The Great Awakening

The only reason I ever created a Twitter, Telegram and Truth account was to find the the Truth.

I’ve always hated social media but the overwhelming sense to find answers has always pushed me.

Something I didn’t expect has been interacting and making frens with all the good hearted people who are also looking for answers.

It’s been quite a journey for all of us.

After growing up as a self learning conspiracy theorist I spent 10 years free of all social media. Then I heard about Q and the anons, Armored up, and came to battle. Found you all and it was the moment everything Changed.
Nothing in my life has been more rewarding. My willingness to fight for truth about tough topics made my family look into it deeper, wondering why I was so willing to give up hours each day to “dig”. now they are awake, I never saw that as possible. God is Great! it took all this to understand that at a deeper level

Why did Nancy Pelosi & Adam Schiff just make a “secret visit” to Ukraine to meet with Zelenskyy?

Things must be pretty dire behind the scenes for them. They are so desperate, that Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi and a few other politicians just secretly visited a country under attack by one of the most powerful militaries in the world.

What were they really doing there?

Fox News Host on Schiff visiting Ukraine with Pelosi: “I saw Adam Schiff there and I think a lot of Americans feel like there’s still a lot of unanswered questions about Ukraine…

Kinda weird to have somebody like Adam Schiff who was such a liar when it comes to the Russia Hoax situation…

Weird that he is there.”

That’s correct. Very weird. These people can’t hide their corruption anymore. Everybody is catching on.


I really want people to understand what is happening in this video. Ukrainian SBU went into this apartment complex fully decked out in SWAT gear to arrest a man for talking shit about the Ukrainian flag and showing support for Putin on social media.

That’s his crime. You can see the sadness in this man’s face because he knows his fate. His wife literally hugs the SBU officer as they take him away and says please don’t harm him. The SBU agent says no worries he will be treated fairly under Ukrainian law.

The problem is these SBU units have torture chambers underground and many of these agents were trained by the CIA in interrogation and torture tactics.

You know damn well this new Ministry of Truth gets off watching videos like this. They would love to drag us and our kids away for dare saying Trump won 2020 or masks don’t work, ect.

The psychos on the left that call for this type of action would be begging to come back to the US if they have to live in a country where free speech is dead.

Devin elegantly destroys the Ministry of Truth.

“Now they’re gonna set some type of disinformation board? I think that’s a direct attack on what we are doing at Truth Social…

The fact that they would use some D-Rated TikTok star that is the queen of disinformation herself on the Russia Hoax and the laptop from hell, to head this up, is really the height of hypocrisy that is so unbelievable… I don’t think I’ve ever seen something so ridiculous.” 💥

In the span of just a few weeks, western governments have colluded to create a global Ministry of Truth.

In addition to the US DHS “Disinformation Governance Board”; Canada, the UK and EU have coordinated disclosure of their own censorship plans:

• Canada - Bill C11
• UK - Online Safety Bill
• EU - Digital Services Act

Do you wonder why these regulations were not required until Elon Musk purchased Twitter?

The Ministry of Truth has been in place for a very long time, only now they’re being forced to slither out of the shadows and attempt to publicly formalise it. Elon has taken one of their most powerful propaganda tools, and they are desperately trying to cling on to information control and wrong-think suppression.

They are being forced to publicly disclose their true dictatorial intentions and their urgency is snapping people awake at the speed of light.

This isn’t a political left vs right issue, it’s freedom vs tyrannical establishment.

Daily Mail: Meghan Markle's Netflix series gets dumped amid wave of cutbacks

If you’re not keeping track the managerial elite are collapsing:
• CNN+ cancelled
• Netflix stock plummet
• Musk Twitter takeover
• Spotify not renewing Obama podcast
• Disney stripped of special governing powers

Het Twitterverhaal is verder gegroeid dan ik gedacht had. Ik zie al als een zeer significant ontwaakmoment voor normies, maar met de creatie van het Disinfobeleidsmanagement door Biden ontwikkelt de ontwaking beter dan ik dacht.

Dit is Tulsi Gabbard, voormalige vertegenwoordiger van de Democraten, die in 2020 presidentskandidaat was. Ik weet zeker dat jullie haar kennen. Zij steunde mijn biolabs en hielp de waarheid over door het Amerikaanse ministerie van Defensie dat wereldwijd biolabs financierde. Deepstater Romney beschuldigde haar als gevolg daarvan van landverraad. Ze ligt goed bij centristen en jongere generaties en ook als zij jullie niet ligt is zij een waardevolle stem om normies te ontwaken. Voor jullie gaan spammen dat ze een WEF-satanist is, ik zeg niet dat ik haar politiek steun, ik zeg dat haar huidige acties voordelig zijn voor ons en ik ga beschrijven waarom.

Door de regering-Biden die zover gezonken is dat zij tot dictatoriale en fascistische acties zoals het instellen van een overheidsonstantie om de Vrijheid van Meningsuiting overgaat, heeft zij het imago van de DNC als anti-grondwetpartij verstevigd, Zij omzeilen opzichtig de grondwet en het zorgt voor een massaontwaking bij de centristen.

Wanneer links censureert en meningsuiting beperkt op Twitter en social media, doen zij dit met een proxy. Zo kunnen zij doen alsof het om een privaat bedrijf gaat, ook al zijn deze bedrijven overheidsgereedschap. Nu doet men het direct via de overheid, aangezien via Twitter niet meer gehersenspoeld kan worden.

Kijk nu de video en ontmoet me bij de volgende post waar ik zal uitleggen waarom dit zaken significant verandert vanuit juridisch oogpunt.

PANIC: Trevor Noah calls out Hunter Biden, “I think people need to be held accountable if their using their dad’s name to get ahead in life.” Joe’s reaction says it all… GUILTY


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