - not much, but a wee bit. Given us something for the intercessors!
Something is coming - a major ‘incident’ before end of May.
Something big - I can't put a finger on it, or rather the Lord isn't showing me. However, it will be Brutal - a terrorist act?
There will be deaths, including children, plus a well known and leading politician.
It will happen in such a way as to look like one thing but will actually be quite another - staged to look like one thing but actually a very dangerous political gamble. It will cause widespread panic - Causing much sabre rattling among the nations. There will be much talk of retaliation and Wars, even more rumours of WW3. There will almost certainly be a WWW web blackout.
However, revelation - disclosure - I believe will very quickly point the finger at the American three-letter agencies. This will cause more shock, especially at the self inflicted wound upon the American people. The revelation will signal the start of the whole house of cards falling all round the world. Two very well known leaders will both fall, and the ‘worlds bankers’, and others in the ‘13 families’ will face disaster. (Names redacted)
A certain Virologist, ‘Mr Science’, will be heard singing like a canary in the shallow hope of mitigating his own problems. There will also follow a partial Pharma collapse. The fall out will be terrible for some but definitive confirmation for others - there will be very little reporting of military tribunals - many ‘names’, political, business, and entertainment, will simply quietly disappear from view.
That's the hard bit - but there is redemption!
What's the purpose of all this?
Trump will be acknowledged as POTUS! There will be great Financial turmoil culminating with the restoration of the Gold Standard. There will be a great purge in American politics, the present regimes of both main parties will be decimated - with hardly a ‘political name’ left standing. The Turn around will be complete.
Will this happen all at once? No - it will happen fairly quickly but some things will take months maybe years.
But will this be now? Starting by End of May. I believe we've been given a short window of opportunity in order for the intercessors to act.
Is our position hopeless? ABSOLUTELY NO! I BELIEVE THIS GIVES US Great hope for the future, especially USA and Britain (the West)
Is this for real or for prayer? It's both!
CGB 8th April 2022
Ik kwam de volgende post op Facebook tegen, geplaatst door Chris G Bennett, een profeet, over een grote gebeurtenis die in mei gaat plaats vinden. Daarbij dacht ik direct aan de laatste lezing van Mike waarin hij refereerde aan een Q post van 15-5-2018. (4 year delta)
Enough has seen. It's time to end the horror show.
Ik ben erg benieuwd en bij deze deel ik deze ook met jullie.

There will be deaths, including children, plus a well known and leading politician.
Onthulling van DUMBs die mainstream komen?

There will be much talk of retaliation and Wars, even more rumours of WW3. There will almost certainly be a WWW web blackout.
Daar zijn we nu.

However, revelation - disclosure - I believe will very quickly point the finger at the American three-letter agencies. This will cause more shock, especially at the self inflicted wound upon the American people. The revelation will signal the start of the whole house of cards falling all round the world. Two very well known leaders will both fall, and the ‘worlds bankers’, and others in the ‘13 families’ will face disaster. (Names redacted)
Eerst Gates/Soros

A certain Virologist,

there will be very little reporting of military tribunals - many ‘names’, political, business, and entertainment, will simply quietly disappear from view.
Ik denk niet dat tribunalen ongezien zullen blijven.

Trump will be acknowledged as POTUS! There will be great Financial turmoil culminating with the restoration of the Gold Standard.
Dat denk ik ook.

There will be a great purge in American politics, the present regimes of both main parties will be decimated - with hardly a ‘political name’ left standing.
Zal in etappes gebeuren. Red Wave 2022/2024.

Wanneer we afzetting van Biden/Harris zien is mij op basis van dit scenario onduidelijk.
Wellicht is dat 'The end of the horror show' en zullen militairen de macht de eerstvolgende maanden waarnemen om verkiezingsfraude te onthullen en vervolgens presidentsverkiezingen uitschrijven voor twee jaar die plaats zullen vinden aanstaande november.

Why don’t we see the left shilling their narrative on Telegram? Their groups are active across social media, yet they decided to skip the platform currently home to all that troublesome “disinformation”?

Are they really absent, or are they here, attempting to confuse and mislead you with their outlandish claims?

It’s awesome to see so many patriots breaking free from legacy media’s conditioning, yet some are walking straight into a fresh new manipulation by infiltration. These infiltrators blend in and make you feel empowered, but a key purpose is to drop misinformation, ripe for their media comrades to attempt to discredit the entire movement.

The great awakening isn’t about shifting from one source of psychological control to another. You discern, learn and have the ability to spot lies, propaganda and manipulation without depending on others to drive your opinion.

When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’.

You’re so close. Wake up.
Deze organisatie wil in samenwerking met de overheid een parallelle samenleving creëeren die gefundeerd is op feiten, waarheid, autonomie en soevereiniteit.

Toch maar even via Twitter gevraagd hoe zij dat voor zich zien,
I’m not here to tell anyone what to think or how to think. Also not going to comment on any of the nonsense floating around the internet either. It’s exactly that, nonsense.

We are on the verge of some very major events heading directly toward us such as: Laptop from hell, Durham, Ukraine, Taiwan, Midterms, attacks on our kids, Trumps comeback. Just to name a few.

Stay focused! Discernment has been and always will be key to winning this information war!

Don’t get distracted now Patriots. 👊🇺🇸

Via Ashley Everly, Toxicologist:

“They did not share proof. They shared coincidences, misinterpretations of research, and actually lied by omission.

This snake venom-LIKE ( important word that people are missing ) enzyme that was found to be elevated in khovid patients…

Is made BY THE HUMAN BODY NATURALLY. We literally have genes that produce this enzyme.

They are omitting this fact, leading people to believe that this enzyme is not naturally present in the body and that it was rather developed from snake venom and put in our bodies without our consent.

This natural enzyme is elevated in patients who have chronic illnesses like atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

Who is at greatest risk of dying of the vid? Those who are chronically ill.

This enzyme (sPLA2-IIA) is actually very important, beneficial, and critical for the immune system to function properly and helps kill pathogenic bacteria.

Makes sense why it would be elevated in people with chronic illness… chronic pathogenic infections, chronic toxicity, etc.

Expression of this enzyme is upregulated when a patient starts to suffer a cytokine storm. Cytokine storms can happen when the innate immune system is responding too strongly and cannot trigger the adaptive immune system response to initiate. sPLA2-IIA helps coordinate / connect the innate and adaptive immune systems and initiate an adaptive response.

This particular enzyme can also be measured and used as a biomarker for SEPSIS. What do hospital patients die of, more than anything else? Sepsis.

Why are they not sharing this information? Why are they just saying it’s from snake venom and not including the fact that this is naturally synthesized by the body?”

Just another wild goose chase to distract & discredit us."

Ik kwam de volgende post op Facebook tegen, geplaatst door Chris G Bennett, een profeet, over een grote gebeurtenis die in mei gaat plaats vinden. Daarbij dacht ik direct aan de laatste lezing van Mike waarin hij refereerde aan een Q post van 15-5-2018. (4 year delta)
Enough has seen. It's time to end the horror show.
Ik ben erg benieuwd en bij deze deel ik deze ook met jullie.
Draai je om
We zien door een donker glas, maar toch voel ik me geroepen om dit gedeeltelijke woord van waarschuwing te delen! Dit is slechts een bevestiging van veel dat ook al door anderen is voorspeld!
Onlangs, op 30 maart, berichtte ik over de komende storm -?
Welnu, de Heer heeft de sluier een klein beetje opgelicht - niet veel, maar een klein beetje. Ons iets gegeven voor de voorbidders!
Er komt iets aan - een groot 'incident' voor eind mei.
Iets groots - ik kan er de vinger niet op leggen, of liever: de Heer laat het me niet zien. Hoe dan ook, het zal bruut zijn - een terroristische daad?
Er zullen doden vallen, ook kinderen, plus een bekend en vooraanstaand politicus.
Het zal op zo'n manier gebeuren dat het op het ene lijkt, maar in werkelijkheid iets heel anders is - in scène gezet om op het ene te lijken, maar in werkelijkheid een zeer gevaarlijke politieke gok. Het zal wijdverspreide paniek veroorzaken. Veel wapengekletter tussen de naties. Er zal veel gepraat worden over vergelding en oorlogen, zelfs meer geruchten over WO3. Er zal bijna zeker een black-out van het WWW zijn.
Echter, onthulling - openbaarmaking - zal naar mijn mening zeer snel met de vinger wijzen naar de Amerikaanse drieletteragentschappen. Dit zal meer schok veroorzaken, vooral door de zelf toegebrachte wond aan het Amerikaanse volk. De onthulling zal het begin inluiden van de val van het hele kaartenhuis over de hele wereld. Twee zeer bekende leiders zullen beiden vallen, en de 'wereldbankiers', en anderen in de '13 families' zullen een ramp tegemoet zien. (Namen weggelaten)
Een zekere Viroloog, 'Mr Science', zal als een kanarie zingen in de oppervlakkige hoop zijn eigen problemen te verzachten. Er zal ook een gedeeltelijke ineenstorting van de Pharma volgen. De gevolgen zullen voor sommigen verschrikkelijk zijn, maar voor anderen een definitieve bevestiging - er zal weinig verslag worden gedaan van militaire tribunalen - veel "namen", uit de politiek, het bedrijfsleven en de entertainmentwereld, zullen gewoon stilletjes uit beeld verdwijnen.
Dat is het moeilijke deel - maar er is verlossing!
Wat is het doel van dit alles?
Trump zal worden erkend als POTUS! Er zal grote financiële beroering zijn met als hoogtepunt het herstel van de Gouden Standaard. Er zal een grote zuivering zijn in de Amerikaanse politiek, de huidige regimes van beide grote partijen zullen worden gedecimeerd - met nauwelijks een 'politieke naam' die nog overeind staat. De ommekeer zal compleet zijn.
Zal dit alles in één keer gebeuren? Nee - het zal vrij snel gebeuren, maar sommige dingen zullen maanden, misschien jaren duren.
Maar zal dit nu gebeuren? Vanaf eind mei. Ik geloof dat we een korte kans hebben gekregen voor de voorbidders om te handelen.
Is onze positie hopeloos? ABSOLUUT NEE! Ik geloof dat dit ons grote hoop geeft voor de toekomst, vooral voor de VS en Groot-Brittannië (het Westen).
Is dit voor echt of voor gebed? Het is beide!
CGB 8 april 2022

Vertaald met (gratis versie)
Why don’t we see the left shilling their narrative on Telegram? Their groups are active across social media, yet they decided to skip the platform currently home to all that troublesome “disinformation”?

Are they really absent, or are they here, attempting to confuse and mislead you with their outlandish claims?

It’s awesome to see so many patriots breaking free from legacy media’s conditioning, yet some are walking straight into a fresh new manipulation by infiltration. These infiltrators blend in and make you feel empowered, but a key purpose is to drop misinformation, ripe for their media comrades to attempt to discredit the entire movement.

The great awakening isn’t about shifting from one source of psychological control to another. You discern, learn and have the ability to spot lies, propaganda and manipulation without depending on others to drive your opinion.

When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’.

You’re so close. Wake up.

✅ Don't allow yourself to be persuaded via fear
✅ Practice discernment (*always)
✅ Act like you've learned something over the past 4.5 years
✅ Don't allow emotion to overwhelm your better judgement
✅ Don't become emotionally attached to _________ (fill in the blank next new thing meant to capture your attention)

If me saying these things makes you mad then you might be acting like a child.

Morale seems low right now. We just watched our government install a pedo-sympathizer to the SCOTUS, 45 endorsed Dr. Oz, & now we are arguing over snake venom in our drinking water?

This is what they want. They want us to feel demoralized.

It won’t work. We are strong & we will get through this rough patch. We’ve been through so much. Nothing can stop us. Onwards & upwards, friends!

You are what matters most.
You awake, thinking for yourself, is their greatest fear.


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